Dear Campus Community:
This is the last of the brief reflections I’ve been sharing on aspects of our new strategic plan. These reflections provide a context for the focus areas of the plan and are meant to underscore the significance of the plan and why each focus area is crucial to EWU’s success.
Reflection on the EWU Strategic Plan: 2018-2023
We Transform our Region
EWU is the public university for a large and diverse region. Our region is both urban and rural; our economy ranges from agricultural to high-tech; the majority of businesses range from small to mid-size. While only a small percentage of the regional population holds a college degree, career opportunities in our region and beyond increasingly demand college degrees or high-level credentials.
EWU will be a leader in transforming our region, increasing options for people who live here, helping to attract talented people from across the country and the world, improving quality of life, and serving as a significant catalyst for the region to become increasingly prosperous and successful.
EWU will be the public university that energizes and transforms our communities and the people we serve.
Critical issue: Much of the population of eastern Washington does not have the education or skills necessary to thrive in a challenging 21st Century economy. As we review curricula and campus experiences, EWU will consider the diversity and needs of our region and be a leader in creating positive change. We will reach out to diverse populations in rural and urban areas. We will provide multiple opportunities for access through technology, creative scheduling, direct transfer agreements, and other options that enable rural and working people to more easily achieve an EWU degree or the credentials they need for success beyond a degree.
Critical issue: The majority of our students are the first in their families to attend college; significant numbers are the first to finish high school. While students acquire knowledge in college, they do not always possess the professional experience and practical skills that employers seek. As our region’s public university, EWU will look strategically beyond traditional classroom experiences to enhance our students’ ability to thrive in a challenging professional environment.
Working closely with employers and civic leaders, EWU will ensure that our students attain not only knowledge and skills but applied experiences derived from internships, research opportunities, and projects that help develop the whole student and provide value to businesses and agencies.
Reflecting our mission and vision, the four goals of our new strategic plan also reflect priorities and goals of our constituencies. These goals will serve as inspirations and guides for our university over the next months and years.
I look forward to our ongoing work together as we continue to transform lives and our region.
Mary Cullinan