Transfer Credit Evaluation creates and strengthens partnerships with community colleges and other universities to aid in their students’ transition to Eastern Washington University.
Our office assists transfer students with questions or concerns, provides resources for faculty on campus, and partners with community colleges in our region. We work to create and maintain course equivalencies to prevent students from duplicating course work they may have completed at other institutions. We partner closely with other colleges and universities to create a seamless and efficient transition into our student’s major academic program.
How will your credits transfer?
This Guide serves as an unofficial repository of transfer course equivalents to EWU courses.
Transfer credit is generally awarded for college-level courses completed at regionally accredited two-year or four-year institutions.
Transferring from community college?
Articulation Agreements are partnerships between a community college and a university.
The curriculum from the community college is compared the curriculum for the program at Eastern to look for similarities and course equivalencies.
IS Your course not listed?
Can’t find your transfer course in the guide? That’s ok! It might mean we’ve never had a student try to transfer that course before. Use the Transfer Appeal form to request a review of a course.
Please allow 2-4 weeks for evaluation.
Need help with the Transfer Course Equivalencies?
Take an AP class in high school?
Visit the prior learning credits site
Graduate Student? Request a Transfer Credit Evaluation
Applying as a transfer student?
Start the application process now!
Have an Associate Degree? View EWU’s Direct Transfer Agreements
- Academic Advising
- Academic Catalog
- Transfer Guide
- Transfer Resources
- Transfer Rights and Responsibilities