Please call the Student Employment office at 509.359.2525 or visit us at Showalter Hall 300.
If you are having technical difficulties with Handshake, please contact support@joinhandshake.com. For further instruction with using handshake please review the Handshake support documentation at support.handshake.com.
You can have as many on-campus jobs as you want (only one work study job), but you are limited to a total of 19 hours of work per week on campus. For more information, review EWU’s Student Employment Policies.
Undergraduate students must be registered for a minimum of six (6) credits per quarter and graduate students must be registered for a minimum of four (4) credits to be eligible to work in an on-campus job. For more information, review EWU’s Student Employment Policies.
Refer to the I-9 form. A list of acceptable documents that can be used to establish identity and/or employment authorization can be found on the last page of the form.
The staff in the Payroll Office in Showalter 322 can assist you with your W-4 form.
The timesheet deadlines are published by the Payroll Office. Under Payroll Schedules, select the payday calendar for the current year. The timesheet deadlines are listed by pay period along with all paydays for the year.
Time worked between the 1st and the 15th of the month will be paid on the 25th of the current month. Time worked between the 16th and the end of the month will be paid on the 10th of the following month. View the payroll schedule all scheduled pay dates.
Your paychecks can be sent to your mailing address on EagleNet or you can also arrange to have them deposited into your checking account. You will receive your money more quickly with direct deposit. View the Getting Paid page for more info.
Please call the Financial Aid and Scholarships office at 509.359.2314 or visit them at Sutton Hall 102.
Sick Leave FAQs
More information regarding sick leave can be found in the Interim Temporary Employee Policy (Policy 407-01).
Some, but not all, student on-campus jobs are eligible for sick leave. If you complete a timesheet every two weeks and fall into the categories outlined in section 2-3 of the https://test-inside.ewu.edu/policies/knowledge-base/ewu-407-01-temporary-employment/ chances are, you are eligible, but there are some exceptions. Check with your supervisor or call Student Employment to find out.
If you are eligible for sick leave, you will accrue at the rate of one (1) hour of sick leave for every forty (40) hours worked. More information can be found in section 6-2 of the https://test-inside.ewu.edu/policies/knowledge-base/ewu-407-01-temporary-employment/
If you are accruing sick leave, it will appear in EagleNET under the leave balances tab.
If you are eligible for sick leave, you may use it under the conditions outlined in section 6-2 of the https://test-inside.ewu.edu/policies/knowledge-base/ewu-407-01-temporary-employment/
- You must notify your supervisor as soon as reasonably possible when you will be absent due to illness or injury. If you are in a position where a relief replacement is necessary if you are absent, you must notify your supervisor at least two (2) hours prior to your scheduled time to report to work, whenever possible.
- The University may require a written medical certificate for absences of three (3) or more consecutive days or where there is reason to suspect sick leave abuse.
If you have more than one on-campus job, you will be able to utilize accrued sick leave for any eligible position.
You will not be able to cash out any earned sick leave. If you have unused sick leave you can carry it over to the next calendar year if it amounts to (40) hours or less.
If you separate from employment at EWU and are rehired within twelve months by EWU, your accrued unused sick leave will be reinstated. Non-compensable sick leave earned under this policy must be used prior to any compensable sick leave accrued in a non-temporary position.