Articulation Agreements
Articulation Agreements are partnerships between a community college and a university. These partnerships are created to help students transfer into specific programs or degrees and bring a block of credit which may have not been transferable otherwise.
The curriculum from the community college is compared to the curriculum for the program at EWU to look for similarities and course equivalencies.
Articulation Agreements Explained
These agreements are created for vocational degree types or non-transferable degree types in alignment with a bachelor degree. They describe a set of courses earned toward a community college student’s associate degree that will also fulfill courses leading to a bachelor degree at Eastern Washington University. Articulation agreements are generally facilitated by faculty in conjunction with the Director for Transfer Policy.
Current Articulation Agreements
Community College | Community College Program | EWU Program |
Bates Technical College | Associates of Applied Sciences for Multiple Programs | Bachelors of Science: Applied Technology |
Big Bend College | Associate of Applied Science- Teaching | Big Bend P3 Teacher Certification |
Clark College | Associate in Arts-DTA Creative Writing | EWU Creative Writing |
Columbia Basin College | Associate of Applied Science – Multi-Occupational Trades | Bachelor of Science in Applied Technology |
PNW Christian College | Associate Degree | Equivalent to DTA |
Spokane Community College | Associate of Applied Sciences Multi-Occupational Trades | Bachelor of Science: Applied Technology |
Associate of Applied Science in Water Science | Bachelor of Science: Geosciences | |
Spokane Falls Community College | Associate of Applied Science in Graphic Design | Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communication Design |
Associate of Fine Arts in Music | Music with Liberal Arts Option Bachelor of Arts in Education, Music: Instrumental, Choral, General/Elementary/Secondary Bachelor of Music with Instrumental Performance Bachelor of Music with Music Composition Bachelor of Music with Piano Performance Bachelor of Music with Vocal Performance | |
Associate of Applied Science in Audio Engineering | Bachelor of Arts in Music Technology | |
Associate of Applied Science-T in Early Childhood | Bachelor of Arts in Education: Early Childhood Learning leading to P-3 Certification | |
Associate of Applied Science – Digital Filmmaking | Bachelor of Arts in Film | |
AA-DTA Business Transfer | Bachelor of Science in Business BSB in Entrepreneurship BSB in Finance BSB in Human Resource Management BSB in Information Systems & Business Analytics BSB in International Business BSB in Management BSB in Marketing BSB in Professional Accounting Detailed Agreement | |
Walla Walla Community College | Associate of Applied Science -Early Childhood Education | Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education |
Flathead Valley Community College | Theatre Arts | Bachelor of Arts in Theatre |
If your institution has an articulation agreement that is not listed above, please contact Records & Registration.
Degree Articulation Process
Interested in creating an articulation agreement?
- Identify the needs and goals of your idea.
- How does does your idea support the mission of the University? What is the size and scope of the population you hope to serve?
- How will this help transfer students?
- Are you interested in creating a pathway using coursework that is already transferable? — then maybe consider a transfer map
- Are you interested in creating new equivalencies? —Fantastic! No articulation agreement needed!
- Are you interested in creating a pathway or equivalencies using coursework that is normally non-transferrable? –then an articulation agreement is the right way to go!
- Identify the community college you’re interested in partnering with and meet with the community college contact (usually the department chair of the program).
- Is the community college program a good match for EWU’s programs?
- How does the transfer program compare with EWU’s program?
- What courses are similar and could be equivalents?
- What course work could be accepted as transferrable because it is applicable to the EWU’s degree program?
- What is the ideal path you would hope a student to take from beginning community college to graduating from EWU?
- Meet with the EWU Transfer Center to draft an articulation agreement using a supplied template.
- With your contact, identify the courses that must be completed at the community college.
– Pay special attention to equivalencies that can fulfill GECRs or graduation requirements. - Create course equivalencies and substitutions between EWU major courses and prerequisites where appropriate.
- Identify the location courses will be offered (Cheney, Riverpoint, online?).
- Finalize an articulation agreement draft with the Director for Transfer Policy.
- Finalize the articulation agreement collaboratively with the community college contact and the community college relations officer.
- Secure EWU department/program and school/college signatures. (The provost does not sign at this time, but will sign later as part of official approval).
- Initiate the community college’s signature process with your contact. They will forward the signed document to the community college’s relations officer who will seek final approval from their senior administration.
- EWU’s Provost’s office will then sign the original agreement and submit it to the EWU Transfer Center. The Transfer Center will distribute copies of the agreement to the community college President, the community college Relations Officer, and to your department.
Articulation Agreement Template
After you have met with the Transfer Center about creating a partnership, use this tool to assist with the first draft of the articulation agreement document. Use the Degree Articulation Process page as a reference for creating a partnership between EWU and Community Colleges.
- Title:
a. Identify Degree/Program to Degree/Program Transfer. - Terms:
a. Define shared advising responsibilities.
b. List materials developed jointly.
c. Announce the start date for the agreement.
d. Disclose the location courses will be offered (Cheney, Riverpoint, online?). - Maintenance
a. Write down the year and month that the first agreement maintenance will take place on. This will be exactly five years from the start date.
b. Indicate termination date of agreement. - Provisos
a. Explain what is the deal that students are getting?
b. List the conditions for credit transfer.
i. Specify what associate’s and bachelor’s degrees will be awarded.
ii. Explain what requirements must be complete to be awarded both degrees.
iii. List what courses in the agreement will fulfill the requirements for the degrees.
c. State that a student will still need to apply to EWU in addition to the community college.
d. Mention degree requirements for the bachelor’s degree that will remain after completing the associate’s degree. - Coursework at the Community College.
a. Create a table listing courses titles, codes, and credits at the Community College to complete the associate’s degree specified. - Coursework at Eastern Washington University.
a. Create a table listing courses titles, codes, and credits at Eastern Washington University to complete the bachelor’s degree specified. - Substitutions and Equivalencies
a. List side-by-side course codes from the Community College with EWU that will be treated as equivalent. - Curriculum Plan
a. Outline a 4-year sample path to degree that will include credit totals per quarter and overall. - Signatures Page
Need help with Articulation Agreements?
Take an AP class in high school?
Visit the prior learning credit section of the catalog
Applying as a transfer student?
Start the application process now!