EWU 404-02: Classified Transfer

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Personnel – Classified Employees

EWU Policy 404-02 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees
Effective: November 16, 2012   Proponent: Vice President for Business & Finance

Purpose:  This policy prescribes standards for the transfer, voluntary movement and voluntary demotion of classified staff employees at Eastern Washington University.

History:  This publication revises and supersedes UGS Policy 690-020-020, Transfers, Lateral Movement, or Voluntary Demotion.  It was adopted by the Board of Trustees on November 16, 2012.

Applicability:  This policy applies to all classified staff employees at Eastern Washington University.

1. Transfer

Transfer is defined as an employee-initiated change from one classified position to another position in the same class at the university without a break in service.

Employees desiring to transfer must hold permanent status in their current class.

Employees who are appointed as a transfer will continue to be paid at their previous range and step with no change in their periodic increment date.

2. Lateral Movement

Lateral movement is defined as an appointment to a position in another class which has the same salary range maximum as the employee’s current class with the university.

Employees desiring to move laterally must hold permanent status in their current class.

Employees who are appointed as a lateral movement will continue to be paid at their previous range and step with no change in their periodic increment date.

If an employee moves laterally to a class in which he/she has not previously attained permanent status, the employee must complete a six-month trial service period. The employee will not receive a salary increase upon the completion of the trial service period.

3. Voluntary Demotion

  1. Voluntary demotion is defined as an employee-initiated request to accept a position in a class with a lower salary range maximum than the employee’s current class. Employees seeking a voluntary demotion must hold permanent status.
  2. Employees who accept a voluntary demotion will be paid the same salary in the new position as they earn in their current position, provided the salary does not exceed the salary range maximum for the new position. If the current salary exceeds the salary range maximum, the employee will be placed at the highest salary within the new salary range.    There will be no change in the period increment date for employees who voluntarily demote.
  3. Trial Service Period. An employee taking a voluntary demotion must complete a six-month trial service period unless he/she has previously attained permanent status in an equal or higher level position within the same class series as the position being taken. Employees will not receive a salary increase upon completion of the trial service period.

4. Reassignment

An appointing authority may reassign an employee to a different position in the same class. Such reassignment shall not result in a change in salary, percentage, term, or periodic increment date.

Appendix A

Written requests from employees desiring to transfer, laterally move and/or voluntary demote will be accepted in Human Resource Services at any time.  Employees requesting lateral movement and/or voluntary demotion to a class that s/he has not held permanent status must meet the minimum qualifications for the class.

Employees may be asked to respond to specific position requirements and/or recruitment related questions.

The names of employees on the transfer, lateral movement and/or voluntary list for a particular classification will be certified for any vacancies in that class as per the Agreement by and Between the Board of Trustees of Eastern Washington University and the Washington Federation of State Employees, Council No. 28, AFL-CIO, Bargaining Unit 1 and 2 provided the employee meets any specific position requirements for the particular vacancy.