Strategic Plan Goals
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Click here to see the Strategic Plan Document
We IGNITE Change
Eastern Washington University engages a diversity of students and ignites generational transformation. We inspire students through engaged learning experiences that encourage pathways to graduation. We collaborate with families, employers, and communities to solve complex issues and improve quality of life.
Created as the public higher education institution for this region, EWU is committed to meeting current and emerging needs. We recognize the evolution of our communities, and we lead collaborative efforts for sustainable growth and development.
Indicators of Success:
- Map out the EWU student educational continuum and identify foundational models or philosophies that lead to student success and post-graduation engagement.
- Develop and expand summer academic programming and experiences for secondary school students to increase our regional and statewide college-going rate.
- Identify strategies to create a campus culture that supports and celebrates student success, the work of faculty and staff, and instills a sense of pride in our institution.
- Develop a Center for Applied Research and Economic Development that brings together faculty, students, and staff to assist businesses and organizations with high-impact research and consulting services to provide innovative solutions to tomorrow’s problems.
- Emphasize the vital role of the fine and performing arts in our culture and economy by identifying and supporting signature programs in the arts.
We EMBRACE Equity & Social Justice
We are recognized as a model diversity-serving institution. We embrace changing demographics and changing societal needs. Through culturally responsive curricula and campus activities, we work tirelessly to promote understanding and reduce disparity and inequity.
Communities flourish when multiple perspectives converge to create a powerful vision for all. EWU fosters a campus life that is vibrant, welcoming, and supportive of all. We provide opportunities for open thought and dialogue. As the state’s premier public diversity-serving institution, we are committed to catalyzing an equitable and inclusive climate on our campuses and in our communities.
Indicators of Success:
- Promote strategies that encourage honest dialogue and foster a campus-wide ethic of inclusivity and a welcoming climate.
- Expand opportunities and addressing unmet needs for underrepresented populations.
- Develop strategies for diversifying the university faculty and staff.
- Construct a student recruitment plan that fosters diversity in all academic areas.
- Ensure that curriculum reflects diversity of learning styles and perspectives.
- Launch a Center for Social Innovation to engage issues of social justice and improve the lives of marginalized and vulnerable populations.
- Eastern excellence 101
- Black Greek Day
Click here to see Core Themes
We DRIVE Innovation
We invest in the faculty and staff-as well as the tools, resources, and opportunities-that promote interdisciplinary collaboration and innovative instruction. We celebrate faculty and staff who make extraordinary contributions to our students and our mission!
EWU drives the change that promotes social and technological advancement, environmental and economic sustainability, and community health. Our curricula and our collaborations are designed strategically to create a prosperous future..
Indicators of Success:
- Invest in faculty and staff, providing tools and opportunities to promote collaboration and excellence in teaching, scholarship, research, and creative activity.
- Reward and celebrate faculty who engage in innovative pedagogical approaches and demonstrate outstanding accomplishments.
- Create an Honors College that aligns with EWU’s distinctive mission and goals.
- Develop interdisciplinary curricula, professional executive education programs, and stacked degrees that meet the needs of our communities.
We TRANSFORM our Region
We develop curricula that meet changing needs of students, employers, and communities. We commit to applied research and community partnerships that engage and inspire while preparing students for success after graduation. We develop the professional workforce and strengthen our economy through strategic and creative programming.
Our curricula and experiences inspire and engage. Through research and collaboration, we address needs and challenges of our communities and improve the quality of life.
Indicators of Success:
- Develop curricula directly tied to regional trends and needs, as we partner with employers.
- Expand opportunities for rural communities and working professionals through online programs and creative approaches to educational access.
- Ensure that every student develops an academic identity that connects to meaningful career-related experiences and professional development activities.
- Build partnerships with employers to provide paid student internships and other practical experiences.
- Foster opportunities for graduate and undergraduate research that respond to regional priorities.
- Promote communication and collaboration between the university and our community while highlighting faculty expertise through a directory of faculty experts.
- Cheney transformation