PRD Outcomes and Action Plan Updates Now Available
The final updates to the ELT Action Plan for university services, as well as the Board approved outcomes from the PRD process are now available on the SRA Implementation page.
Eastern Washington University
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The final updates to the ELT Action Plan for university services, as well as the Board approved outcomes from the PRD process are now available on the SRA Implementation page.
The ELT Action Plan responding to the recommendations outlined in the University Services Task Force Report is now available on the SRA Implementation webpage.
As stated in a campus email, the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) has determined that, due to the complexity and interconnectedness of university services across the entire institution, a collective preliminary response is a necessary first step to build the complete picture which will lead to the identification of specific actions to be undertaken through the … Read more
On Jan. 26, the Provost released an initial response to the SRA report intended to provide recommendations for a holistic review of curricular offerings. The agreed upon implementation plan is intended to give affected faculty members control over the changes to their programs. Visit the Implementation page for more information.
The campus community and public have the opportunity to provide feedback on the final SRA recommendations. The comment period opened on Dec. 7 and will close at 5 p.m. (PST) on Tuesday, Jan. 16. The submission form can be found on the SRA Final Report webpage.
The SRA final report of recommendations has been published and is available for the campus community and public to view. Feedback will be open on Dec. 7 at 8:30 am. The implementation plan can be viewed HERE.
The final town hall on Nov. 28 has been adjusted to a virtual format and will be co-hosted with Lucas Fyre, ASEWU president. The primary goal will be for the co-champions and Lucas to answer questions, listen to concerns, and share information about what students can expect following the release of the SRA final report. … Read more
From the SRA Academic Task Force: In producing data sets for the SRA process, one objective was to create a model for programs that is generally representative of student credit hours (SCH) produced and associated revenue and expenses. As programs filled out templates, they began to report discrepancies in data presented to those programs. In … Read more
The Academic Task Force has scheduled five Zoom drop-in sessions for individuals completing templates for semester programs. A schedule can be found on the SRA Timeline page.
Two town halls have been added. For details on how to attend in person or remotely, visit the Town Halls page.