EWU ROTC Contracts New Army Nurse

Chamberlin picture

Congratulations to William Chamberlin for contracting into the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) this week.  Chamberlin is prior Army service Cadet who decided to continue to serve his country by joining ROTC and becoming an officer.  After graduating from Eastern Washington University in two years with a nursing degree, Cadet Chamberlin will commission into the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and serve in the Army Nurse Corps.

Contracting Ceremony
Cadet Chamberlin (right) receives the Oath of Enlistment from the EWU ROTC Professor of Military Science, LTC Jonathan Stafford.

During the ceremony Cadet Chamberlin was given the Oath of Enlistment by Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Stafford, the Professor of Military Science for the EWU Army ROTC program.  The first Oath of Enlistment was developed during the Revolutionary War when the Continental Congress established different oaths for the enlisted men and officers of the Continental Army.  The first Oath of Enlistment under the Constitution was approved by an Act of Congress on 29 September 1789. It applied to all commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers, and enlisted Soldiers in the United States military.  The oath would receive minor modifications during the 1800’s, but the current oath recited by the contracting Cadets has remained unchanged since 1959.

contracting ceremony
Cadet Chamberlin (right) is congratulated by Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Stafford after contracting.  More pictures from the contracting ceremony can be viewed at this link.

Cadet Chamberlin is part of the largest Army ROTC nursing program in Washington State and the Inland Northwest. If you want to become a future Army nurse like Cadet Chamberlin, EWU ROTC can help get you there.  Read more about how to become an Army nurse by clicking the below tab:

Army Nursing

Top 10 Reasons to Join ROTC

EFEB Badge

The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) is the largest commissioning source for U.S. Army officers.  ROTC units are spread out around 274 different college campuses around America.  Joining an ROTC unit is the one way for college students to explore military service with no commitment to join the military.  For anyone thinking about joining ROTC, here are 10 reasons to consider doing so.

1. Scholarship Benefits

For good reason the benefit most often associated with ROTC is our scholarship program.  ROTC has a robust number of scholarships that both high school and college students can apply for.  High school students can apply for ROTC National Scholarships.  Students selected for a National Scholarship will receive either a 4-year scholarship or a 3-year advanced designee scholarship to pay for college.  Make sure to read 10 Tips for A Successful ROTC National Scholarship Application.

ROTC Scholarship
2019 ROTC National Scholarship recipient to Eastern Washington University received a 4-year scholarship worth $77,000.

Students who are already in college can still enroll into ROTC and apply for campus based scholarships as well.  Our internal ROTC board meets during the Spring term to interview and award Cadets 2 and 3 year scholarships that are based on their academic, physical fitness, and ROTC performance.

Students not interested in pursuing an Active Duty military career have the option to pursue a scholarship through the Washington State National Guard or the U.S. Army Reserve.  The Guard and Reserves offer Minuteman and GRFD Scholarships to pay for college in return for commissioning as an officer into the National Guard or Reserve.  If you want to serve your country, but still pursue a civilian career, the Guard and Reserves is the pay to do this.

Beyond these Army scholarships EWU Army ROTC also has scholarships sponsored by alumni that go towards ROTC students.  Our most prominent alumni scholarship is the Randy Van Turner ROTC Scholarship.  This scholarship awards up to one year of tuition for qualified Cadets.  Please contact us to learn more about our alumni scholarships.

RVT ROTC Scholarship
Cadet Emma LaTour was awarded a Randy Van Turner ROTC Scholarship that paid for a full year of tuition to EWU.


2. Receive a $420 a Month Stipend

One of the least known benefits of joining ROTC is the ability to receive a stipend.  All Cadets that contract into the ROTC program receive a $420 a month stipend.  There are not many organizations that will give students not only a scholarship, but pay them each month a stipend to go to school like ROTC does.  Besides the stipend, contracted Cadets also receive $1,200 a year towards their college textbooks.


3. Build Leadership Skills

There is not a class on campus that will build student leadership skills more than ROTC.  In our Military Science classes Cadets learn leadership techniques that help them to progressively lead larger groups of people.  Their skills are tested by leading fellow Cadets during basic military skills training as well as organizing and executing volunteer activities in the local community.  Our leadership training program has led to EWU Army ROTC having the top Cadet in the West Coast of the United States as well as two other Cadets recognized for being the top volunteers at EWU and the city of Cheney.  Find out what inner leadership skills you have by joining Army ROTC.

Legion of Valor Bronze Cross
Chad Triplett, a Cadet in the Eastern Washington University Army ROTC program was awarded the Legion of Valor Bronze Cross as the top Cadet in the western United States.


4. Attend Challenging Training & Internships

In ROTC our Cadets progressively master basic soldier skills such as land navigation and rifle marksmanship, but they also have the opportunity to attend advanced U.S. Army training such as Airborne School and Air Assault School.   Something that makes EWU Army ROTC unique is that we host the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge (GAFPB) test.  The GAFPB is one of the handful of foreign service badges U.S. military members can wear and Eastern is one of the few college campuses in the U.S. that German military personnel travel to, to conduct the GAFPB test.  If you ever wondered what it is like to jump out of an airplane, rappel out of a helicopter, or push yourself to meet the standards of a foreign military, joining EWU Army ROTC will give you the chance to do this.

Another aspect of ROTC few people know about, are the amount of Cadet Command sponsored internships available to Cadets.  In recent summers we have had Cadets attend internships at the National Forensic Science Technology Center, engineering internships, internship testing new Army communications technology, nursing internships at Army hospitals, etc.  Cadets can also intern with active duty military units to experience what it is like to be an Army officer.  Whatever your interest my be the Army likely has an internship for you.


5. Improve Your Physical Fitness

To get in shape many people buy expensive gym memberships or pay for the services of a personal trainer.  If you want to get fit forget paying for a gym membership and instead join ROTC.  We have a robust and challenging physical fitness program that is designed to get people who have not exercised before into shape.  Additionally at EWU Army ROTC we have our own gym for Cadets to work out at.  Entrance into our Cadet Hall gym only requires you to be enrolled into an ROTC class.  For those that need extra personal instruction, we even have set times each week where cadre are ready to teach and assist you with workouts personalized to improve your fitness.

Cadet are trained on proper deadlift form as part of the ROTC physical fitness program.


6. Serve A Cause Bigger Than Yourself

Being in the Army is not a job, but a profession where Soldiers have the opportunity to serve their country and be part of something bigger then themselves.  In ROTC our Cadets learn to be part of something bigger than themselves by being active on campus and in various volunteer events in the region.  For those that want to do something for a greater cause joining ROTC is a way to do this.

EWU Army ROTC Cadets volunteer to conduct clean up duty along Highway 904 leading to Cheney.

7. Well Paying Job After Graduation

Finding a well paying job after graduation can be a stressful time for graduating students.  This is not a problem for ROTC graduates who commission as an Active Duty officer after graduation.  A Second Lieutenant fresh out of college makes $39,444 in annual pay.  In addition to this pay they also receive a housing allowance to pay for rent based on the cost of living of where they are stationed.  This will add $20,000+ annually to an officer’s take home pay.  Besides the pay, Army officers also receive full health and dental coverage, life insurance, base privileges, and a robust retirement package.

Finally officer pay increases with time and rank in service.  For example an officer is generally promoted to Captain after four years of service.  A Captain is paid $70,164 annually.  The housing allowance pushes the captain’s pay to nearly $100,000 dollars.  How many career fields pay nearly a six figure salary after only being out of college for four years?  Not many and the Army is one of them.


8. A Wide Variety of Career Paths to Choose From

When most people think of Army jobs, they think of boots on the ground infantry.  However, being in the Infantry is only one of the 17 Army career fields that an ROTC Cadet can pursue.  Do you want to learn how to fly helicopters?  EWU Army ROTC has had Cadets successfully become aviators.  We have also had Cadets become Military Intelligence analysts, logisticians, tank commanders, engineers, nurses, among a host of other Army branches.  If you have a particular career interest, the Army will likely have a branch to match that interest that you can specialize in.

Become a nurse through Army ROTC.


9. Make Lifelong Friends

Going to college is a stressful enough experience, made even harder by the prospect of having to make a whole new network of friends.  Army ROTC can help you not only make new friends on campus, but new friends for life.  The bonding experience Cadets go through in ROTC carries over into their future military careers where Eastern graduates stay in touch and serve together on military bases in the U.S. and around the world.  Additionally EWU ROTC makes you part of extensive alumni network that features many senior military officers that can mentor and assist you in your future career.

Make friends for life in Army ROTC.


10. It’s Fun!

ROTC is a blast and gives you a much different college experience than other students.  You will meet amazing people, be pushed beyond your limits, and accomplish goals that before may not have seen possible.  Besides military training our Cadets do fun activities such as rafting trips, Spartan races, intramural athletics teams, Cannon Crew, and our annual Military Ball.  Best of all is that you are doing all of this with some of your best friends!

U.S. Army’s March 2 Success Program Helps Students Prepare for the SAT and ACT

One of the main criteria for the awarding of ROTC scholarships is that applicants must demonstrate strong academic potential.  Applying for an ROTC scholarship requires applicant to have minimum academic credentials of:

  • Having a high school GPA of at least 2.50
  • Score a minimum of 1000 on the SAT (math/verbal) or 19 on the ACT

Of course having academic credentials that far exceed the minimums will make you more competitive for an ROTC scholarship.  Some people may hire tutors or buy expensive software to improve to improve their ACT or SAT scores.  The U.S. Army has now offered its own free alternative to help students prepare for these and other tests.  The program is called March 2 Success which is a website that gives users free access to online study materials the improve their standardized test scores.  These standardized exams includes state exit exams, college entrance exams, the military entrance exam (ASVAB) and others.

The website provides self-paced study in the subjects of Math, English, and Science for high school aged students.  The program even offers a pre-assessment test that is used to generate a custom learning path for each student.  The program also 7 full-length practice tests for both the SAT and ACT that is timed and scored similar to the real test.  The program also has decks of flashcards to help students study for the SAT and ACT.

Learn more about March 2 Success and improve your chances of receiving an ROTC scholarship at the below link:

Beautiful Winter Scenery on the Eastern Washington University Campus

EWU Campus in Winter

The recent snowfall in the Cheney area has the campus of Eastern Washington University currently looking quite picturesque.  For anyone staying in the Cheney or Spokane areas this holidy break, should consider taking a walk around campus and enjoy the serene winter scenery.  For those that can’t make it to campus I have a number of photos below for people to view below.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
The central campus mall.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Walking through campus.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
The old Pend Oreille school house

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Walking through campus towards the JFK Library visible on the left.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Cadet Hall

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
The obstacle course located below Cadet Hall.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Trees outside Cadet Hall.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Looking across JFK Field towards the Computer and Engineering Building located next door to Cadet Hall.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Looking across JFK Field towards the Science Building with the Pearce Hall dorm rooms visible in the background.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Eastern Washington University draws its lineage from the Benjamin P. Cheney Academy that opened in 1882 meaning EWU is now well over 100 years old.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
The JFK Library

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
The Pence Union Building more popularly known as the PUB.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Patterson Hall

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Monroe Hall

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Hargreaves Hall used to be where the original EWU Library was located at. Today the Reading Room on the second floor serves as a banquet hall that we host our annual EWU Army ROTC Award Ceremony at.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Sutton Hall

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
EWU Visitor Center

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Showalter Hall

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
The Pillars in front of Showalter Hall is where the Pass Through the Pillars event is held at the beginning of each academic school year.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Walking up the path to Showalter Hall.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Showalter Hall was built back in 1915 when EWU was a teacher’s college and is the most historic building on campus.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
The front entrance into Showalter Hall.

December 2019 Pictures from Eastern Washington University
Martin Hall


EWU Army ROTC Holds 2019 Branching Ceremony for Commissioning Cadets

On December 5, 2019 the Eastern Washington University (EWU) Army ROTC “Fighting Eagles” Battalion hosted a Branching Ceremony at Cadet Hall.  The ceremony was held to recognize the 18 seniors from the EWU ROTC Class of 2020 by officially pinning on to their Cadet uniforms the branch the Army recently assigned them.  To help pin on the branch insignia and recognize the Cadets being pinned were various alumni and friends of the EWU Army ROTC program, who either attended or participated via video.

The US Army has 17 different branches for Cadets to compete for. Being selected into one of the branches is the culmination of an assessment process that begins from the very first day a Cadet enters the ROTC program.

Combat ArmsCombat SupportCombat Service SupportSpecial Branches
Air Defense Artillery
Chemical Corps
Adjutant General
Army Nurse
Armor Corps
Military Intelligence
Finance Corps
Medical Service
Military Police
Ordnance Corps
Corps of Engineers
Signal Corps
Field Artillery

The Army’s accessions process ranks all Cadets across the nation based off of factors such as their GPA, physical fitness test score, Advanced Camp performance, volunteer work, Color Guard participation, Ranger Challenge team, etc.  During the beginning of their senior year, Cadets rank in order of preference which of the 17 branches in the Army they want to assess into. The Army’s accessions process then uses the various factors mentioned to help decide which branch they will receive.  EWU Army ROTC continues to score well above the Cadet Command average with the vast majority of our Cadets receiving their number one branch choice.

Transportation Corps

Jazmin Castrejon

The first Cadet to pin on their branch insignia during the ceremony was Cadet Jazmin Castrejon who branched into the Transportation Corps. Transportation officers are responsible for moving people, equipment, and supplies around the world by sea, air, and land. To pin the Cadet Castrejon was former Transportation officer and retired Lieutenant Colonel Jerry Mellick from the EWU ROTC class of 1967.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Retired LTC Jerry Mellick from the EWU ROTC class of 1967 pins the Transportation Corps insignia on to Cadet Castrejon.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Cadet Jazmin Castrejon and retired LTC Jerry Mellick.

Ordnance Corps

Megan Anderson

The next Cadet to receive their branch was Megan Anderson who branched into the Ordnance Corps.  Ordnance officers are responsible for the maintenance of Army weapon systems, ammunition, missiles, and vehicles.  Via a video presentation, fellow Ordnance officer, 2nd Lieutenant Tyler Bergman from the EWU Class of 2019 congratulated Cadet Anderson on receiving her branch and what it means to be a Ordnance officer.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Cadet Megan Anderson is pinned her Ordnance Corps insignia by EWU Army ROTC Professor of Military Science, LTC Jonathan Stafford.

2nd Lieutenant Tyler Bergman congratulates Cadet Megan Anderson via video during the 2019 EWU Army ROTC Branching Ceremony.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Cadet Megan Anderson pictured with EWU Army ROTC Professor of Military Science, LTC Jonathan Stafford.

Chemical Corps

Joseph Jordan

Cadet Joseph Jordan was not able to attend the ceremony, but he branched into the Chemical Corps.  The Chemical Corps is the branch of the United States Army tasked with defending against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) weapons.  Some branches do not need as many 2nd Lieutenants as others, thus Cadet Jordan will spend approximately 3-4 years in the Chemical Corps before transferring to his control branch which is the Signal Corps. This is called serving a branch detail.

Joseph Jordan – Branch detail Chemical; control branch of Signal Corps


Robert Wheeler

Jameson Palmer
Military Graduate)

Cadets Robert Wheeler and Jameson Palmer both branched into Armor.  Armor’s mission is to close with and destroy the enemy using fire, maneuver, and shock action in armored vehicles.  Cadet Palmer was not able to attend the ceremony, but Cadet Wheeler was pinned on his Armor insignia by LTC Stafford.  Cadet Wheeler is also serving a branch detail and once complete with his 3-4 years in Armor he will transfer over to the Signal Corps.  Besides branching Armor, Cadet Palmer was also selected as a Distinguished Military Graduate which means he ranked in the Top 20% of Cadets across the nation.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Cadet Robert Wheeler is pinned his Armor insignia by Professor of Military Science LTC Jonathan Stafford.

Cadet Jameson Palmer was unable to attend the ceremony, but was also branched into Armor.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Cadet Robert Wheeler and LTC Jonathan Stafford.


Chad Triplett
(Distinguished Military Graduate)

The next Cadet to branch was Chad Triplett into the Infantry.  Branching into the Infantry is one of the most competitive branches in the Army to be assessed into. As an Infantry officer he will be responsible for leading the infantry and combined armed forces during land combat.  Cadet Triplett was also recognized as a Distinguished Military Graduate.  To pin Cadet Triplett was retired Brigadier General (BG) Neal Sealock.  BG Sealock was a 1974 graduate of EWU that commissioned as an Infantry officer through the university's ROTC program.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
BG Neal Sealock pins the Infantry crossed rifles onto Cadet Triplett.

Via video 2nd Lieutenants from the EWU Army ROTC class of 2019 currently attending Infantry training at Ft. Benning, Georgia congratulate Cadet Triplett. (from left: 2LT Bryce Stanton, 2LT Scott Hinshaw, and 2LT Kyle Stanton)

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Cadet Chad Triplett and BG Neal Sealock.


Marcos Sanchez

Erling Anderson
(Distinguished Military Graduate)

Samuel Coutts

The next Cadets to pin on their branch insignia were Marcos Sanchez, Erling Anderson, and Samuel Coutts who branched into the Corps of Engineers.  Cadet Erling Anderson was also recognized as a Distinguished Military Graduate making him one of the Top 20% of Cadets across the nation.  An Engineer officer is responsible for providing full support to the wide range of engineering duties in the Army. They can help build structures, develop civil works programs and even provide combat support.  On hand to pin the Engineers insignia on to the Cadets were Captain Samuel Prichard and Captain Kennith Brown from the Walla Walla District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  Both officers made the drive up from Walla Walla to not only pin our Cadets branching into the Engineers, but also to educate our other Cadets on hand for the ceremony of the opportunities in the Corps of Engineers.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Captain Brown pins the Engineer insignia on Cadet Marcos Sanchez.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Captain Brown pins the Engineer branch insignia on to Cadet Erling Anderson.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Captain Brown pins the Engineer branch insignia onto Cadet Samuel Coutts.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
From left: Captain Samuel Pritchard, CDT Marcos Sanchez, CDT Erling Anderson, CDT Samuel Coutts, and Captain Kennith Brown

The next Cadets to receive their branch were Austin Pfennig and Cesar Guzman who both branched into the Signal Corps. A Signal officer is responsible for providing communications and computer capabilities to Army forces spread across the world.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
LTC Stafford pins the Signal Corps insignia on Cadet Austin Pfennig.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
LTC Stafford pins the Signal Corps insignia on Cadet Cesar Guzman.


EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
From left: CDT Austin Pfennig, CDT Cesar Guzman, and LTC Jonathan Stafford

Field Artillery

Cheyenne Sweet

Ian House

The next Cadets to pin their branch insignia were Cadets Cheyenne Sweet and Ian House who branched into the Field Artillery.  Cadet Sweet is branching straight into Field Artillery while Cadet House is on a branch detail for 3-4 years before transferring into his control branch of Military Intelligence.  A Field Artillery officer is able to employ indirect firepower with cannons, rockets, and missile systems. They are also able to coordinate for supporting fires from air power and naval gunfire.  On hand to pin the branches on to both Cadets were Field Artillery officers, 1st Lieutenant Miranda Munsell from the EWU Army ROTC Class of 2016 and current ROTC Cadre member Captain (Promotable) Nicholas Carbaugh.  Both Cadets additionally received a further congratulations on branching into the Field Artillery from 2nd Lieutenant Kyle Isaacson via video who is currently attending Field Artillery training at Ft Sill, Oklahoma.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Cadet Cheyenne Sweet is pinned her Field Artillery insignia by CPT(P) Nicholas Carbaugh.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Cadet Ian House is pinned his Field Artillery insignia by CPT (P) Nicholas Carbaugh.

2nd Lieutenant Kyle Isaacson congratulates Cadets Sweet and House via video from Ft. Sill, Oklahoma.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
From left: 1LT Miranda Munsell, CDT Cheyenne Sweet, CDT Ian House, CPT(P) Nicholas Carbaugh.

Military Intelligence

Jacob Villasenor

Melinda Leen

The next Cadets to receive their branch was Jacob Villasenor and Melinda Leen into the Military Intelligence branch.  A Military Intelligence officer has a wide variety of functions they are responsible for.  An MI officer provides tactical intelligence, counter-intelligence, signals and reconnaissance information to support unit commanders.  To congratulate the Cadets for branching into Military Intelligence via video, was 2nd Lieutenant Haley Isaacson from the EWU Army ROTC class of 2019.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
LTC Stafford pins the Military Intelligence insignia onto Cadet Jacob Villasenor.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
LTC Stafford pins the Military Intelligence insignia on to Cadet Melinda Leen.


Current Military Intelligence officer and alumni from the EWU Army ROTC class of 2019, 2nd Lieutenant Haley Isaacson congratulated Cadets Villasenor and Leen via video from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
From left: CDT Jacob Villasenor, CDT Melinda Leen, and LTC Jonathan Stafford

Army Nurse Corps

Josiah Bryan

Sarah Mullen

The next Cadets to receive their branch were Josiah Bryan and Sarah Mullen. Both Cadets are part of the largest degree program in EWU Army ROTC, nursing.  Both will serve as healthcare professionals by branching into the Army Nurse Corps. An Army Nurse officer serves in military hospitals around the world where they will train and serve in various clinical specialties such as in the Emergency Room, Operating Room, Community Health, etc.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Cadet Josiah Bryan has his Army Nurse Corps insignia pinned by EWU Army ROTC Professor Military Science, Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Stafford.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
Cadet Sarah Mullen has her Army Nurse Corps insignia pinned by EWU Army ROTC Professor Military Science, Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Stafford.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
From left: CDT Josiah Bryan, CDT Sarah Mullen, and LTC Jonathan Stafford

Air Defense Artillery

Coy Odiorne

The 18th and final Cadet to have their branch pinned was Coy Odiorne who branched into the Air Defense Artillery.  The mission of Air Defense Artillery is to protect the force and selected geopolitical assets from aerial attack, missile attack, and surveillance.  EWU Army ROTC Professor of Military Science and Air Defense Artillery officer, LTC Jonathan Stafford pinned the crossed cannons and missile insignia onto Cadet Odiorne.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
LTC Stafford pins the Air Defense Artillery insignia onto Cadet Coy Odiorne.

EWU ROTC Branching Ceremony 2019
From left: Coy Odiorne and LTC Jonathan Stafford

Following the Branching Ceremony the Cadets shared cake and drink with their fellow Cadets, alumni, university officials, friends, and family that attended the ceremony.  The EWU Army ROTC Cadre would like to thank BG(R) Neal  Sealock, LTC(R) Jerry Mellick, CPT Samuel Pritchard, CPT Kennith Brown, and 1LT Miranda Munsell for traveling to Cadet Hall to participate in the pinning ceremony.  We would also like to thank 2LT Bryce Stanton, 2LT Scott Hinshaw, 2LT Kyle Stanton, 2LT Tyler Bergman, 2LT Kyle Isaacson, and 2LT Haley Isaacson for providing videos congratulating the Cadets as well.

Leaders make time for things that are important and congratulating these Cadets on the significance of their branching shows how important it was to these great leaders.  Thank you and Go Fighting Eags!

Eastern Washington University Army ROTC Cadets Deliver 704 Pound Food Donation to Cheney Food Bank

Turkey Trot 2019

Great job by our Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Cadets that supported the food drive for the local Cheney Food Bank.  The EWU Army ROTC program gathered 613 items that weighed a total of 704 pounds.  Then on Thanksgiving day, seven Cadets that remained in the Spokane area over the holiday break, delivered the food to the Cheney Food Bank.  After delivering the food they then participated in the Turkey Trot fundraiser where they rucked 5 kilometers around Cheney.  Big thank you to Cadets Michael Beier, Josh Browning, Amayia Roberts, Kaylie Watters, Andrew Norby, Liam Hewey, and Nelson Hergert for supporting the Turkey Trot.   It was a great event that once again demonstrated the positive impact our EWU Army ROTC Cadets are having in the local community.

Go Fighting Eags!

EWU ROTC Turkey Trot 2019 Picture
Picture of food donated to the Cheney Food Bank.

EWU ROTC Turkey Trot 2019 Picture
(from left) Michael Beier, Josh Browning, Amayia Roberts, Kaylie Watters, Andrew Norby, Liam Hewey, Nelson Hergert.

EWU ROTC Turkey Trot 2019 Picture
EWU Army ROTC Cadets ruck in front of Eastern Washington University as part of the 2019 Turkey Trot.

EWU ROTC Turkey Trot 2019 Picture
EWU ROTC Cadets ruck in front of Cadet Hall during the 2019 Turkey Trot