EWU 602-02: Immunizations

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EWU Policy 602-02 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees
Effective: May 19, 2023 Proponent: Vice Presidents of Student Affairs and Business and Finance


Summary: This policy establishes and describes the official policy for student, visiting scholar and employee Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) and other immunization requirements at Eastern Washington University.

Applicability: This policy applies to all students, visiting scholars and employees at Eastern Washington University. It does not apply to students who exclusively take courses formally designated by EWU as being online or to students who participate in EWU courses offered in high schools. It does not apply to employees who exclusively work remotely.

History: This policy revises and supersedes the previous version dated May 20, 2022. It was approved by the Board of Trustees on May 19, 2023.


1-1. Background & Purpose

Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) are highly communicable diseases that can be mitigated by receiving the MMR vaccine. Measles, mumps and rubella create a significant health risk to the campus community and university operations. The purpose of a mandatory MMR immunization requirement for university students, employees, and visiting scholars is to prevent the introduction and spread of these vaccine preventable diseases among the campus community. Accordingly, this policy requires proof of immunity or vaccination as a requirement for enrollment, participation in a visiting scholar program and as a condition of initial or continued employment at Eastern Washington University.

In the event the Spokane Regional Health District determines there is a measles, mumps, or rubella outbreak on campus, university officials will notify:

a. Students who have an approved waiver request who may be impacted by the outbreak. Students with an approved waiver request will not be allowed on campus, including, but not limited to:

  1. Attending classes
  2. Participating in campus activities, or
  3. Living in residence halls

b. Employees and visiting scholars with an approved waiver request who may be impacted by the outbreak will not be allowed on campus.

Typically, an outbreak lasts for two to four weeks. Students, employees, and visiting scholars who have not provided proof of immunity or vaccination will not be allowed on campus during an outbreak, including those with approved waivers. Once the outbreak is no longer in effect, employees, students, and visiting scholars will be notified that they may return to campus.

1-2. Immunization Requirement

All incoming students, current and future employees, and visiting scholars of Eastern Washington University who were born after December 31, 1956, except those exempted by this policy, shall be required to provide proof of immunity or vaccination to measles, mumps and rubella. To facilitate the implementation of this policy, all incoming students are required to provide proof of immunity or vaccination prior to registering for courses at Eastern Washington University. Future employees are required to provide proof of immunity or vaccination prior to hire. Current employees are required to provide proof of immunity or vaccination no later than December 31, 2021. Visiting scholars are required to provide proof of immunity or vaccination prior to arrival. Current visiting scholars are required to provide proof of immunity or vaccination no later than December 31, 2021.

1-3. Required Documentation/Proof of Immunity

Students may provide proof of immunity or vaccination to MMR by one of the following methods:
a. Documentation of two doses of the MMR vaccine that were given:

  1. On or after January 1, 1957
  2. At least 28 days apart, and
  3. On or after twelve (12) months of age; or

b.  Documentation of a positive blood test (titer) for antibodies against MMR.

Employees and visiting scholars may provide proof of immunity or vaccination to MMR by one of the following methods:

a. Documentation of one dose of the MMR vaccine that was given:

  1. On or after January 1, 1957, and
  2. On or after twelve (12) months of age; or

b. Documentation of a positive blood test (titer) for antibodies against MMR.

1-4. Documentation Process

a. The proof of immunity or vaccination documentation must be submitted through Med+Proctor, a third-party vendor who maintains medical records for Eastern Washington University. Information about how to submit immunization information is available at: test-inside.ewu.edu/bewell/immunization.

b. Immunization documentation or blood tests (titers) must come from a doctor, clinic, pharmacy, laboratory, United States Armed Services, school or the State of Washington.

c. Washington residents may be able to obtain immunization documentation from the State of Washington via MyIR at https://wa.myir.net/.

d. Self-reported immunization records or blood tests will not be accepted.

1-5. Exemptions and Waivers

Students, employees, and visiting scholars may request the university waive the MMR immunization requirement for the following reasons:

a. Religious- Students, employees, and visiting scholars may request a religious waiver by affirming that receiving the vaccine is contrary to their sincerely held religious beliefs.

b. Medical- Students, employees, and visiting scholars may request a medical waiver by presenting a statement from a licensed medical provider which certifies that the person has medical reasons for not obtaining vaccination.

Waiver requests are available in Med+Proctor and may be uploaded into the system. Waiver requests may be denied if they do not meet the requirements of this policy or are not completely filled out. In addition, pregnant students and employees may request a temporary accommodation related to these requirements by contacting Student Accommodation and Support Services (students) or Human Resources (employees). .

Any student, employee, and visiting scholar who requests a waiver assumes the risk and responsibility for the consequences of not being immunized in the event the Spokane Regional Health District places the university on exclusionary status or otherwise restricts access to the campus. This includes, but is not limited to, not being allowed on campus, the inability to attend class, eat in dining facilities, use university facilities, work, or remain in a residence hall.

Students who take exclusively online courses from EWU or participate in EWU courses offered in high schools are exempt from this policy. Employees who engage exclusively in remote work are exempt from this chapter of this policy.

1-6. Enforcement

Students who have not submitted proof of immunity or vaccination or have not received an exemption or waiver by the third week of the term will be referred to Student Rights and Responsibilities. A fine may be assessed for failure to comply with this policy each term.

Students who have not submitted proof of immunity or vaccination will be not be allowed on campus during an outbreak of measles, mumps or rubella. Students with approved waivers may or may not be allowed on campus depending on the direction received by the university from the health district and consistent with section 1-1.

Employees who have not submitted proof of immunity or vaccination will not be allowed on campus during an outbreak and will be required to use available vacation leave, compensatory time or leave without pay for time missed from work. Visiting scholars who have not submitted proof of immunity will not be allowed on campus.


Students and employees may be subject to additional vaccination requirements depending on the specific program or position they are participating in. Students are encouraged to check the handbook for their program for immunization requirements. Employees should check with their supervisor regarding any immunization requirements that are above those required in this policy.