Advocate Training is an informative, interactive, fun, and brave space for faculty, staff, and students to become visible advocates for EWU’s LGBTQ+ communities. Advocate Training helps create a more accepting and inclusive environment on EWU’s campuses. Participants who complete Advocate Training receive a placard for each level they complete that indicates they are an affirming person with whom LGBTQ+ folks can connect.
We now offer three different “levels” of our advocate training to provide progressively deeper and complex skill sets and knowledge to support and serve LGBTQ+ students. All trainings are now facilitated through Canvas and provide a blend of synchronous and asynchronous content.
Level 1 Advocates provide basic, informed support when interacting with LGBTQ+ students.
Synchronous in-person training
Time commitment:
2 hours (approx.)
Learning objectives:
As a result of completing this training, participants will:
- Define common terms and concepts related to serving LGBTQ+ populations.
- Identify at least one (1) state or university policy relevant to LGBTQ+ students.
- Name two strategies for supporting LGBTQ+ students in your role on campus.
Level 2 Advocates are equipped with self-reflection skills and advanced knowledge to better advocate for transgender and gender non-conforming students.
Synchronous in-person training
Time commitment:
2 hours (approx.)
Learning objectives:
As a result of completing this training, participants will:
- Identify specific terminology and experiences related to transgender and gender nonconforming communities
- Identify at least two relevant laws/policies
- Name two strategies for supporting transgender and gender nonconforming students in your role on campus.
Level 3 Advocates utilize their foundational knowledge of LGBTQ+ populations to identify opportunities for organizational and institutional change and advocate for various LGBTQ+ student groups.
Synchronous in-person training
Time commitment:
2 hours (approx.)
More information coming soon! We hope to see you in a Level 3 advocate training in the 2023-24 academic year!
Winter 2025 Workshops
Scheduled Trainings
LEVEL 1: Tuesday, January 28th @ 11am in PUB 321
LEVEL 1: Monday, February 24th @ 11am in PUB 321
Trainings by Request
You can also arrange for your team, department, or student organization to participate in a closed training. These are ideal for groups of 4 or more members who want a unique and developmental team building experience. Contact Naite Boham at to set one up for your group!