Student Organization Compliance Report

EWU is committed to fostering a campus culture where students, faculty and staff feel safe and an able to actively engage in opportunities on and off campus. As a result of this mission, there is no place for hazing at EWU and it is prohibited according to the EWU Student Conduct Code and Washington State Hazing Law.

A violation of this prohibition renders both the organization and participating individuals subject to discipline. Any student who is aware of or in the presence of hazing is also subject to discipline. If you or someone you know suspect hazing is occurring, please alert the Student Rights and Responsibilities Office at 509-359-6960 or email so appropriate action can be taken.

ABOUT THE COMPLIANCE REPORT: (RCW 28B.10.906) Beginning with the 2022-23 academic year, each public and private institution of higher education shall maintain and publicly report actual findings of violations by any student organization, athletic team, or living group of the public or private institution of higher education’s code of conduct, antihazing policies, or state or federal laws relating to hazing or offenses related to alcohol, drugs, sexual assault, or physical assault.

Hazing is any act committed as part of a person’s recruitment, initiation, pledging, admission into, or affiliation with a student organization, athletic team, or living group, or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such an organization, athletic team, or living group that causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger or physical harm, or serious psychological or emotional harm to any student at the university.

The Compliance Report includes only incidents in which the organization was charged with a formal violation of the student code of conduct or state or federal law. The compliance report covers the 2019-2024 time frame. If a year is not listed, then there were not formal violations during that time period.


Name of Group: Delta Chi (Group is not currently active) 

  1. Date Investigation was Initiated: 6/10/2024 
  2. Date Investigation Ended: 7/25/2024 
  3. Date of Hearing: 08/12/2024 
  4. Finding: Responsible for: Hazing violation and Alcohol Violation. 
  5. Description of the Incidents: Members were required to drink alcohol underage and complete fraternity knowledge tests. Students reported feeling intimidated during the recruitment period. 
  6. Sanctions: Restriction of Recognition until 2026. Should The Delta Chi Fraternity International Headquarters wish to request EWU reinstate official recognition of the chapter in summer of 2026, the Headquarters must work with EWU’s Sorority & Fraternity Life to develop a modified recognition agreement that includes:  1) Leadership and Risk Management Training, 2) On-Site Reviews, 3)  New Member Activities: All new member activities (including but not limited to pinning, initiation, new member education meetings) will take place on campus during academic year 2026-2027. No new member activity will take place off-campus unless written approval is obtained at least 14 days in advance by both EWU and The Delta Chi Fraternity International Headquarters, 4)  No member of the chapter who is under the age of twenty-one shall consume alcohol. 5. If the chapter has a fully recognized chapter facility upon return, the facility must be alcohol free for academic years 2026-2027 and 2027-2028.  
  7. Sanction Dates: Until 2028.

Name of Group: Pi Lambda Phi (Group is not currently active) 

  1. Date Investigation was Initiated: 04/23/2024
  2. Date Investigation Ended: 05/01/2024 
  3. Date of Hearing: 05/01/2024 
  4. Finding: Responsible for Alcohol Violations 
  5. Description of the Incidents: Hosted an unregistered party, alcohol present despite venue rules prohibiting alcohol 
  6. Sanctions: Letter of Apology; Plan of Action 
  7. Sanction Dates: 5/30/24, 5/30/24 

Winter 2024

  1. Date Investigation was Initiated: 6/10/2024
  2. Date Investigation Ended: 07/25/2024
  3. Date of Hearing: 08/12/2024
  4. Finding: Responsible for: Hazing, Bullying, Property Theft or Damage, Deception, forgery, fraud unauthorized representation, Alcohol and substance violations
  5. Description of Incidents: Hazing, forced alcohol consumption, misrepresentation of chapter event to venue owner, bullying by chapter advisor
  6. Sanctions: Leadership and Risk Management Training, withdrawal of recognition through Spring 2026. For 2026, if the fraternity requests official recognition: onsite reviews and new member activity restriction, alcohol-free.
  7. Sanction Dates: Through 2028

FALL 2022

Name of Group: PHI DELTA THETA (Group is not currently active).

  1. Date Investigation was Initiated: November 29, 2022 
  2. Date Investigation Ended: January 6, 2023 
  3. Date of Hearing: January 11, 2023 
  4. Finding: Responsible for Hazing and Alcohol Violation. 
  5. Description of the Incidents: Members were required to drink alcohol underage and complete fraternity knowledge tests. Students reported feeling intimidated during the recruitment period. 
  6. Sanctions: Restriction of Recognition: Eastern Washington University has withdrawn recognition from the Washington Epsilon Chapter of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. The withdrawal of recognition of the chapter will be in place until the end of the spring quarter of 2023.  The chapter is hereby required to complete the GET INCLUSIVE Alcohol and Other Drug module. The chapter is hereby required to complete the Alcohol eCheckUP To Go Program. The chapter must submit a copy of their new pledge member education program to the Student Rights and Responsibilities office in SHW 125 before the end of the restriction period from the university.  The chapter will be placed on disciplinary probation for one (1) calendar year upon the chapter’s return to full recognition status at Eastern Washington University. Any further alleged violations of the EWU Student Conduct Code may be heard by a conduct review officer and may result in major disciplinary sanctions. Upon the chapter’s return to full recognition status with the university, the chapter will be placed on social probation for one (1) calendar year. The chapter will not be allowed to host and/or participate in any events or activities where alcohol is present. This includes, but not limited to, any events or activities hosted by the chapter, another EWU recognized student organization, or any events or activities sponsored by the Eastern Washington University. 
  7. Sanction Dates: Deadline Spring 2023. 


  1. Date Investigation was Initiated: October 22, 2022
  2. Date Investigation Ended: November 22, 2022
  3. Date of Hearing: December 1, 2022
  4. Finding: Responsible for Alcohol Violation.
  5. Description of the Incident: Organization members were using alcohol underage and doing keg stands.
  6. Sanctions: Disciplinary Probation until the end of spring quarter of 2023. Each member of the chapter must complete the GET INCLUSIVE Alcohol & Other Drugs. Chapter must review the alcohol policies.
  7. Sanction Dates end of spring quarter 2023.

Name of Group: OMEGA DELTA PHI  

  1. Date Investigation was Initiated: October 22, 2022
  2. Date Investigation Ended: November 22, 2022
  3. Date of Hearing: December 1, 2022
  4. Finding: Responsible for Alcohol Violation.
  5. Description of the Incident: Organization members were using alcohol underage and doing keg stands.
  6. Sanctions: Disciplinary Probation until the end of spring quarter of 2023. Each member of the chapter must complete the GET INCLUSIVE Alcohol & Other Drugs. Chapter must review the alcohol policies.
  7. Sanction Dates end of spring quarter 2023.

How to Report Hazing?
If you or another person is in immediate danger, call 911.

Contact the Student Rights and Responsibilities office at 509-359-6960 or email

Additional On-Campus Resources
Counseling and Wellness
EWU Sorority and Fraternity
EWU Police
Dean of Students
Student Accommodations and Support