

Center for Academic Advising & Retention
305 Monroe Hall
532 Study Hall Lane
Cheney, WA 99004
PH: 509-359-2345


Center for Academic Advising & Retention
601 E. Riverside Ave
3rd Floor, Catalyst Building
Spokane, WA 99201

Center for Academic Advising & Retention (CAAR)

Located in Monroe Hall, Third Floor, Room 305

Advising Main Office: 509-359-2345

Advising Email: advising@ewu.edu

If you are searching for a particular person, please see our staff contact list below.


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Neron Thomas, Ph.D
(509) 359-4987
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Natalie Mack
Associate Director
(509) 359-4183 nmack1@ewu.edu
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Devon Young
Operations Manager
(509) 359-4890

College of Professional Programs Advising Team

Von Astudillo
Senior Advisor for CPP
(509) 359-4709  vastudillo@ewu.edu
Sandy Murray
Student Success Advisor
(509) 359-4717 smurray11@ewu.edu
Ben Murray
Student Success Advisor
(509) 359-4633 bmurray9@ewu.edu
Kayla Reynolds
Student Success Advisor
(509) 359-4718 kreynolds93@ewu.edu
Lane Hopkins
Student Success Advisor
(509) 828-1392 lhopkins@ewu.edu
Student Success Advisor

College of Health Science and Public Health Advising Team

Taylor Fox
Student Success Advisor
(509) 359-2346  tfox8@ewu.edu
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Rhea McCarthy
Student Success Advisor nmccarthy2@ewu.edu

College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Advising Team

Zack Brown
Senior Advisor for CSTEM
(509) 359-4801 zbrown15@ewu.edu
Carolyn Byrd
Student Success Advisor
(509) 359-4848 cbyrd2@ewu.edu
Heidi Smith
Student Success Advisor
(509) 359-6919 hsmith@ewu.edu
Melanie Thomas
Student Success Advisor
(509) 359-4270 mthomas@ewu.edu

College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Advising Team

Nathan Voeller
Senior Advisor for CAHSS
(509) 359-6178 nvoeller@ewu.edu
Sianna Tomblin
Student Success Advisor
(509) 359-4850 stomblin@ewu.edu
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David Buldenko
Student Success Advisor

Student Success Collaborative & Degree Completion, Title III

Gina Gendusa
Director, Student Success Collaborative
& Degree Completion,
Title III Project & Activity
Jossie Brown
Assistant Director,
Degree Completion
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Darlene Maria
Degree Completion Coordinator
Milly Knowles
Graduate Assistant