Fact Sheets

Creating Research Experiences for Science Teachers (CREST)
CREST aims to engage future science 6th-12th grade teachers in year-long research experiences paired with evidence-based teaching practices, with the assistance of CREST leaders and research mentors. Using inquiry-based teaching practices adapted from scientific research, participants will adapt their own research into activities to use during student teaching and their future classrooms.

College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)
The College Assistance Migrant Program is a federally funded program designed to support students from migrant and seasonal farm worker backgrounds during their first year of college. The program provides students with financial assistance and support services, with the goal of preparing them to continue their education at a four-year college or university.

McNair Scholars (Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program)
The Ronald E. McNair Scholar program is designed to empower first-generation and underrepresented students with strong academic potential to pursue PhDs after they graduate from EWU.

No Child Left Inside – Native American Youth Leadership and Education (NAYLE)
No Child Left Inside (NCLI) is a Washington State program that provides outdoor opportunities for underserved youth. EWU’s NAYLE engages Native American youth in outdoor and educational activities that focus on environmental science, social and tribal history, and leadership development, while interacting with peers from different tribes throughout the region.

Title III – Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP)
This federally funded program helps Institutions of Higher Education become self-sufficient and expand their capacity to serve low-income students by providing funds to improve and strengthen the academic quality, institutional management, and fiscal stability of eligible institutions.

TRIO Student Support Services (SSS & SSS-D)
The Federal TRIO Programs (TRIO) are Federal outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with basic college requirements, and motivates students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education.

Read more about EWU’s legislative priorities here.

Fact sheets will be added regularly.