EWU 204-09: Youth Programs

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EWU Policy 204-09 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees
Effective: October 22, 2021 Proponent: Vice President of Business and Finance 

Summary: This policy sets forth requirements for the protection of minors who are participating in youth programs that are sponsored by Eastern Washington University and/or conducted at University facilities.  This policy implements standards and processes designed to promote the safety and well-being of minors while maximizing compliance with applicable EWU, local, state and federal regulations.

History: This policy updates a previous version of the policy adopted by the EWU Board of Trustees on May 10, 2019. Revisions were approved by the Board of Trustees on October 22, 2021.

Applicability: This policy applies to all programs that include minors and that are sponsored or hosted by EWU and/or conducted on property that is owned or controlled by EWU, except for programs for enrolled or dually enrolled students. This policy also does not apply to public events where parents/guardians are expected and/or required to provide supervision of minors, health clinics, Early Head Start, YMCA, or to the use of university facilities by minors who are not participating in a university program.

Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 4 – Staff Requirements
Chapter 2 – Authority & Responsibilities
Chapter 5 – Safety & Security
Chapter 3 – Youth Program Standards
Chapter 6 – Parent & Participant Information

1. Introduction

1-1. General

Eastern Washington University (EWU) supports and encourages youth programs that are sponsored by the university and/or conducted in its facilities.  EWU recognizes that such programs offer an introduction to the university to potential future students. To this end, EWU authorizes a wide range of youth programs including college experience, athletics, performing arts, science and other interests, which are conducted by both internal and external organizations.

1-2. Goals

Although no single policy or procedure will address all safety and health contingencies, EWU endeavors to balance the value of participation in youth programs against any potential risk to participants and staff.

The goals of this policy are to:

  • Promote the security and safety of minors;
  • Establish requirements and guidance for planning and managing the risks associated with youth programs;
  • Present an organizational structure that facilitates communication between all groups on and off campus, and;
  • Provide training, resources, and information to EWU’s youth programs.

1-3. Expectations & Special Care

EWU is committed to providing a safe and positive experience for minors and complying with related legal requirements. EWU expects faculty, staff, students, student employees, and volunteers to hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct when interacting with minors. This policy and its associated documents mandate university-wide standards for those in the university community with the goal of protecting minors. This policy shall be interpreted consistent with state and federal law.

Youth programs frequently bring minors to campus. The level of care and supervision appropriate for minors differs from the level of care and supervision needed for enrolled university students. Minor participants must be overseen in a fashion that is appropriate and intended to keep them healthy and safe while visiting the university. EWU and its employees must provide a reasonably safe environment for minors when the minors are under the university’s care, control or custody.

1-4. Definitions

Authorized Adult: Individuals, age 18 and older, paid or unpaid, who supervise, chaperone, or otherwise oversee minors in university programs or facilities.  This includes but is not limited to faculty, staff, volunteers, graduate and undergraduate students, interns, and independent contractors. The Authorized Adults’ roles may include positions as counselors, chaperones, coaches, instructors, etc.

Camp Programs: Camp programs that include minors as participants are subject to this policy.  Camp Programs may be sponsored internally or externally.  Camp Programs are characterized by specific learning objectives and typically include a registration fee.   Camp Programs are subject to all of the requirements within this policy but are differentiated from non-Camp Programs because:

  • Internal academic camp programs must be reviewed and approved by the Provost or designee.
  • Internal Camp Programs are not considered official state business by the university’s insurer and are, therefore, insured differently than internal non-camp programs.

Care, Custody, or Control of Minors: When the university takes responsibility for the care, custody, or control of minors, at least one Authorized Adult must be present and responsible for supervising the minors at all times during a youth program except as set forth in chapter 4-8 of this policy. At no time may a minor be left in the care of a person who is not an Authorized Adult.

One-On-One Contact:  Intentional, private interaction between an Authorized Adult and a participant without at least one other person present.

Minor: A person under the age of eighteen (18). Minors are also referred to as a “participants” in this policy.

Non-Camp Programs:  Non-camp programs that include minors as participants are subject to this policy.  These programs may be internally or externally sponsored.  Non-camp programs are often considered official state business (e.g. campus visits/tours arranged through the Office of Admissions, academic field trips to K-12 schools, etc.). The Office of Compliance and Risk Management (CRM) serves as the central point for oversight of non-camp programs.  Non-camp programs may vary significantly in the level of risk they present due to differences in frequency of events, length of program, level of accompanying and/or external supervision, and planned group activities.  For example, the level of risk for a high school group coming to campus for a few hours for a guided tour is significantly less than the risk associated with a sports tournament. As such, some administrative requirements of this policy may be modified or waived by the Director of Risk Management, depending on the level of risk, for non-camp programs.

Program Staff: All persons who are directly involved in conducting a youth program, including program coordinators, instructors, counselors, chaperones, etc.  All Program Staff are Authorized Adults and are considered mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect. Further guidance on reporting child abuse for EWU employees is provided in section 4-6 of this policy.  The Youth Program Director and Campus Sponsor have primary responsibility for youth program compliance and coordination with EWU:

Youth Program Director: A person who is responsible for a youth program which may be an EWU employee or an individual external to EWU.

Campus Sponsor: A university employee, department/unit, or a registered student organization that serves as a liaison between the university and the Youth Program Director.

Volunteer: Any individual providing services on behalf of the university for no remuneration or expectation that he or she will receive compensation except for the reimbursement of actual expenses. This includes interns or students who are not employees.  EWU Policy 401-04 (Volunteers) provides more detailed information on the use and management of volunteers.

Youth Programs: Programs and activities offered by various academic or administrative units of EWU, or by non-university groups using university facilities, to individuals who are under the age of 18 (“minors”). This includes but is not limited to workshops, sport camps, academic camps, conferences, clinics, instructional programs, pre-enrollment visits, and similar activities. This includes the definitions of “Camp Programs” and “Non-Camp Programs” under this policy. Youth Programs do not include the following:

  • Undergraduate or graduate academic programs, classes, or activities in which all individuals under the age of 18 are enrolled students or students admitted for enrollment (e.g. Running Start, College in the High School).
  • Events open to the public that minors may attend, but where the university is not accepting care, custody, or control for the minor(s).
  • Programs where minors are working for the university as employees, volunteers, or interns.
  • Individual use of university facilities by minors not associated with a program such that neither the university nor an external entity is taking care, custody, or control of such minors.
  • Field trips for school children when all minors remain under the care, custody, and control of K-12 school representatives at all times.

Youth programs are categorized under this policy as either Internal or External.

Internal Youth Programs: programs organized and conducted by EWU.

External Youth Programs: programs organized and conducted by an external organization or person that rents EWU’s facilities.


2-1. Office of Enrollment Management

Youth Programs, and particularly Camp Programs, are, by their very nature, academic activities and are an important recruitment tool for the university.  Enrollment Management will maintain a ‘Camp Programs’ website that includes comprehensive camp information.

2-2. Office of Compliance & Risk Management

The Office of Compliance and Risk Management (CRM):

  1. Review requests for approval for camp programs
  2. Approve Camp Programs that meet EWU standards
  3. Develops and maintains the content of this policy in cooperation with university departments, support services, and other university stakeholders
  4. Conducts risk assessments and develops risk mitigation strategies for youth programs
  5. Facilitates coordination efforts between university departments, support services, and other internal and external stakeholders
  6. Advises university leaders on key issues related to youth programs
  7. Serves as the primary university point of contact for non-camp youth programs.

2-3. Event Planning Office

The EWU Event Planning Office is the primary coordination point for scheduling facilities, arranging support services, billing/invoicing, youth program participation data collection, and payment processing for youth programs.  For logistical support, Event Planning coordinates:

  1. Housing
  2. Food Service
  3. Facilities Use (i.e. classrooms, meeting spaces, recreation facilities, etc.)

2-4. University Housing Staff

University Housing Staff will:

  1. Issue keys and make room assignments for campus guests;
  2. Familiarize youth program staff with overall building layout (elevators, fire alarms, etc.);
  3. Interpret, support, and enforce University policies, procedures, and regulations; and
  4. Assess all housing charges at the conclusion of the youth program and advise program staff of any damages.

2-5. Youth Program Director

The Youth Program Director is the person who is directly responsible for the program.  The Youth Program Director may or may not be someone affiliated with the University.

The Youth Program Director will ensure overall program compliance with this policy and related rules and procedures, including the following specific responsibilities:

  1. Ensure Program Staff are sufficient in number, properly trained, and have required background checks per chapter 4 of this policy.
  2. Ensure required check-in and check-out procedures are in place and have been explained to Program Staff and to participants.
  3. Inform the Housing Staff in advance of early and late arrivals.
  4. Furnish the Campus Sponsor with a program roster at least twenty-four (24) hours before the youth program begins.
  5. Familiarize Program Staff and participants with University policies, especially those pertaining to fire and emergency evacuation procedures, appropriate conduct, possession of controlled substances and fire arms, and authorized entry into rooms.
  6. Maintain discipline of participants.
  7. Inspect program facilities immediately prior to and after the program.
  8. Advise University Housing Staff of supply and maintenance issues in residence halls.
  9. Collect, maintain, and have readily available Medical Release and Consent forms for all participants. Forms must contain emergency contact, phone number and known medical conditions.
  10. Ensure that programs and activities conducted on the university campus comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

2-6. Campus Sponsor

Non-university groups that want to offer a youth program on EWU property must have a Campus Sponsor.  The Campus Sponsor acts as liaison between the University and the Youth Program Director for the activity. The Campus Sponsor also works with the Event Planning Office and other university units to coordinate support for the youth program.  All arrangements for campus support should be made by the Campus Sponsor through Event Planning. For Internal programs, the Campus Sponsor may also be the Youth Program Director.

In the event a group desiring to conduct a youth program at Eastern Washington University does not have a Campus Sponsor, the group should contact the Event Planning Office. In order to reserve facilities on campus, youth programs must have a Certificate of Sponsorship completed and signed by a representative of the University agency or group sponsoring the activity. A Certificate of Sponsorship form is available at the university’s youth programs website.

Responsibilities of the Campus Sponsor include:

  1. Serve as liaison with all University agencies supporting the program.
  2. Coordinate arrangements for use of University facilities in accordance with University scheduling regulations.
  3. Have put into force, if appropriate, a contract with the client group conducting the program.
  4. Acquaint the Youth Program Director with University policy, emergency procedures, and facilities layout.
  5. Be accessible in emergency situations.
  6. Maintain necessary reports and documentation.
  7. Assist with check-out of the program.
  8. Share Camp Program information with the Office of Enrollment Management
  9. Check on any damages reported.
  10. Coordinate approval of invoices for University services and facilities.


3-1. Permissible Youth Programs

Internal programs must align with the mission and goals of Eastern Washington University.  External programs may be conducted with a less stringent alignment with the mission and goals of EWU, provided that the content or activities of the program are not in conflict with the university’s mission or operations.   To this end, all internal and external program requests are subject to evaluation for alignment with the mission, goals, and operations of the university.

3-2. Program Request/Approval

Camp programs and non-camp programs are reviewed for approval by the Office of Compliance and Risk Management. Internal academic camp programs must also be reviewed and approved by the Provost or designee.

3-3. University Policies

Youth Programs are subject to all EWU policies.  Youth Program Directors, Campus Sponsors, and all other Program Staff and University employees and volunteers must comply with the requirements of this policy and related university policies and procedures.

Authorized personnel/signatories for non-university groups using university facilities must provide to the Campus Sponsor satisfactory evidence of compliance with all of the requirements of this policy at least thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled use of university facilities, as well as sign an approved agreement for use of university facilities, if applicable.

Violations of this policy and related policies and procedures may result in discipline up to and including termination of employment or volunteer duties.

For questions, additional detail, or to request changes to this policy, please contact the Office of Compliance and Risk Management.

3-4. Risk Assessment

Each youth program must have a risk assessment completed and approved by the Director of Risk Management.  Risk assessment requests may be submitted online through the EWU Risk & Compliance website located here:


The Youth Program Director and Campus Sponsor are responsible for correcting deficiencies and implementing appropriate procedures to reduce risks.

Recurring youth programs (such as campus visits from regional high schools) may have an annual risk assessment to cover the recurring activities for the academic year.

3-5. Liability Insurance

External youth programs must provide proof of general liability insurance coverage.  Programs that are sponsored by external clients/individuals and hosted by Eastern Washington University are not provided insurance coverage by Eastern Washington University. The external client shall, at their own expense, procure general liability insurance of a minimum of $1 million per occurrence and $3 million aggregate. A certificate of insurance must be furnished to the Eastern Washington University Risk Management Office no later than 30 days prior to the start date of the program. The certificate of insurance shall name Eastern Washington University, its officers, employees, and agents as Additional Insured.  Certificates of insurance can be sent directly to Risk Management at the following email riskmanager@ewu.edu.  Depending on the type of program, the Risk Manager may require additional insurance coverage. If any subcontractor is used, they or the client acting on their behalf, are required to carry the same coverage and insurance outlined above.

3-6. Websites & Online Privacy

The university will not operate a website or online service directed towards children under 13 years of age. All marketing materials for minors under the age of 13 will be directed towards parent/guardians. The university will not collect personal information from a child under the age of 13 online in accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, 16 CFR part 312.


4-1. Qualified Counselors/Staff

Registration of Program Staff. All persons who will be serving as Program Staff, whether in a paid status or as a volunteer, must be registered and approved for their service before the Youth Program begins.

4-2. Background Checks

All Authorized Adults whose duties involve unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age, developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults, are required to have a current background check on record with the University at the time of hire and/or beginning work with minors.  See EWU Policy 401-03 (Background Checks) for details and procedures.

A background check must be completed before a person may begin working/volunteering, unless an exception is approved in advance by the Associate Vice President for Human Resources in consultation with the Office of Compliance and Risk Management. Authorized Adults who are representing an external agency (e.g. a school district, YMCA, etc.) and who have a recent background check through that agency, may provide documentation of that background check in lieu of obtaining a separate background check through EWU.

External Youth Programs must provide EWU with a certification that they have conducted the necessary background checks. Campus Sponsors will be responsible for tracking the return of and ensuring copies of the final clearances have been obtained by the university.

Background checks that have any negative or questionable results must be reviewed and approved by Human Resources prior to the individual being hired and/or working with minors.

Authorized Adults are required to notify the appropriate Human Resources representative of an arrest (charged with a misdemeanor or felony) or conviction for an offense within 72 hours of knowledge of the arrest or conviction.

4-3. Training

Youth Program Directors and Campus Sponsors are responsible for confirming that all Program Staff working in their youth programs have received training in working with youths.

The Office of Compliance and Risk Management will collaborate with departments to provide resources to Youth Program Directors and Campus Sponsors to facilitate training. Training for Program Staff must include, at a minimum, information about responsibilities and expectations; policies, procedures, and enforcement; appropriate crisis/emergency responses; safety and security precautions; confidentiality issues involving minors; mandated reporting; and university responsibility/liability. Program Staff must know how to request local emergency services and how to report suspected child abuse.

Venue specific training for Program Staff shall cover a wide variety of topics such as safety and risk management, first aid and emergency procedures, preventing bullying behaviors, group dynamics, youth behavior management, program rules and regulations, and program operations.

4-4. Conduct Requirements

Authorized Adults are expected to:

  • Conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner and be a positive role model for minors.
  • Respect, adhere to, and enforce the rules, policies, and guidelines established by the youth program, this policy, and the university.
  • Endeavor to provide a safe and healthy experience for all participants.
  • Comply with all applicable civil rights laws and policies, including all nondiscrimination policies.
  • Inform program participants about safety and security procedures, university rules, rules established by the program, and behavioral expectations.
  • Be able to respond to emergencies.
  • Follow established procedures for releasing children from the program.

Authorized Adults must not:

  • Have One-On-One contact with minors.
  • Have any direct electronic contact (e.g. social media, email, texts, telephone) with minors under the age of 13 without the minor’s parent/guardian being included in the communication.
  • Authorized Adults for Internal Programs must not have any direct electronic contact (e.g. social media, emails, texts, telephone) with minors ages 13-17 for a non-university related purpose and must use a university issued social media account, email address, or phone for all such communications unless an exception is approved by the Risk Manager.
  • In the case of adults supervising minors overnight, Authorized Adults shall not enter a minor’s bedroom, bathroom facility, or similar area without another person present.
  • Share a bedroom with a minor, unless the minor is the Authorized Adult’s child or close family member.
  • Engage in abusive conduct of any kind toward, or in the presence of, a minor.
  • Strike, hit, administer corporal punishment to, or touch in an inappropriate or illegal manner any minor.
  • Physically, sexually, verbally, or emotionally abuse any minor.
  • Make comments of a sexual nature in the presence of a minor.
  • Make sexual materials in any form available to minors or assist them in any way in gaining access to such materials.
  • Fail to provide the necessities of care to a minor.
  • Pick up minors from or drop off minors at their homes, other than the driver’s child(ren), except as specifically authorized in writing by the minor’s parent or legal guardian.
  • Provide alcohol or illegal drugs to any minor.
  • Provide prescription drugs or any medication to any minor unless specifically authorized in writing by the parent or legal guardian as being required for the minor’s care or the minor’s emergency treatment. Participants’ medicines may be distributed by program staff, following the conditions outlined in section 6-5 of this policy.

All Authorized Adults must read and sign EWU’s Guidelines for Interactions with Minors. A copy of these guidelines is available on the university’s youth programs website.

4-5. Complaints of Inappropriate Conduct

If an allegation of inappropriate conduct has been made against an Authorized Adult participating in a program, s/he shall discontinue any further participation in programs and activities covered by this policy until such allegation has been investigated by the university. Complaints of inappropriate conduct should be directed to EWU’s Senior Investigator, 211 Tawanka Hall, (509) 359-2021.

4-6. Mandatory Reporting for Child Abuse & Neglect

Pursuant to Washington law, EWU employees and volunteers who have reasonable cause to believe a minor has suffered abuse or neglect must immediately report their concerns to law enforcement or by calling the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 866-END-HARM, or by calling the local Child Protective Services Office. This requirement applies regardless of whether the abuse or neglect occurs during a Youth Program or at home/school.

Under the law, failure to report when required to do so is a gross misdemeanor. Persons who make reports in good faith are immune from liability for making the report per RCW 26.44.060.

4-7. Mandatory Reporting for Crimes, Sexual Misconduct, & Discrimination

EWU requires all employees and volunteers to immediately notify the appropriate people on campus if a crime, sexual misconduct, or discrimination occurs on campus or during a Youth Program. Reports should be directed to the following individuals:

  • Crimes- immediately report to EWU Police Department (359-7676)
  • Sexual Misconduct- report within 24 hours to the Title IX Coordinator (359-2021 or Tawanka 211)
  • Discrimination- report within 24 hours to the Director of Equal Opportunity (359-6612 or Tawanka 211)

4-8. Supervision Standards

All Youth Programs must provide adequate supervision of minors. All scheduled program activities should be supervised by at least one Authorized Adult. Some of the factors to consider in determining “adequate supervision” are the number and age of participants, the activity(ies) involved, type of housing if applicable, and age and experience of the counselors.

During the day, when participant ages and planned activities do not require direct supervision by an Authorized Adult, participants should be encouraged to stay in groups of two or more.

At night, a sufficient number of Program Staff shall remain with participants in the residence halls to provide control and security.

Youth Programs must assign a Program Staff member who is at least 21 years of age to be accessible to participants. The Program Staff member must reside in the housing unit, if minors are staying in university facilities. Additional Authorized Adults should be assigned to ensure that appropriate levels of supervision are implemented and to reduce the likelihood of one-on-one contact with minors.

EWU has minimum required Program Staff ratios.  The ratio of Program Staff to program participants should meet the ratios shown below.  Exceptions may be granted by the EWU Director of Risk Management.  EWU does not permit residential (i.e. overnight) programs for children under 9 years old.

  • Standards for resident programs are:
  • One staff member for every 15 participants ages 9 to 14
  • One staff member for every 20 participants ages 15 to 17
  • Standards for non-residential camps and programs are:
  • One staff member for every 10 participants ages 4 and 5
  • One staff member for every 12 participants ages 6 to 8
  • One staff member for every 15 participants ages 9 to 14
  • One staff member for every 20 participants ages 15 to 17


In order to provide a reasonably safe environment for participants in youth programs, Youth Program Directors are responsible for ensuring programs are conducted in compliance with all University policies and procedures. This section describes some of the fundamental safety and security requirements that apply to all Youth Programs.

5-1. Responsibilities

Youth Program Directors shall address safety, environmental and compliance concerns within their areas promptly and with appropriate resources.

The responsibility for youth program safety lies with the entire campus community.  All campus employees and community members are expected to support the safety and security needs of youth programs as appropriate.

5-2. Staff to Participant Ratios

An adequate ratio of staff to participants shall be maintained at all times; particularly when in residence halls (as described in section 4-8 of this policy).

5-3. Release of Program Participants

Youth program participants can only be released into the custody of a designated person, previously identified in writing, who may be the camper’s parent, guardian, or other person(s) identified by the parent or guardian.  For external programs where participants are in the care of chaperones (such as campus visits from regional high schools), participants are entrusted to the care of the chaperones.

If an individual who was not the designated person for picking of a minor removes a participant from a youth program, program staff shall notify the University Police immediately.

5-4. Missing Participant

Program Staff must account for all participants in their programs at all times and shall use appropriate measures (e.g. location schedules and rosters) to ensure accountability for the whereabouts of program participants. If a participant does not report to an activity as scheduled, a member of the Program Staff will be notified.  If a Program Staff member believes, at any time, that a participant is missing, they shall notify the University Police and the Youth Program Director within an hour. University Police shall be notified immediately in cases where the participant may pose a risk of harm to self or others.  Program Staff should include any additional information such as the participant’s emotional state, friends, description, clothing worn, last place seen, etc.

The Youth Program Director and the University Police will designate who will search the campus. If a participant is not found, University Police will coordinate extended search efforts. If necessary, University Police will contact outside agencies to alert them about the missing person. If the whereabouts of a participant are still unknown one hour after University Police have been contacted, the University Police may release a full description of the missing camper. The description shall include height, weight, clothes worn; last place seen, habits and anything else that could help locate the participant.  The Youth Program Director will notify parents/guardians no later than one hour after the minor has been determined to be missing.

5-5. Residence Halls

Overnight Youth Programs shall:

  1. Follow all residence hall rules
  2. Have written residence hall access procedures posted on each floor.
  3. Have in place appropriate rules and regulations for proper supervision of minors in University housing. The following items must be addressed by such rules:
    1. Written permission signed by the parent/guardian for the minor to reside in university housing.
    2. A curfew time which is age-appropriate for the participants, but in no case shall it be later than midnight.
    3. Guests of participants (other than a parent/legal guardian and other program participants) are restricted to visitation in the building lobby and/or floor lounges, and only during approved hours specified by the program.
    4. The program must comply with all security measures and procedures specified by University Housing and Police Services.
    5. Pre-enrollment visit programs for high school students who are housed overnight in residence halls must be registered with University Housing.

5-6. Transportation- Internal Youth Programs

The requirements in this sub-section only apply to Internal Youth Programs. The University exercises no control or responsibility over transportation of minors to the university campus outside of a university program. Except for emergencies, participants shall not be transported in any vehicle unless the participant’s parent or guardian has been previously informed of the purpose of travel (e.g. field trip to Turnbull) and has approved by signing a transportation release.

Participants shall not be transported in personal vehicles of anyone other than their parents or guardians.  Requests for any exception to this policy should be made to the Director of Risk Management.  In the event of an illness/injury that requires transport of a participant to a medical treatment facility, transportation will be made by ambulance, fire department, police department, or a state-owned, leased, or rented vehicle.

Transportation of participants must always include at least three (3) people:

  1. The vehicle driver, who must be an EWU employee or volunteer
  2. The participant being transported
  3. At least one other person, who could be another EWU employee, volunteer, or another camper.

Program staff who will be driving as a part of their duties must possess a valid license to operate the type of vehicle to be used.  Operators of golf carts and utility vehicles must complete specific training through the University Police Department before operating a golf cart or utility vehicle on or around campus.  For more information, see EWU Policy 603-06 (Golf Carts and Utility Vehicles).

5-7. Safe Facilities and Environment

  • Water related activities will be supervised by personnel with appropriate certifications
  • Safety equipment should be inspected prior to and during camp for safe conditions
  • Grounds should be inspected prior to and during the camp for safe condition;
  • Equipment should be kept in safe condition and suitable for intended use;
  • Vehicles used for transportation should be properly inspected
  • Use of University Recreational Facilities and the Aquatics Center shall comply with all requirements and restrictions in place at those facilities
  • Use of EWU labs and research areas shall follow appropriate safety measures approved by the Office of Environmental Health & Safety for laboratory and research work.


6-1. Registration Pack Requirements

Youth Program registrations must include the following forms:

External Youth Programs:

  • Assumption / Acknowledgement of Risk
  • Contact / Emergency Contact Information
  • Media / Photography Release

Internal Youth Programs:

  • Parental Consent
  • Assumption / Acknowledgment of Risk
  • Acknowledgment of Participant Rules
  • Contact / Emergency Contact Information
  • Health Insurance Information
  • Health Information
  • Medical Treatment Authorization Form
  • Media / Photography Release
  • Transportation Release

Sample forms and other information are available from the Risk Management Office.

6-2. Health Insurance Requirements

Eastern Washington University does not provide accident/medical insurance for youth program participants.  In the event of illness or injury requiring treatment, hospitalization, or surgery, the participant’s parent/guardian will be fully responsible for all costs associated with such treatment.

For most Youth Programs, EWU does not require that participants have accident/medical insurance.  However, for programs that pose a higher risk for physical injury, such as sports camps and recreational programs, EWU does require that participants have accident/medical insurance.

External Youth Programs:  External Youth Programs may provide some type of accident/medical insurance coverage for participants, but it is not required.  Participants should check with their Youth Program Director to determine if any type of accident/medical insurance is provided or available.

Internal Camp Programs Excess Medical Coverage:  Eastern Washington University provides excess accident/medical insurance for Internal Camp participants.  The cost of this insurance coverage is included as part of the camp registration fee.  This coverage is extended as part of EWU’s overall general liability insurance policy for camp programs and is intended to supplement family medical insurance coverages.  Specific coverages and limits are available, on request, from the EWU Director of Risk Management at riskmanager@ewu.edu.

6-3. Physical Demands

Youth programs often include physically demanding activities.  Program staff must inform participants and parents of those physical demands, including the type of activities in which the child may participate, and the known risks associated with each activity.  In this way, parents are able to determine if their child is in appropriate physical condition for the activities in which they will be participating.

Program staff should also place participants in the correct skill level for the activity scheduled.  Program staff may ask questions designed to assess a participant’s level of ability, but should not ask questions about medical conditions or disabilities. Current physicals may be required for youth programs involving vigorous athletic activities.

6-4. Medical Treatment Authorization

Youth Program Staff shall collect and maintain a Medical Treatment Authorization form for each participant.  All forms must include the following:

  • A statement informing the parent/legal guardian that the university does not provide medical insurance to cover medical care for the minor.
  • A statement authorizing the release of medical information and emergency treatment in case the parent/legal guardian/emergency contact cannot be reached for permission.
  • A list of any physical, mental or medical conditions the minor may have that could impact his/her participation in the program, such as allergies, asthma, etc.
  • Emergency contact information including name, address and phone number of the emergency contact.

6-5. Administration of Medication for Internal Youth Programs

If an Internal Youth Program plans on administering medication or if a minor requires the administration of medication to participate in a youth program, the following requirements apply:

  • All prescription medications must be kept in a locked location
  • A treatment log must be maintained for any medication dispensed or administered
  • Participants’ medication may be distributed by Program Staff to a participant to self-administer if the participant’s family provides the medicine in the original pharmacy container labeled with the participant’s name, medicine name, dosage, and timing of consumption. Over-the-counter medications must be provided in the manufacturer’s container. Staff shall keep the medicine in a secure location (except for epinephrine pens and inhalers) and meet with the participant at the appropriate time for distribution
  • If a participant wishes to self-administer medication (e.g. asthma inhaler, epinephrine pen), the youth program must have approval in writing from the participant’s health care provider and/or the participant’s parent/guardian indicating the minor is authorized to and capable of self-administering the medication. Staff shall allow the participant to self-administer the appropriate dose as shown on the container.

Any medicine that cannot be self-administered by a participant must be stored and administered by a licensed healthcare professional associated with EWU or, if no one is available, arrangements must be made with another health care professional in advance of the participant’s arrival.

6-6. Contact and Emergency Notification Information

For all youth programs subject to this policy, Youth Program Directors and Campus Sponsors shall:

  1. Establish a procedure for the notification of the minor’s parent/legal guardian in case of an emergency, including medical or behavioral problem, natural disasters, or other significant program disruptions. Authorized Adults with the program, as well as participants and their parents/legal guardians, must be advised of this procedure in writing prior to the participation of the minors in the program.
  2. For residential programs at University facilities, provide an Emergency Locator List of all program participants and a directory of program staff to the University Police Department (police@ewu.edu) and EWU Housing and Residential Life. The Emergency Locator List shall also be provided to the Office of Compliance and Risk Management (riskmanager@ewu.edu).

The Emergency Locator List shall include the following information:

  • Name of the camp
  • Contact persons and phone numbers
  • List of participants, including participant’s name; local room assignment (if applicable); gender, age, address, and phone number(s) of parent or legal guardian, as well as emergency contact information
  • Daily schedule
  1. Provide information to parent or legal guardian detailing the manner in which the participant can be contacted during the program.

6-7. Participant Rules

Each youth program must develop and make available to participants and parents the rules and discipline measures applicable to the program. Program participants and staff must abide by all University regulations and may be removed from the program for non-compliance. The following must be included in program rules:

EWU Youth Program Rules

Prohibitions – The following Items and behaviors are prohibited.  EWU will strictly enforce these rules and take appropriate disciplinary action for violations, up to and including removal from the program and referral to law enforcement for criminal acts.

  1. Possession or use of alcohol and other drugs, including marijuana
  2. Use of tobacco products, e-devices, and/or vaping
  3. Possession or use of fireworks, guns or other weapons
  4. Operation of a motor vehicle by minors
  5. Violence, including sexual abuse or harassment
  6. Hazing
  7. Bullying including verbal, physical, and cyber bullying
  8. Theft
  9. Misuse or damage of University property
  10. Inappropriate or illegal use of cameras, imaging, and digital devices
  11. Leaving university property without program staff approval

Procedures – Program Rules must also include relevant procedures, including:

  • Leaving Campus: When and under what circumstances participants may leave campus
  • Parking: Authorized and prohibited parking areas; Contact information for Parking Services
  • Housing Rules
  • Rules regarding use of recreational facilities

6-8. Disciplinary Procedures

Eastern Washington University is committed to the idea that each youth program participant should have a positive and enjoyable experience, and the misbehavior of one participant, or a group of participants, should not be allowed to impact negatively on the experience of others. Most youth programs are short in duration, so prompt action may be required.

In cases where a disciplinary matter is serious or recurring, the parents shall be contacted and requested to take part in a resolution. Participants who continue to cause problems with other campers or staff shall be dismissed.

Consequences for rules violations shall range from suspension from an activity or camp, to prosecution for criminal acts, as determined by the Youth Program Director for each camp.

Parents and participants acknowledge their understanding of EWU’s disciplinary policies and procedures as part of the registration process.