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Services to Students

Accommodations for students are determined on a case-by-case basis and may include:

  • Individual meetings with students to determine how EWU can best meet their specific goals and needs
  • Priority Registration for courses
  • Consultation with faculty and staff regarding accommodations.
  • Assistance with the acquisition of auxiliary aids such as interpreters, readers, alternative textbooks, flexible testing schedules, alternative testing methods, print enlargement, and note takers.
  • Referral to outside resources and agencies.
  • Referral to on-campus programs such as Undergraduate Advising, Academic Success Center, Counseling and Psychological Services, Math Lab, Writers’ Center, Health Wellness & Prevention Services, Office of Disability Studies and Universal Access.
  • Assistance with career counseling and placement in cooperation with the Office of Career Planning & Placement.
  • Assistive or adaptive equipment loans.
    • Assistive technology is available in general computer labs, Library, and Student Accommodations and Support Services Office.

Workplace accommodations for paid student employees are available through Human Resources at