EWU 601-02: Suspended Operations (Emergency Closure)

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EWU Policy 601-02 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees
Effective: May 21, 2021 Proponent: President’s Office

Purpose: This policy describes university standards and procedures related to suspension of university operations and campus closures.

History:  This policy revises and supersedes the previous version dated July 29, 2016. It was adopted by the EWU Board of Trustees on May 21, 2021 and is effective as of that date.

Applicability:  This policy applies to all members of the university community, including employees, students, and guests.

Chapter 1 – General

1-1. Declaration of Suspended Operations

The President of EWU, or designee, may suspend any or all operations of the institution whenever public health, property or safety is jeopardized. Emergency conditions under this policy are deemed temporary and shall exist only until normal operations can be resumed.

1-2.  Notification

When the decision to suspend operations has been made, the president or designee will immediately notify the media coordinator.

The university will issue an ‘EWU Alert’ and place information on the EWU Snowline (359-SNOW) whenever a suspended operation is declared.

Whenever possible and practical, the following individuals also will be notified: Director of Public Safety, vice presidents, deans, the presidents of the ASEWU, Academic Senate, UFE, PSE, and WFSE Local 931.

Employees whose work is affected by a suspended operation, will be notified through their department telephone tree.  The notification will describe the emergency, work reporting requirements, and, whenever possible, the anticipated duration of the suspended operation.

Updates about suspended operations will be provided through EWU Alerts, the EWU Snowline, and/or the university homepage.

  1. Local media: Suspended operations may also be reported by local media. However, local media reports are unofficial and should not be relied on for information pertaining to employees and/or students reporting for work or class.
  2. Notification not Received: Employees who have not received prior notification of suspended operations by one of the methods described above and who report to work shall receive a minimum of four hours pay for the first day that the condition exists.

1-3. Remote Facilities 

Riverpoint:  When operations are suspended on the Cheney campus, EWU operations at Riverpoint will be suspended as well.  Riverpoint operations will also be suspended whenever Washington State University suspends their operations at Riverpoint.

Catalyst Building: EWU operations at the Catalyst Building will be suspended whenever operations are suspended on the Cheney campus.

Other EWU Locations: For EWU classes held at other locations, if the host institution closes its facilities for emergency reasons, EWU classes at the institution will be canceled.

Chapter 2 – Essential Services & Personnel

2-1. Essential Services

  1. The president or designee will determine the essential services required during the time of a declared suspended operation.
  2. Supervisors will determine how many and which specific employees are needed to provide essential services.
  3. Supervisors will notify the personnel needed to support authorized essential services.
  4. Employees will not come to work during suspended operations unless they are requested to do so by their supervisor in order to provide essential services.

2-2. Premium Pay Allowance

During suspended operations, essential personnel will receive premium pay at straight time.  After suspended operations has been cancelled, the supervisor will send a report to Human Resources to confirm the employee names of essential personnel and the number of hours each employee worked.

  1. In the event the emergency conditions exist only in a specific office or area of the university, the university shall attempt to provide the affected employee(s) with work in another office or area. An employee(s) so assigned shall not receive a reduction in pay.
  2. If the suspended operations condition cannot be resolved within fifteen calendar days or less, the university will institute layoff actions or have requested approval for an extension in accordance with the provisions of applicable collective bargaining agreements and university policies. The exclusive bargaining representative(s) will be notified in advance of such layoffs.

Chapter 3 – Work Time Lost

3-1. Making up Lost Hours

To compensate for time lost due to a suspended operation, employees may:

  1. use accrued compensatory time (where applicable);
  2. use annual leave, personal holiday, and/or leave without pay; and/or,
  3. make up the work time lost, subject to the following conditions:
    1. employees must submit a written request, for approval by their supervisor, to make up lost time;
    2. work time lost must be made up during the ninety day period immediately following the suspended operation (if operations are suspended for a long period of time and it is not feasible to make up the time lost within 90 days, the President’s Cabinet may extend the time period);
    3. the amount of compensation earned should not exceed the amount of salary lost; and,
    4. employees making up time must work in accordance with their respective compensation plan.