How to Submit Class Schedule to VRC Office
All emails sent to our office are automatically converted into a help ticket format. To prevent duplicate ticketing, please do not CC any of our other office email addresses in your message.
You will receive follow up emails from VRC Staff as we process your request from this system. (@ewu.freshservice.com)
Students eligible for VA education benefits are required to submit their Class Schedule to EWU VRC office at: veterans@ewu.edu
Submission Instructions:
Go to Inside EWU: https://test-inside.ewu.edu/and login to your EagleNET account
At the top of webpage, Select “Students” Menu
Under “Registration Tools” Menu, Select “Course Schedule”

Select your term from the drop-down box. Current term is at bottom of list. This will bring up your class schedule.
Over to Right side of screen select printer icon to view your concise class schedule VRC requires. If this doesn’t work, check that your pop up blocker in your browser is not active or try a different browser. Chrome and Edge have good success with getting this to work.

- Printer icon selected: Select print option to save as PDF or Print as PDF.
- If you cannot perform this on your computer, cancel this action. Your computer should keep the schedule up to where you can save the image as a jpg, png file or print screen it and send to us.
- Save class schedule to your computer in format: last name_first name_term name

Send an email with attached schedule to VETERANS@EWU.EDU. You must indicate your MAJOR(s) and MINOR(s) in your email.
DO NOT USE the calendar icon. This format will not communicate with our ticket system.
What is considered full time for VA?
3/4 TIME | 9-11 | 6-7 | 3 |
1/2 TIME | 6-8 | 4-5 | 2 |
LESS THAN 1/2 TIME | 5 & BELOW | 3 & MORE | 1 |
Post 9/11 GI Bill® – In Person vs Online courses
To receive the resident MHA rate at least ONE of your courses must be in person attendance, meaning a section other than all online.
EWU course sections 25/27/28 (state-supported) and sections 75/77 (non-state supported) have always been designated as online courses.
If all classes are online learning, students will receive the VA national online rate (half the national average).
You can view these rates online at VA website GI Bill® Comparison Tool: https://www.va.gov/education/gi-bill-comparison-tool/