Memo 401-11: Delegation of Authority for Personnel Actions

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Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees of Eastern Washington University (hereafter “EWU”) delegates to Eastern Washington University’s President, effective October 12, 2007, its authority to employ and discharge faculty and other employees. Provided that:

  1. The Eastern Washington University’s President reports quarterly to the Board of Trustees on all personnel contracts awarded or terminated under the authority of this resolution;
  2. The Eastern Washington University’s Board of Trustees retains its authority to award tenure on behalf of EWU based upon the recommendations of and consultation with the President; and
  3. The Eastern Washington University’s Board of Trustees retains its authority related to the employment and discharge of the University’s President.

Dated this 12th day of October, 2007, and effective until revoked by the Board of Trustees.

Signed by Paul Tanaka, Chair, EWU Board of Trustees