Inside EWU Features ROTC Nursing Cadets Making a Difference

A couple of our nursing Cadets were featured on the university’s Inside EWU webpage for their efforts to help administer the COVID-19 vaccine to the public in the Spokane area.  Here is an excerpt:

A year into the COVID-19 pandemic, Eastern Washington University students continue to show they are Eagle Strong by supporting the ongoing and ever changing public health efforts. EWU ROTC nursing cadets are taking action to help our region recover by administering vaccines to educators and volunteering at vaccine sites.  [Inside EWU]

You can read more at the link, but we appreciate the university reporter Miranda Reed for reaching out and writing the article about our outstanding nursing Cadets.  EWU Army ROTC offers nursing scholarships to incoming and current students at Eastern. If you are looking to become a health care professional while serving your country and making an impact locally consider enrolling into an ROTC course.  More details about our nursing program and the scholarships available can be read at the below link.  Eagle Strong!

EWU ROTC Graduate’s National Guard Service Featured in The Easterner

Miranda Munsell

EWU Army ROTC class of 2016 graduate, Miranda Munsell was commissioned as a Field Artillery officer into the Washington Army National Guard.  Since graduating from Eastern, she has been promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant in the 2-146th Field Artillery Battalion.

Miranda Munsell
1LT Miranda Munsell

1LT Munsell’s National Guard unit was recently activated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  EWU’s school newspaper, The Easterner has published an article highlighting her service.  Here is a quote from 1LT Munsell in the article:

“It’s so important to me that we can be there when our communities need us. Seeing the impact we have had and being able to be there to assist the people who need it in this time of crisis is extremely rewarding,” said 1LT Munsell.  [The Easterner]

I highly recommend everyone reading the whole article at the link.  You can also view a video featuring 1LT Munsell at this link. Great job by 1LT Munsell for being such a great leader and all the other National Guard personnel helping others across the state during this pandemic.

For anyone interested in becoming a National Guard officer and serving their fellow citizens in a time of crisis, the EWU Army ROTC program is a path to doing this.  Incoming and current EWU students can sign up for a Military Science course to explore their options in the Army with no obligation to join.  If National Guard service is something you are interested in pursuing we can help you with finding a unit and accessing scholarship benefits.

Cadets on a Minuteman Scholarship or a Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) Scholarship are guaranteed National Guard service, awarded full tuition or $10k towards room and board a year to EWU, receive $1,200 annually for books, and a $420 a month stipend plus other benefits.  Anyone interested in learning more about their National Guard options can reach us through our Contact page or by emailing us at

EWU Army ROTC Announces Virtual Training Plan for Spring Quarter 2020

COVID-19 letter

To all of our Eastern Washington University Army ROTC Cadets, below is a letter that addresses the way ahead for Spring Quarter instruction.  Please stay tuned to our website and social media channels for future updates on Spring Quarter instruction.

A PDF copy of this letter can be downloaded at this link.