It is recommended that students explore the values of each sorority, the benefits of membership, and the expectations each organization has for its members. Visiting the national websites for each organization is a great way to learn more and think about what organizations you are interested in! Visit the social media pages like Panhellenic Council Instagram for an in-depth look at our Panhellenic Sororities!
Values: character, dignity, scholarship, and college loyalty
Motto: inspire ambition
Colors: cardinal and pink
Philanthropy: The Arthritis Foundation
Values: sisterhood, leadership, knowledge, and service to our communities
Motto: the pen is mightier than the sword
Colors: light blue, navy blue, and gold
Philanthropy: The Kindly Hearts Initiative
Values: sisterhood, service, scholarship, leadership, loyalty, and character development
Motto: union hand in hand
Colors: silver and bordeaux
Philanthropy: The Alpha Phi Foundation
Values: love, labor, learning, and loyalty
Motto: founded on a rock
Colors: brown, mode, and blush
Philanthropy: Building Strong Girls

Panhellenic Council Sororities participate in primary recruitment in the Fall. This process is designed to let you meet each chapter, learn the expectations of sorority life, and find which sorority best aligns with your values.
After registering for primary recruitment, you will then be assigned a Rho Gamma, a member of the Panhellenic community, to help guide you during the week of recruitment. This person will be on-hand to answer any questions you have, to help you get to the right destination, listen to your concerns and answer your questions.
2024 Panhellenic Recruitment Dates:
October 2: Orientation
October 3: Sisterhood Day
October 4: Philanthropy Day
October 5: Preference Day
October 6: Bid Day
Panhellenic Recruitment Registration:
- EWU Panhellenic recruitment registration is FREE!
- Registration is required for participation in recruitment.

Nora Worley
Dear potential new members,
My name is Nora Worley and I am the Panhellenic Vice President of Recruitment. Being a part of a Panhellenic sorority has been a life changer. Since joining a sorority two years ago, I have become so much more confident in myself and have gotten better at public speaking. Joining Greek Life is an amazing opportunity and I encourage everyone to give it a chance. Being a part of a Greek organization helps forge connections and increases the chance of job interviews in the future. It also helps build leadership, communication, and time management skills.
I hope to see you all soon!
The first female Astronaut was Greek
The first female senator was Greek
Over $7 million is raised each year by Greeks nationally
The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) has 26 NPC member organizations with nearly 400,000 undergraduate members across the U.S. and Canada.