Reporting Information and Options

Reporting Options for Complainants

If you have experienced discrimination on the basis of sex/LGBTQ+ status, sexual harassment, sexual assault, fondling, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, retaliation, discrimination on the basis of sex/sexual orientation/gender identity or expression, or other forms of sexual misconduct we encourage you to report the incident. You can file a complaint with the university or with local law enforcement, or both, using one of the following options:

University Reporting Process: you can file a report with EWU’s Title IX team by clicking here: Report Title IX Concern or by contacting the Title IX Coordinator, Annika Scharosch, via email to or by calling 509-359-6724.

Law Enforcement: you can also report a concern to local law enforcement. If it is an emergency, call 911. If it is not an emergency and the incident occurred on campus or you need assistance in identifying the appropriate law enforcement agency, you can contact EWU’s Police Department at 509-359-7676 or by submitting a report at:

Anonymous or Confidential Reporting

If a complainant wishes to remain anonymous, EWU will take reasonable steps to gather information about the complaint but may not be able to investigate the complaint due to a lack of information or witnesses. If the complainant wishes to remain anonymous, the university shall inform them that its ability to investigate and respond to the allegation will be limited and that any type of retaliation is prohibited. The university will inform the complainant of EWU’s commitment to respond to complaints of retaliation. If a complainant wishes to remain anonymous, the Title IX Coordinator must determine whether and to what extent the university can investigate the complaint.

Mandatory Reporting

All EWU employees, except licensed professional counselors at Counseling and Wellness Services (CWS) are mandated reporters.  Therefore, any incidents of alleged sexual misconduct reported to an EWU employee (other than a licensed professional counselor at CWS) must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator, Annika Scharosch, within 24 hours. You can file an employee report by clicking here: Report Title IX Concern or by contacting Ms. Scharosch directly at or 509-359-6724. Employees that have been subjected to sexual misconduct are not required to self-report the alleged incident they were involved in, but we encourage you to do so.

External Reporting

You may also file a complaint with the federal Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. Information about how to file a complaint with OCR is available at: You can also contact OCR at:

Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
915 Second Avenue, Room 3310
Seattle, WA 98174
(206) 607-1600