EWU 603-01: Campus Safety, Security, and Crime Prevention

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Health and Safety – Public Safety

EWU Policy 603-01 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees
Effective: May 17, 2024 Proponent: Vice President for Business & Finance

Purpose:  This policy contains information related to Eastern Washington University’s crime prevention, reporting, and response efforts.

History:  This policy revises and supersedes EWU Policy 603-01, dated June 22, 2023, and was approved by the Board of Trustees on May 17, 2024.

Applicability:  This policy applies to all employees, students, vendors, contractors, and others who do business with the University, whether on-campus or at an off-campus location where University business is conducted.  The policy also applies to anyone who comes on to campus.

Chapter 1 – General

1-1. Purpose

Eastern Washington University is committed to providing a safe learning and working environment for its students, employees, and visitors. Through a combination of emphasis, accountability, training, and systematic response, EWU intends to deter violent behavior and to provide for timely response measures when crimes occur.    EWU will not tolerate criminal behavior directed toward any member of the University community or to any person on University property.  This policy provides information and procedures related to EWU’s campus safety, security, and crime prevention efforts.

1-2. Responsibilities

Preventing, reporting, and responding to safety concerns and criminal behavior on campus is a shared responsibility.  While every person on campus plays an important role in deterring and reporting criminal behavior, the following positions have the additional responsibilities outlined below.

a. The University President has the ultimate authority relating to all issues and incidents related to campus safety and security.  The President may, as deemed necessary, take immediate action to ensure the safety and security of the campus and community.  These actions could include, but are not limited to:

    • ordering any disciplinary action,
    • restricting access to University facilities or personnel,
    • ordering the issuance of a notice against trespass,
    • closing University facilities, and/or
    • taking other action as permitted by law.

b. The Director of Public Safety keeps the President apprised in times of emergent situations on campus. The Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police directs the University Police Department.

c. The Campus Security Survey Administrator (CSSA) is responsible for the Campus Security Survey and the University Annual Security and Fire Report, also known as the Clery Act annual report.  The CSSA is responsible for making the Annual Security and Fire Report available on the University’s website and in a hard copy form at the University Police Department.  All crimes occurring on campus or in the surrounding area must be reported to the CSSA, as detailed below.  The CSSA is appointed by and reports to the Director of Public Safety,

d. The University Police Department has primary responsibility for crime reporting, campus safety, safety notifications, crime prevention training and awareness, and emergency management.  The University Police will respond to all incidents of violence on campus and intervene as necessary to protect the safety of all persons and property.  Further details about the University Police’s responsibilities are included in Chapter 2.

e. Student Affairs will:

(1) assist University Police in responding to safety concerns involving students and responding to crimes committed by students;

(2) address any criminal behavior engaged in by students as appropriate under the student conduct code;

(3) provide students with crime prevention training and materials.

f. Human Resources will:

(1) assist University Police and supervisors in responding to safety concerns in the workplace;

(2) facilitate appropriate responses to reported incidents of criminal behavior by employees through professional development, investigation, and/or discipline; and,

(3) ensure all new employees receive crime prevention training and materials as required by this policy.

g. Records and Registration will ensure each student is provided with campus violence awareness information (including information regarding counseling services) by including such information in annual catalogs and/or quarterly course announcements.

1-3. Related References

  • EWU Guideline 401-01, Investigations
  • EWU Policy 402-01, Sexual Misconduct & Title IX Responsibilities
  • EWU Policy 402-04, Investigations of Employees for Sexual Harassment & Sexual & Interpersonal Violence
  • EWU Policy 602-01, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention
  • EWU Policy 901-04, Bullying Prevention and Response
  • Executive Order 96-05, Domestic Violence in the Workplace
  • Institutional Security Policies and Crime Statistics, 34 C.F.R. § 668.46
  • Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1092(f) (“Clery Act”)
  • Title 9, RCW, Crimes and Punishments
  • Title 9A, RCW, Washington Criminal Code
  • Title 10, RCW, Criminal Procedure
  • WAC 172-121, Student Conduct Code
  • WAC 172-122, General Conduct Code
  • WAC 172-64, Alcohol Policy

Chapter 2 – University Police

2-1. General

The University Police Department is a fully commissioned law enforcement agency.   The location, operating hours, and contact information for the University Police Department can be found in Appendix A.

2-2. Mission and Goals

a. Mission: The University Police Department is committed to continuously working in partnership with our diverse campus community so together we may foster trust, reduce incidents of crime, and promote safety through education and enforcement.

b. Values: Treat all people fairly and with respect. Foster a mutually-beneficial relationship with the public. Provide fair, impartial and professional community-based policing by exemplifying the highest standards of conduct.

c. Goals: To serve the University community, by protecting life and property. To ensure all persons are treated fairly with respect, while preserving State and Federal laws. To encourage unity and the appreciation of cultural and racial diversity for all members of the University community.

2-3. Powers

University Police have complete police authority to apprehend and arrest anyone involved in illegal acts.  RCW 28B.10.555.  University Police have legal authority to act upon probable cause, conduct search and seizures, and to investigate criminal activity. As a law enforcement agency, they have access to state and federal criminal history records and criminal intelligence.

University Police work cooperatively with external law enforcement.  They maintain mutual agreements with state and local law enforcement agencies.  They also work closely with federal agencies whenever necessary. The prosecution of all criminal offenses, both felony and misdemeanor, are conducted at the Municipal, Superior, or Federal Courts in Spokane County

University police are also authorized to enforce the lawful orders, regulations, and policies promulgated by the EWU Board of Trustees for the safety, security and/or welfare of students, employees, and guests of the University.  If offenses involving University rules and regulations are committed by a student, University Police may also refer the individual to Student Rights and Responsibilities.

2-4. Responsibilities for Violence Prevention, Control, and Response

The University Police Department will:

a. Respond to all incidents of violence on campus and intervene as necessary to protect the safety of all persons and property;

b. Investigate all crimes occurring on EWU’s Cheney campus, including major offenses, such as rape, murder, aggravated assault, and auto theft, and minor offenses and infractions.

c. Coordinate with local law enforcement agencies and prosecutors to assist in the prosecution of persons who commit crimes on campus;

d. Assist the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities in holding students accountable for violations of the student conduct code, including testifying, when necessary, during a student conduct proceeding;

e. Assist Student Affairs and the Title IX Coordinator in determining what, if any, immediate, interim measures should be taken to protect a victim while an investigation is being conducted;

f. Work with students and employees to develop personal safety plans when the student or employee feels unsafe at a location on campus;

g. Log, document, and track incidents and threats of violence per internal procedures;

h. Notify the Dean of Students, or designee, when a crime occurs on campus involving a student. Notify Human Resources when a crime occurs on campus involving an employee;

e. Notify the President and appropriate University leaders of emergency situations;

f. Provide an annual report to the President of all incidents of violence on campus, the disposition of each incident, and make recommendations for training, security procedures, or policy changes to increase safety on campus;

g. Maintain a record of any Protection Orders for employees and students, when informed of such orders;

h. Support University efforts to promote awareness of safety issues and providing training;

i. Ensure all police officers are trained in violence prevention, domestic violence awareness and prevention, nonviolent crises intervention, conflict management, and dispute resolution;

j. Coordinate with Human Resources regarding safety concerns or criminal behavior involving University employees.

2-5. Jurisdiction

The University Police’s jurisdiction includes all properties that are part of the Cheney Campus. Any University owned or leased property in outlying areas in Cheney is patrolled jointly by both University and city police.

Law enforcement activities in the Catalyst, SIERR, or Health Sciences Building in Spokane are within the jurisdiction of the University Police and/or the Spokane Police Department.

EWU programs hosted at other colleges or universities are subject the jurisdiction of the local law enforcement agency.

Chapter 3 – Reporting Crime on Campus

3-1. When to Report

a. Threatened, Imminent, and Actual Violence on Campus: anyone who witnesses or becomes aware of a violent incident on campus must immediately report the incident to University Police, except for licensed professional mental health counselors as specified below.

b. All Other Crimes or Potential Criminal Behavior: employees are mandated to report all crimes occurring on campus or in a university-leased facility or vehicle, during a university-sponsored or sanctioned event/activity, or while conducting university business to the University Police or a University campus security authority (see below). The only exception to mandatory reporting is for licensed professional mental health counselors as specified below.

Students and visitors who witness or become aware of any crime or public safety related incident on campus should promptly report the incident to the University Police. Reporting suspected criminal activity is essential for the University’s efforts to promote a safe learning and working environment.  If a student or visitor is not comfortable reporting criminal activity to the police, they may report the incident to any University campus security authority.

Campus security authorities (CSA) at EWU include:

  1. members of the University Police Department,
  2. individuals, other than the police, who have responsibility for campus security (i.e., residence life coordinators, night desk workers, etc.),
  3. officials who have significant responsibility for students and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, athletics, Dean of Students, etc, and
  4. any other person or organization designated to receive reports of crime in EWU’s Annual Security and Fire Report.

All CSAs who become aware of a criminal incident on any of EWU’s campuses or leased facilities must promptly forward such reports to University Police.

c. Sexual misconduct: in addition to notifying the police, all University employees, except for licensed mental health professionals through Counseling and Wellness Services, who become aware of an incident or complaint of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct must report it to the Title IX Coordinator within 24 hours of becoming aware of the matter. More information is available in EWU Policy 402-01.

d. Domestic Violence: if a person becomes aware of a domestic situation or relationship that may result in a violent incident on campus, they should report the threat immediately to University Police.

e. Licensed Professional Mental Health Counselors: licensed mental health counselors in Counseling and Wellness Services, when acting in their capacities as professional counselors, or professional counselors who are under contract to provide mental health counseling services for the University, are not required to report threated violence or criminal behavior to the University police or a CSA.  As a matter of policy, campus counselors are encouraged to inform persons being counseled of the procedures to report crimes on a voluntary basis, if and when they deem it appropriate.

3-2. How to Report

For emergencies, call 911.  For non-emergencies, crimes can be reported by calling the EWU Anonymous Tip Line at (509) 359-4286 or the University Police Department at (509) 359-7676.  Crimes can also be reported online using a form available on the University Police Department’s website at: https://test-inside.ewu.edu/police/report-a-crime/.

For the Spokane campus, all crimes should be reported to the Spokane Police Department by calling Crime Check at (509) 456-2233.

3-3. Anonymity and Confidentiality

a. Anonymous Crime Reporting: Victims, witnesses, or any person having knowledge of a crime may anonymously report the crime to the University Police Department through any of the numbers provided in Appendix A and in the Annual Security and Fire Report.  The University Police Department also maintains an Anonymous Tip Line (509-359-4286) and an online reporting form (https://test-inside.ewu.edu/police/report-a-crime/) for people who wish to report a crime and remain anonymous.

b. Confidentiality: To facilitate the investigative process and protect the privacy of those involved, information gathered by University Police will be maintained in a confidential manner to the fullest extent possible during the pendency of a criminal investigation. If a victim or witness wishes to remain anonymous, the police will take all reasonable steps to investigate the allegation without disclosing the name of the victim/witness to the extent allowed by state and federal law and contractual obligations.  If the victim/witness wishes to remain anonymous, the University shall inform him or her that its ability to investigate and respond to the allegation will be limited and any type of retaliation is prohibited.  Ultimately, the University cannot ensure confidentiality of victim and witness names, as its legal and contractual obligations may require disclosure.  Victims’ names will not be included in the Annual Security and Fire Report or any timely warnings.

3-4.  Campus Alerts

All communications to the University community and outside entities regarding incidents of violence with campus safety implications will be made through the Director of Public Safety or their designee.

Chapter 4 – Violations

4-1.  Criminal Conduct

It is a violation of this policy for any student or University employee to:

a. commit or attempt to commit a crime, as defined by state, federal, or local law, while on campus, conducting University business, or participating in a University activity;

b. to use University resources to facilitate or perpetrate a crime; or

c. to commit a crime off campus when such action has an impact on the person’s duties or responsibilities as a University student or employee.

4-2.  False Reporting

Persons who knowingly, deliberately or willfully make false and malicious complaints of crimes, as opposed to complaints which, even if erroneous, are made in good faith, may be subject to disciplinary action and/or referral to civil authorities as appropriate.

4-3. Assisting Criminal Investigations

All students and employees are expected to assist law enforcement officers during a criminal investigation. Obstruction of a law enforcement investigation or lying to the police is a crime.

Chapter 5 – Campus Safety

5-1. General

This section describes some physical security and crime prevention measures taken by the University and the University Police in an effort to increase campus safety.  While these efforts are aimed at increasing safety on campus, they cannot eradicate crime on campus.  People should always be cognizant of their surroundings and report any suspicious behavior to the police.

5-2. Crime Prevention

a. Campus Police Patrols: The University Police actively patrol the Cheney campus.  The streets and parking lots in and around the Cheney campus are patrolled 24 hours a day.

b. Safety Escorts: The University Police provides police escorts when available for students, faculty, and staff walking on or near the Cheney campus.  The escort service is limited by the availability of student patrols or police officers.  Because of the limited availability, people are encouraged to seek assistance from a friend, roommate or colleague before calling for a police escort.  However, people who are not able to get assistance elsewhere should not hesitate to call for a police escort.  Additional information about the police escort service is found at Appendix B and is published in the Annual Security and Fire Report.

5-3. Physical Security

a. Access Control: Access control measures are maintained for all University facilities.  Access to University facilities and spaces are controlled by a security access system consisting of keys and/or electronic access cards. EWU Facilities Maintenance maintains oversight and maintenance of all lock systems including electronic card access. Facilities Maintenance and the University Key shop will work with individual departments to create satisfactory Departmental Access Systems for their individual needs.  Detailed information on access control can be found in the access control policy.

b. Access to On-Campus Housing: Residence halls are locked 24 hours a day. Each residence hall has desk operations that start at 12 pm.  Hours of operation vary between buildings.  Each hall has an on-call staff member that comes on at 7 pm and does safety and security rounds in the evenings.  All guests must be escorted by a host that resides in the building and be prepared to show a photo ID to staff when asked.  More information can be found through the Residential Life website.  In addition to residence halls, there are on-campus student apartment complexes with individual managers. Apartment occupants control access to each apartment.

c. Facilities Maintenance: Campus security systems, including lighting, alarms, and locks are actively checked and maintained.  University Police Officers actively address identified safety issues, i.e. lighting, traffic and pedestrian safety, etc.  Facilities maintenance personnel conduct periodic checks of the campus and surrounding areas to identify and address safety concerns.  The University Police Department ensures routine testing is performed on electronic safety/security systems.

d. Authority to Restrict Access: The University, at the request of an employee or student, or at its own discretion, may prohibit members of the public, including family members, from seeing an employee or student on University property. This ability to restrict access is vital in cases where the employee or student suspects that an act of violence may result from such an encounter.

5-4. Domestic Violence in the Workplace

a. EWU will not tolerate domestic violence and dating violence on its campus or while persons are engaged in University business or activities. Domestic violence and dating violence are crimes and a violation of EWU Policy 402-01, Sexual Misconduct & Title IX Responsibilities.

b. The University will make reasonable efforts to adjust schedules and grant leave to allow victims of domestic violence to obtain medical treatment, counseling, legal assistance, move out of the area, or to make other arrangements to create a safer situation for themselves. Leave options for employees are outlined in EWU Policy 403-05, Employee Leave Related to Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault & Stalking and EWU Policy 403-02, Shared Leave. EWU will assist current employees who are victims of domestic violence in finding alternative state employment opportunities if such victims need to relocate for safety reasons.

c. Perpetrators of domestic and dating violence are encouraged to seek assistance. Counseling services for students are available from CAPS. Human Resources has information available for employees seeking assistance. Employees are encouraged to contact the Employee Assistance Program.

d. Students and employees will not be disciplined solely because they have been victims of domestic or dating violence.

5-5. Workplace Violence

Eastern Washington University is committed to providing a safe and secure environment that is free from violent behavior or threats of harm.  The University does not tolerate behavior, whether direct or indirect, that is violent or that threatens to endanger the health or safety of any person.   University Persons on the EWU campus are also prohibited from engaging in:

a. Disruptive conduct- conduct that unreasonably interfere with any person’s ability to work or study, or obstructs University operations or campus activities.

b. Disorderly conduct- conduct that is disorderly, lewd, indecent, or a breach of peace.

c. Obstruction- obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on University premises or University-sponsored events.

Chapter 6 – Notifications, Disclosures, and Reports

6-1. General

Eastern Washington University complies with federal law regarding campus security policies, notifications, disclosures, and reporting.  The Director of Public Safety is responsible for ensuring criminal offense statistics are collected and reported in accordance with the Clery Act.  The Director will compile all criminal offense and fire statistics received for inclusion in the Annual Security and Fire Report.  All criminal incident records, including Daily Logs, will be maintained for seven years following the publication of the last Annual Security and Fire Report to which they apply.

6-2. Daily Crime and Fire Log

University Police maintains a daily crime and fire log.  This log records all criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents that are reported to University Police and occur within the University Police’s patrol jurisdiction. The log also includes all fires reported in on-campus student housing.  The Daily Crime and Fire Log is available for public inspection at the Red Barn during regular business hours and at: test-inside.ewu.edu/police/crime-data/daily-crime-log/.

6-3. Timely Warnings

a. Need for a timely warning: Campus-wide timely warning notices will be issued to students and employees for crimes that meet Clery Act criteria and that, in the judgment of the University President, the Director of Public Safety, or designee constitute a serious or continuing threat to the health and safety of the EWU community.

The decision to issue a timely warning is decided on a case-by-case basis, in light of the facts surrounding a crime, including factors such as the nature of a crime, continuing danger to the campus community and the possible risk of compromising possible law enforcement efforts. Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to the University Police Department.  The University is not required to provide a timely warning for crimes reported to a licensed mental health professional who is functioning within the scope of his or her professional capacity or for crimes that are not reportable under the Clery Act.

Information for this type of warning may also be provided by other law enforcement agencies or public safety officers. Every attempt will be made to distribute a warning in a timely manner.

b. Procedures: Timely warnings are issued by the Director of Public Safety once pertinent information is made available.

The Director of Public Safety will decide the method(s) to be used for the timely warning and is responsible for ensuring distribution of timely warning notices to the University community.  The Director of Public Safety or designee will create the message using available information on a case-by-case basis, and will generate the notifications or direct other staff, such as the Public Information Officer, Deputy Police Chief, or Administrative Assistant to generate the messages. If EWU’s Police Department is not available to initiate an alert, another authorized EWU official may activate the system. EWU will send a blast email to all students and staff, post the timely warning on the EWU timely  warnings webpage at (https://test-inside.ewu.edu/police/ewu-timelywarnings/) and may use any or all of the emergency and mass notification process outlined in section 6-4.

c. Content of a timely warning: all timely warnings should include, at a minimum, the following information, if available and/or appropriate.

    • What the reported offense is,
    • Description and name of suspect(s), if known,
    • Description of what happened including such things as location, date(s), time of day/night, behavior of suspects, etc.
    • Information that promotes safety and that would aid in prevention of similar crimes.

Including the name of a suspect in a timely warning is not a violation of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act if such information is taken from a law enforcement record or, if it is contained in an education record, if release of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of others in an emergency situation.  Timely warnings will not identify the victim(s).

6-4.  Emergency Notifications

The President, Director of Public Safety, or designee will decide whether a situation is an emergency and if it is poses an immediate threat to the health and safety of the EWU community. Examples of a significant emergency include, but are not limited to, an approaching wildfire, fire in a building, outbreak of a serious contagious illness, extreme weather conditions, earthquakes, gas leaks, terrorist incidents, armed intruders, bomb threat, rioting, explosions, or hazardous waste spills. If a significant emergency exists, the Director of Public Safety or designee will follow the emergency notification procedures set forth below in section 6-5. If EWU Police Department personnel are not available to initiate an alert, another authorized EWU official may activate the system.

Status updates will be made when new information or instructions are available. An “All Clear” notification indicates the emergency situation has been contained. All Clear notifications will be sent after the appropriate campus authority determines the event or events triggering the notification have ended.

6-5.  Emergency and Mass Notification Communication Procedures

Notifications may be sent through any or all of the following options:

  • ewu.edu and inside.ewu webpages
  • Text (SMS) messages
  • Digital signs
  • Email
  • Fire alarms
  • Facebook, Twitter, or other social media
  • Outdoor warning speakers
  • Vehicle public address speakers
  • Voicemails on campus telephone numbers
  • Voice messages to cellphones
  • EagleSafe App
  • Other appropriate methods.

All university community members are automatically enrolled in the mass notification system with their university-provided email address. Opt-out is not available for university email addresses.

All university-provided cell phones and landline telephones are automatically enrolled in the mass notification system. Opt-out is not available for campus-provided telephone numbers or voicemail boxes.

University members, visitors, and the public can opt to provide their personal email address(es), voice cellphone numbers, text (SMS) numbers, and landline numbers for inclusion in the mass notification system. Personal information provided by users shall only be used for emergency and mass notification purposes. Users may opt-out of providing their personal information from the system at any time.

The Director of Public Safety will test EWU’s emergency response and evacuation procedures on at least an annual basis. During the test, the Director will publicize EWU’s emergency response and evacuation procedures (Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan) to the EWU community. Such tests may be publicized or unannounced. Each test must be documented, including a description of the exercise, date, time, and information about whether or not it was announced in advance.

6-6. Annual Security and Fire Report

a. Preparation: EWU prepares an Annual Security and Fire Report containing a variety of information on safety, security, and crime prevention.  The report includes information and crime statistics as required by the Clery Act.  This report is prepared in cooperation with local law enforcement agencies, all EWU Campus Security Authorities, Housing and Residential Services, the office of Student Rights and Responsibilities and the Athletics Department. The Annual Security and Fire Report will be completed by October 1st of each year.  The reports are available at:  https://test-inside.ewu.edu/police/crime-data/.

b. Contents:  In compliance with the Clery Act, the Annual Security and Fire Report contains extensive information about criminal reports, safety incidents, safety measures, training, prevention efforts, and University policies.  Statistics of the number and types of crimes reported to the University Police, CSAs, and local law enforcement agencies that occurred on the Cheney campus, in certain off-campus buildings owned or controlled by EWU, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent and accessible from the Cheney campus are included for the three most recent calendar years.

c. Distribution: The Director of Public Safety is responsible for posting the Annual Security and Fire Report on the University’s web site on an annual basis.  In addition to posting the report, the following notices will be provided:

  • Current Students and Employees: Each year, the CSSA will prepare and distribute a notice regarding the availability of the Annual Security and Fire Report to all current employees and students.
  • Notice to Prospective Students and Employees: EWU will provide notice to all prospective students and employees of the availability of the Annual Security and Fire Report, a brief description of its contents, a link to the exact webpage where the report is posted, and a statement indicating a paper copy of the report may be requested from the University Police.
  • Submission to the Secretary: The Director of Public Safety will submit a copy of the report the statistics, as required by law, to the US Department of Education.
  • Board of Trustees: a copy of the Annual Security and Fire Report will be presented to the EWU Board of Trustees each year.

The Director is responsible for verifying all of the above notices are provided each year to current and prospective students and employees.

Chapter 7 – Registered Sex Offenders and Kidnapping Offenders

EWU supports providing education and employment to qualified individuals. In the interest of campus safety, EWU takes preventative steps as outlined below when registered offenders are admitted to or hired by the institution or are continuing as a student or employee after a registered offender designation. For purposes of this chapter, registered offender” includes registered sex offenders and kidnapping offenders.

7.1 Registered Offender Obligations Upon Application to EWU

a. Notification to County Sheriff

As required by the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act and RCW 9A.44.130, registered offenders must provide notice to the county sheriff in the county where they reside or, if they are not a resident of Washington, in the county where they attend school or work within three business days prior to arriving at EWU to attend classes or work.

b. Notification to EWU Police Department

Registered offenders admitted to EWU as students must, in addition to notifying the county sheriff, inform the University Police Department and the Dean of Student’s Office no later than three weeks before the commencement of the term. Detailed instructions for notifying both the University Police Department and the Dean of Student’s Office can be found at: https://test-inside.ewu.edu/srr/students-with-registeredsex-offender-status/. Notification does not automatically grant clearance for registration. Additional steps may be required, and limitations may be placed on the individual’s ability to enroll in all or some courses based on the interests of community safety.

7.2 Notice to EWU if Convicted While at EWU

Students, employees, volunteers, and contractors who are convicted of a sex offense while employed by EWU or working at any EWU location must immediately notify the University Police Department. If EWU becomes aware that an employee has been convicted of a sex offense and has not notified the University Policy Department, the  employee may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Volunteers and contractors who fail to disclose their status may be subject to immediate
termination. Students will be referred to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities for disciplinary action.

7-3. Sex Offender Notification to Campus Community

The University Police Department considers the protection of our community from sex offenders of significant importance. The objective of the 1990 Community Protection Act was to provide adequate notice to the community concerning sex offenders who are, or will be attending, working or residing on the campus, and to assist our community members in developing constructive plans to prepare themselves and their children for residing near released sex offenders. The Spokane County Sheriff’s Office alerts the University Police when there is a sex offender, under supervision, enrolling as an EWU student or working as an EWU employee.

a. Notification: EWU will provide reasonable public notice regarding the presence of sex offenders on EWU premises.  Information that is relevant and necessary to protect the public and to counteract the danger created by a particular offender is released pursuant to RCW 4.24.550.  The extent of such notices will be based upon a case by case evaluation of:

  • The offender’s risk classification;
  • The risk posed by the offender to the community;
  • The location where the offender resides, intends to reside, is regularly found, or is employed;
  • The needs of affected community members for information that is necessary to protect their interests and safety.

b. Notification will generally follow this guideline:

  • Level 1: Notification will be provided to the faculty for each class the student registers.
  • Level 2/3: In addition to Level 1 requirements above, notification will be placed in the registered sex offender binders that are located at the Dean of Students office, Title IX Office and the EWU Police Department (Red Barn). Electronic notifications will also be provided to any facility where children are educated or cared for, including Running Start.  Notification may also be provided to through other means as deemed necessary.

c. The University Police Department maintains records of sex offenders who have been brought to their attention. This information is  available to the public and strategically located in several locations throughout the campus, including such places as:

  • The University Police Department located in the Red Barn
  • Title IX Coordinator’s Office
  • Dean of Students Office
  • EWU Child Care Center

d. Names of known Level 3 sex offenders who participate in programs or activities on a EWU campus or attend online classes will be posted on the University Police Department website with links to the Spokane County sex offender database website.

e. Using this public information to threaten, intimidate or harass sex offenders will not be tolerated.

7-4. Registered Offenders & University Housing

Level 3 sex offenders are not permitted to live in university housing and are exempt from the university’s undergraduate housing requirement.

If a Level 1 or Level 2 registered offender is interested in University housing, the individual must contact the Dean of Students and Director of Housing and Residential Life at least 3 months prior to the date they are anticipating living in university housing. After considering information submitted by the applicant, the university will perform a risk assessment to determine if the individual is approved to live within university housing. University police will participate in the risk assessment. Factors used in making this
determination include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The risk level of the registered offender;
  • The type of university housing where the applicant seeks to live;
  • The amount of time that has passed since conviction;
  • The underlying offense(s) requiring registration;
  • Steps the offender has taken to remedy and rehabilitation;
  • The likelihood of reoffending; and,
  • The safety needs of the community.

The university’s decision will be communicated to the applicant in writing. If the applicant is approved to live in university housing, the Director of Housing and Residential Life and the Dean of Students (or designees) will create an individualized plan to support both the individual’s and the living community’s success and safety. The individualized
plan will be reviewed and renewed on a quarterly basis. Failure to abide by the terms of the plan may result in termination of any housing and discipline under the Student Conduct Code.

Chapter 8 – Training and Awareness

8-1. General

Eastern Washington University promotes crime prevention and personal safety through a variety of training and awareness programs.  These programs emphasize personal safety and individual responsibility for crime prevention.  Programs are sponsored by various campus organizations throughout the year. University Police personnel facilitate programs for student, faculty, and new employee orientations.  The University Police Department also provides training for student organizations, Residence Hall Advisers, and residents, providing a variety of educational strategies and tips on how to protect themselves from sexual assault, theft and other crimes.

8-2. Training for Students

During orientations, students receive presentations on safety, security, and crime prevention.  These presentations cover a variety of topics, including:

  • University Police Department services,
  • personal safety,
  • residence hall security,
  • crime reporting,
  • crime statistics for the campus and surrounding community,
  • drug and alcohol abuse

In addition, all new students receive training regarding preventing sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.  This training will provide information about EWU’s prohibition and definition of such crimes, the definition of consent in Washington State, a description of safe and positive options for bystander intervention, information on risk reduction, an overview of programs EWU offers to prevent such crimes, the procedures EWU will follow when one of these crimes is reported, and overview of the student conduct process for such crimes. The training is designed to stop these types of crimes from occurring through the promotion of positive and healthy behaviors that foster healthy, mutually respectful relationships and sexuality, encourage safe bystander intervention, and seek to change behavior and social norms in healthy and safe directions.

8-3. Training for New Employees

New employees receive training and information similar to that provided at student orientations, including primary prevention programming intended to stop sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Additional training for employees may be provided as requested or as needed.

8-4. Additional Training and Awareness

Throughout the year, University police sponsor additional crime prevention awareness sessions.  University police will host these sessions in cooperation with other organizations and departments.  The sessions may include information related to crime prevention in general or may be focused on specific areas, e.g. sexual assault prevention, drug and alcohol abuse, theft, vandalism, self-defense training, etc.  Individuals and organizations may request special training sessions by contacting the University Police Department.

In conjunction with other University departments, EWU will engage in ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns regarding sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Awareness programs are intended to increase campus knowledge and share information and resources to prevent violence, promote safety, and reduce perpetration.

8-5. Training Materials

In addition to training and awareness sessions, crime prevention information is also provided to students and employees through crime prevention materials, security alert posters, displays, videos, and other media. The University Police produces several of these items, including a Student Campus Security brochure and an Emergency Response Instructions checklist.  Items may be obtained at the University Police Department, Human Resources, or Admissions. You may also request copies by calling 509-359-6498 or writing University Police Records, 609 W. 7th Street, Cheney, WA, 99004.

Chapter 9 – Emergency Management

9-1. General

Eastern Washington University will conduct continuous planning to minimize the risk of personal injury and property loss from critical incidents; will cooperate with federal, state and local agencies charged with disaster control; and will take necessary and prudent steps to ensure continuity of operations and restoration of normal activities as quickly as possible following an emergency or a disaster.

9-2. Emergency Management Plan

The University is committed to supporting the welfare of its students, faculty, administration, staff and visitors. Preparing a University emergency management plan and allocating resources to respond to possible emergencies is one way in which the University supports this goal.

The Emergency Management Plan is designed to maximize human survival and preservation of property, minimize danger, restore normal operations of the University, and ensure responsive communications between the University and the local community. This Plan is set in operation whenever a natural or induced crisis affecting the University reaches proportions that cannot be handled by established measures. A crisis may be sudden and unforeseen, or there may be varying periods of warning. This Plan is intended to be sufficiently flexible to accommodate contingencies of all types, magnitudes and duration.  The Plan also provides for aiding the local communities when appropriate, though the prime responsibility of the Plan relates to protection of the University community.

Further information related to EWU’s Emergency Management Plan is available through the University Police Department and at https://test-inside.ewu.edu/police/emergency-information/emergency-response-procedures// and on the Eagle Safe App.

9-3. Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures

The Eastern Washington University Police Department maintains procedures regarding emergency response and evacuation.  A copy of the procedures are available at: https://test-inside.ewu.edu/police/emergency-information/emergency-response-procedures/ and on the Eagle Safe App.

As outlined in section 6-4 above, the Director of Public Safety or designee is responsible for ensuring proper emergency alert notifications are sent to the EWU community.

Testing of Emergency Response and Evacuation procedures:  The University conducts at least one emergency response exercise each year, such as tabletop exercises, field exercises, and tests of the emergency notification system. Tests may be announced or unannounced.  These tests are designed to assess and evaluate the emergency plans and capabilities of the institution.

Training exercise details are sent to the campus community each year, along with information on the University’s emergency response and evacuation procedures. The EWU Police Department maintains documentation of each emergency response exercise, including the date, time, description of the exercise, and whether the exercise was announced or unannounced.

9-4.  Medical Transportation

It someone on campus requires transportation for an emergency injury or illness, employees should call 911 and an emergency vehicle will transport the person in need of medical assistance to a medical facility. It is strongly recommended that employees do not transport individuals who are injured or ill to medical facilities.

Appendix A – Crime Reporting

A-1. How to Report a Crime or Emergency

If you are the victim of a crime on campus, or if you witness a crime, report it immediately. Remember, a crime that is not reported helps no one.  You may report a crime by telephone, in person, or via the Eagle Safe App.  Also, any suspicious activity or person seen in the parking lots or loitering around vehicles, inside buildings or around the Residential Halls should be reported to the police department or a Campus Security Authority.

(1) Telephone Reporting:

For emergencies: call 911

For non-emergencies: call University Police at 509-359-7676

(2) Anonymous Reporting:

If you know about a crime and you want to report it to the University Police but wish to remain anonymous, please call the Anonymous TIP-LINE at (509) 359-4286 or report it online reporting at https://test-inside.ewu.edu/police/report-a-crime/ or via Eagle Safe App.

(3) In Person Reporting:

Crimes may be reported in person at the University Police Department.  The University Police Department is located in the Red Barn on Washington Street. The University Police Administration Office at the Red Barn is usually open during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. At other times, police assistance can be reached at the telephone numbers shown above.

A-2. Emergency Contacts

Spokane Crime Check: (509) 456-2233

Spokane Sexual Assault Center: (509) 624-RAPE

Counseling and Wellness Services: (509) 359-2366

EWU Substance Abuse Prevention Education and Information: (509) 359-4279

Power Outage: (509) 359-2245

Hazardous Material Incidents: (509) 359-6496

Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222

Appendix B – Police Safety Services 

B-1. Eagle Walks

Eastern Washington University provides police escorts to anyone who is concerned about moving around the campus or local community.  The program’s intent is to get students, faculty and/or staff safely to their destinations on campus or within a close proximity of the campus during the hours of darkness.

To receive this service, please call University Police at 509-359-7676.  The shift supervisor will check to see if there is a police officer or police cadet available to provide the escort. If there is someone available, the caller will receive instructions as to where and when to meet the escort person, who will accompany them to their destination.

Eagle Walks are also available during select hours at the Catalyst Building and SIERR Building. Eagle Walks at these two buildings can be requested by calling 509-710-3873.

B-2. Safety Tips

Anyone who expects to be walking around campus or in the local community after dark should try to pre-plan their trip as much as possible.  Some simple tips for walking after dark include:

  • avoid secluded areas,
  • let someone at your destination know you are leaving and the route you are taking,
  • always try to walk in groups or pairs, and
  • virtual escort via the Eagle Safe App.