EWU 502-02: Associated Students of EWU

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Students – Student Life and Activities

EWU Policy 502-02 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees
Effective: May 29, 2020 Proponent: University President

Summary:  This policy describes the framework within which the Associated Students of Eastern Washington University (ASEWU) operates.

History:  This policy supersedes UGS Policy 840-020 et seq, ASEWU.  It was adopted by the EWU Board of Trustees on May 16, 2013. Modifications were adopted by the Board of Trustees on May 29, 2020. A housekeeping edit was made to section 1 on February 13, 2023.


The Associated Students of Eastern Washington University (ASEWU) is the elected student organization responsible for representation and advocacy on behalf of the student body.  The university recognizes the ASEWU as the official student representative in the university governance process.

The ASEWU plays an important role in the life and growth of the university, both through its governance function and through development of programs and activities that are of interest to the student body.

2. Authority

Recognizing that student interests and activities may change over time, the board of trustees seeks to permit the ASEWU as much autonomy as possible while upholding the board’s legal responsibility for governance of the university.

The board of trustees authorizes the ASEWU to promote specialized student services and social and recreational activities for the benefit of the students and of the entire university community.

The recognition of the ASEWU by the board of trustees in no way diminishes either the public nature of the authority delegated nor the board of trustees’ responsibility for assuring that activities undertaken within the scope of such authority conform to policies established by it or by the legislature of the state of Washington.


ASEWU is committed to creating an inclusive and equitable environment, where students are valued for their multidimensional and intersecting identities relating to race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, disability, income and age, etc.

ASEWU will prepare all of its elected and appointed members to express themselves on issues pertaining to equity in order to foster an open and constructive dialogue between students.

4. Funding and Use of University Facilities

The board of trustees allocates funds to the ASEWU through the Services and Activities Fee process, subject to the provisions of RCW 28B.15.045. Such funds, as well as university facilities made available for ASEWU use, are public in nature. ASEWU use and management of funds and facilities are subject to limitations imposed under state law, university policy, and the ASEWU constitution.

5. Pence Union Building

The Pence Union Building is, as are all other university buildings, owned by the state of Washington. Responsibility for setting operating procedures for the Pence Union Building rests with the PUB Board. The operating procedures and practices are subject to state regulations and will be monitored by the vice president for business and finance or designee.

6. Liaison with the ASEWU

The vice president for student affairs is the direct liaison of the administration with the ASEWU. The vice president for student affairs:

a. may delegate specific liaison responsibilities to other administrators, faculty or staff members;

b. is responsible for interpretation and application of university policies in respect to ASEWU activities; and,

c. will transmit information, recommendations, and concerns, on behalf of the ASEWU, to the university president and the Board of Trustees.

The university president shall transmit written recommendations of the ASEWU council to the board of trustees.

7. ASEWU Role in Policy Development

The university shall consult with the ASEWU regarding proposed changes to the Student Conduct Code.  The ASEWU may also provide feedback on other university policy-making activities through the university policy management process.