Complainant Rights

You have the right to…

  • Receive support from the University in obtaining counseling or other support, including access to Eastern Washington University Counseling and Wellness Services (CWS) who provides free confidential counseling for students.
  • Right to request supportive measures (see below for more information).
  • Right to a fair and equitable process.
  • Right to have decision-makers that do not have a conflict of interest or bias against the parties.
  • Right to request informal resolution.
  • Right to participate in the process, review the investigative report, and know the outcome of the investigation.
  • Right to have an advisor of their choice, at their cost, during the investigation. The advisor may be, but is not required to be, an attorney or union representative. During the investigative process, the advisor may be present and advise the party, but may not answer questions on the party’s behalf. For Formal Title IX complaints, the university will provide a party with an advisor for purposes of providing cross-examination if they do not already ahve an advisor.
  • Right to request an accommodation or interpreter for the process.
  • Appeal the findings and/or outcomes of any disciplinary proceedings.

Supportive Measures

Once you report an incident of sexual misconduct, you have the right to receive immediate supportive measures.  The supportive measures can include academic modifications (request a class change, request a make-up assignment, request an excused absence), housing modifications (request dorm change), requesting a no contact order preventing the Respondent from contacting you. You do not have to file a complaint or participate in an investigation for EWU to provide you with support.

Right to a Fair, Impartial and Prompt Investigation

You have the right to have a fair and impartial investigation free from bias or conflict of interest.  An investigator will be assigned to investigate your complaint.  The investigation should be prompt and conducted in compliance with policy. You also have the right for the decision-maker to be free from bias or conflict of interest.

You have the right to…

  • Receive support from the University in obtaining counseling or other support, including access to Employee Assistance Program (EAP) who provides free confidential counseling for employees.
  • Right to request supportive measures (see below for more information).
  • Right to a fair and equitable process.
  • Right to have decision-makers that do not have a conflict of interest or bias against the parties.
  • Right to request informal resolution.
  • Right to participate in the process, review the investigative report, and know the outcome of the investigation.
  • Right to have an advisor of their choice, at their cost, during the investigation. The advisor may be, but is not required to be, an attorney or union representative. During the investigative process, the advisor may be present and advise the party, but may not answer questions on the party’s behalf. If the complaint involves a Formal Title IX Complaint, the university will provide parties with advisors for purposes of conducting cross-examination if they do not have an advisor.
  • Right to request an accommodation or interpreter for the process.
  • Appeal the findings and/or outcomes of any disciplinary proceedings.

Supportive Measures

Once you report an incident of sexual misconduct, you have the right to receive immediate supportive measures. These measures are available to you regardless of whether you file a formal complaint. Supportive measures can include workplace modifications (request a schedule change or workplace location change), requesting a no contact directive preventing the Respondent from contacting you. You can request supportive measures even if you do not want to file a complaint or have your concerns investigated.

Right to a Fair, Impartial and Prompt Investigation

You have the right to have a fair and impartial investigation free from bias or conflict of interest. An investigator will be assigned to investigate your complaint. The investigator will ensure you are provided equal and unbiased treatment throughout the process. The investigation should be prompt and conducted in compliance with policy. You also have the right to have a decision-maker who is free from bias or conflict of interest.

You have the right to…

  • Be informed by University officials of options to contact proper law enforcement authorities, including University and local police, and the option to be assisted in contacting police by University Officials to file case or to respond to claims.
  • Know what the Respondent has said in response to the allegation against them.  You have a right to review any evidence obtained from the Respondent.
  • Review the investigative report at the conclusion of the investigation.  You may be provided a copy of the investigative report or you may request a copy of the investigative report if it was not provided to you.
  • Select a support person to be with you throughout the entire process.  The support person can be a friend, family member, attorney or advocate.
  • Be informed by University officials of options to pursue a complaint through the University’s investigatory and disciplinary process or to respond to complaints.
  • Be informed of the nature, rules and procedures of the University’s investigatory and disciplinary processes and to be provided copies of applicable university policies and procedure.