Public Records Management
Public records for a state institution include any record containing information relating to the conduct of university business which is prepared, owned, used or retained by the university. Only existing documents are releasable. The university is responsible for the order and condition of existing records.
Core Services
Public Records
The mission of Public Records is to provide full access to public records, protection of records from damage or disorganization, prevent excessive interference with other essential functions, provide fullest assistance to requestors, and provide the most timely possible action on public records requests in accordance with RCW 42.56.
Records Management
The mission of Records Management is to provide a sound records and information management program to ensure the University retains the necessary information to meet legal, financial, administrative, research, and historical needs as required for Washington State public records.
University Archives
The University Archives preserves and provides access to records of continuing historical and administrative importance. Archives staff accessions records of archival value from Records Management once those records have reached the end of their retention period.
Contact Us
Ryanna Thurman
Public Records Manager
218 Tawanka Hall
Cheney, WA 99004-2453
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
08:00 a.m. – 04:30 p.m.