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Looking for Back Issues?
You can browse all past issues of Willow Springs magazine in Back Issues. You can order 3 back issues of your choice for $10 through our store.
(To the left is the very first issue of Willow Springs magazine, our Fall 1977 issue. It featured the work of Nance Van Winckel, James Bond, Carole Mills, James Rawley, and more.)
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Since 1977, Willow Springs has published exceptional fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and interviews. Works from our pages have been featured in Pushcart anthologies, Best American anthologies, and Best in the Galaxy anthologies. We are proud to provide a venue for a great variety of writers contributing to an ongoing conversation about life, literature, and the human experience.
If you would like to support us in this endeavor, please select the “Support” button at the bottom of the page. Financial support assists us in the production of our magazine and website, and in compensation for the writers filling our pages. Because Willow Springs is a non-profit organization, your donation is tax-deductible.
Thank you for supporting us and the writers we publish!