Chapter 172-11 WAC – Financial Aid, Scholarships & Waivers

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WAC Sections

172-11-010: Authority
172-11-030: Financial aid and scholarship information
172-11-040: Waiver of tuition


WAC 172-11-010  Authority.  Pursuant to the authority granted by RCW 28B.35.120 and chapter 28B.15 RCW, the board of trustees of Eastern Washington University has established the following regulations regarding registration.

WAC 172-11-030  Financial aid and scholarship information.  Federal, state, and private financial aid applications and information about scholarships may be obtained from:

Eastern Washington University
Financial Aid & Scholarships Office
102 Sutton Hall
333 Eagle Lane
Cheney, WA 99004

Federal and state aid will be awarded in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations.

WAC 172-11-040  Waiver of tuition.

(1) The board of trustees is authorized to grant tuition waivers to students pursuant to RCW 28B.15.910 and the laws identified therein. A number of these statutes authorize, but do not require, the board of trustees to grant waivers for different categories of students and provide waivers of different fees. For waivers that are authorized but not required by state law, the board of trustees delegates to the president or designee the authority to implement voluntary tuition waivers. The permissive waivers that EWU has implemented are identified below in subsection (3) of this section. A full list of permissive waivers and mandatory waivers is available from EWU’s financial aid and scholarships office. These waivers may be modified at any time. Eligibility is based on the term for which the student is seeking a waiver and both the waiver and eligibility criteria may be subsequently modified or revoked with or without notice to a student. Awarding of a waiver for one term is not a guarantee that the waiver will be awarded in a subsequent term.
(2) Even if EWU has implemented a permissive waiver, the university, for specific reasons and a general need for flexibility in the management of its resources, may choose not to award waivers to all students who may be eligible under the terms of the laws due to funding limitations and enrollment strategies. The university may modify its restrictions or requirements pursuant to changes in state or federal law, changes in programmatic requirements, or in response to financial or other considerations, which may include, but are not limited to, the need to adopt fiscally responsible budgets, the management of the overall levels and mix of enrollments, management initiative to modify enrollment demand for specific programs, and management decisions regarding the array of academic programs offered. The university may choose not to exercise the full funding authority granted under RCW 28B.15.910 and may limit the total funding available under RCW 28B.15.915.
(3) Pursuant to RCW 28B.15.910, EWU adopts the following tuition waivers with the following limitations. These limitations are in addition to any limitations set forth in state or federal law.

(a) RCW 28B.15.014(1);

(b) RCW 28B.15.014(2). Waivers under this subsection for the nonresident tuition fee differential shall be restricted to three quarters within the first year from the employee’s initial date of employment with EWU. The employee must be employed on or before the first day of the quarter for which the waiver is requested;

(c) RCW 28B.15.544. Applicants must meet initial enrollment and academic eligibility requirements available on the financial aid office’s website;

(d) RCW 28B.15.556. Limitations are included in specific student exchange agreements;

(e) RCW 28B.15.558. All waivers authorized by RCW 28B.15.558 shall be subject to additional limitations as determined by the university. The details of EWU’s program of tuition waivers for state, teachers and other certificated instructional staff, and K-12 classified staff are set forth in EWU Policy 409-04. As authorized by RCW 28B.15.558(5), waivers may be awarded to eligible EWU employees before considering waivers for eligible persons who are not employed by EWU. These waivers are not available for self-support courses or individualized instruction;

(f) RCW 28B.15.615;

(g) RCW 28B.15.621(2). This waiver is limited to Washington residents who are enrolled full-time and pursuing their first undergraduate degree and is only a partial waiver. Information about eligibility for this waiver is available on the financial aid office’s website. To qualify as an eligible veteran or National Guard member, the person seeking the waiver must provide proof of domicile in Washington state and either a DD Form 214 or other documentation establishing they meet the criteria in RCW 28B.15.621(8);

(h) RCW 28B.15.740 (1) and (2);

(i) RCW 28B.70.050; and

(j) Pursuant to the general authority granted in RCW 28B.15.740(1), an employee dependent children and spouses’ tuition waiver as detailed in EWU Policy 405-01.

(4) Any waivers identified in subsection (3) of this section only apply to the operating portion of tuition for state supported courses or programs, unless otherwise required by law. They do not apply to self-support courses or programs.
(5) Additional procedures and requirements for the waivers identified in subsection (3) of this section may be included in EWU policies. EWU may offer additional waivers at its discretion under RCW 28B.15.915.
(6) Information about fee waivers is available from Financial Aid & Scholarships Office, 102 Sutton Hall, Cheney, WA 99004, phone 509-359-2314.