About Sorority and Fraternity Life
Eastern Washington University Sorority and Fraternity Life is a unique community of 8 sororities and 5 fraternities, each focused on making a positive impact on the community and one another. Sorority and Fraternity Life includes social events, leadership development, and service/philanthropy.

Lifelong Friendship & A Home Away From Home
Joining a sorority/fraternity helps with the adjustment of living away from home for the first time.

Life Skills, Leadership & Connections
Our members are some of the most active and visible leaders on campus, through both Greek and non-Greek organizations.

Personal & Intellectual Growth
Academics are a major focus of Sorority & Fraternity Life; studies have suggested that members of fraternal organizations have a significantly higher graduation rate.

Social Activities & Involvement
Participate in events within the community, get involved, and experience all campus has to offer.

Giving Back
Each year, fraternities and sororities contribute thousands of dollars and hours toward various philanthropies and community service agencies.
Leadership Education
SFL organizations are dedicated to building future leaders. They are self-governing organizations that provide a wealth of leadership opportunities for their members. Our members are some of the most active and visible student leaders on campus.
Philanthropy & Community Service
One of the most gratifying aspects of SFL is the sense of pride that comes with philanthropic and community service events. Last year, our chapters donated $20,000+ and 12,327 hours worked to various philanthropies and community service agencies.
Sisterhood & Brotherhood
This special bond focuses on individuality and appreciation of differences, not conformity. Membership in a sorority and fraternity organization will provide you with lifelong bonds that continue beyond your years at Eastern Washington University.
Values Integration
Sororities and fraternities are values based organizations and are dedicated to helping all members live values based lives. Each organization focuses on character, integrity and ethical behavior.
Financial Commitment
We believe that one’s financial commitment is modest in comparison to the innumerable benefits you will receive as a member of a sorority or fraternity and encourage you to think of it as an investment in your future and overall development in college.
When joining an (inter)national organization doors open for countless networking opportunities. Our chapters work closely with their alumni base and (inter)nationals for their chapter needs, all the while making lasting connections that can potentially help in the future.
Sorority and Fraternity Life
301 Pence Union Building
Cheney, WA 99004
email: sfl@ewu.edu
phone: 509.359.6718
Follow the Sorority & Fraternity Life Instagram for an in depth look at our Greek community!