EWU 204-04: Naming University Facilities

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University Operations – Facilities and Support

EWU Policy 204-04 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees
Effective: May 11, 2018 Proponent: Vice President for Business and Finance

Purpose: This policy establishes the authority, standards and related procedures for naming the facilities of Eastern Washington University.

History: This policy revises and supersedes EWU Policy dated of April 26, 2011 and was approved by the Board of Trustees on May 11, 2018.

Naming University Facilities

1-1. Definitions

As used in this policy/procedure, the terms “facility” and “facilities” include any university building, structure, room, plaza, open space, landscaped area or other physical improvement or natural feature of the university campus or of other property under the administrative control of the university. Members of the “university community” shall mean students, alumni, any current/retired member of the faculty, administration, classified staff, volunteer, or members of volunteer boards, as defined in the university by- laws.

1-2. Policy

Eastern Washington University recognizes the importance of naming opportunities for its buildings, outdoor and interior areas, spaces, features, and objects. Naming actions shall not detract from the institution’s values, dignity, integrity, or reputation, nor shall any such actions create a conflict of interest, or the appearance of a conflict of interest, or confer special privileges. The proposal for naming for an individual, in recognition of a gift is:

a. No commitment for naming shall be made prior to approval  of the proposed name by the President and Board of Trustees.

b. In reviewing requests for approval of naming for a donor or for a person whose name is proposed by a donor, consideration shall be given to:

  1. the significance of the proposed gift as it relates to the realization and/or success of the project or to the enhancement of the project’s usefulness to the university;
  2. the urgency of need for the project or for support funds for the project;
  3. the eminence of the individual whose name is proposed; and
  4. the individual’s relationship to the university

c. For new construction: Gifts equivalent to 50% of the full cost of construction, whether the gift is restricted for the construction costs or in support of programs which will be housed in the new building, shall be the desired minimum gift to qualify for consideration of naming the building. Gifts must be fully realized within five years of the initial commitment. In the event of changed circumstances, the University reserves the right, on reasonable grounds, to revise or withdraw recognition.

d. For renovations of existing facilities: New names may be added or incorporated in recognition of a gift or gifts equivalent to 50% cost of renovation (e.g. – Cheney/Smith Hall, or Smith Center @ Cheney Hall, etc.) The gift may be to support the renovation directly, or in support of programs located in the renovated facility. Within new, existing, or renovated buildings, naming opportunities for classrooms, labs, conference rooms etc. will be identified on a case-by- case basis by the Associate Vice President of Philanthropy Development Office, in conjunction with the appropriate dean or program representative and the Associate Vice President for Facilities and Planning. These recommendations must be reviewed by the Executive Leadership Staff of the University and approved by the President. Recommendations will be based upon a combination of factors including cost, square footage, relative prominence, and the size and relative importance of the gift. In the event of changed circumstances, the University reserves the right, on reasonable grounds, to revise or withdraw recognition.

e. To Name a College, Program, School, Center, or Institute: Creation of an Endowment which will generate significant annual distributions in support of the annual operating budget of that unit, or any non- endowed gift of a similar magnitude. The endowment should be significant enough to warrant permanent recognition. Non-endowed gifts which in the opinion of the President, or a Vice President, are significant enough, shall be considered upon their recommendation. In the event of changed circumstances, the University reserves the right, on reasonable grounds, to revise or withdraw recognition.

1-3. Naming Procedures

The President has final approval for naming interior areas, features, objects and spaces. Final decision to name buildings and outdoor areas and spaces rests with the Board of Trustees, upon recommendation of the President. In situations in which a building may be named in recognition of a substantial contribution to the total project costs, the minimum contribution needed for naming and any limits imposed on the number of years it will be named will be specified as a part of the Project Budget approved or amended by the Board of Trustees.

Requests to name facilities, including but not limited to buildings, outdoor and indoor areas, features, objects or spaces will be submitted to the Vice President for Advancement, who will forward them to the President. Proposals for all naming opportunities will follow the approval process described in this section in order to obtain appropriate approvals before negotiating with a prospective donor for a naming gift and before offering recognition of an individual, family, corporation or organization. Discussions with individual, family, corporate, or other organizational donors who seek naming rights must be conducted with the understanding that the President (in the case of interior areas, features, objects or spaces) or the Board of Trustees (in the case of buildings and outdoor areas or spaces) reserve final approval of the naming.

1-4. Intercollegiate Athletics Facilities and Playing Fields Temporary Naming Rights Agreements

The University may enter into agreements with business entities to temporarily name intercollegiate athletics facilities or playing fields when the business entity makes a substantial contribution to the University’s intercollegiate athletics program. A “substantial contribution” in this context means that facts and circumstances, including relevant market conditions, show that the business entity is making a substantial financial contribution to the University’s intercollegiate athletics program. Any such agreements must be reviewed by Advancement working with the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and will normally be for a fixed term of five years and not in excess of ten years. The term should be consistent with the contribution. Any agreement to temporarily name an interior feature, object or space must be approved by the President. An agreement to temporarily name an interior feature, object or space may include the right to place a sign or signs on the exterior of a building or an outdoor area; however, such signage must be approved by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the President. Any agreement to temporarily name buildings or outdoor spaces must be approved by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the President.

The logo of a business entity may be included on the name temporarily affixed to an interior feature, object, space, building or outdoor area if the logo is part of a unique design created in part for the purpose of acknowledging the relationship between the University and the business entity. Inclusion of a logo in a unique design on the name temporarily affixed to an interior feature, object or space shall be reviewed and approved by the President. Inclusion of a logo in a unique design on the name temporarily affixed to a building or outdoor area shall be approved by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the President.

This policy will apply to both new and existing interior areas, features, objects, spaces, buildings, and outdoor areas or spaces. No agreement shall detract from the institution’s values, dignity, integrity, or reputation, nor shall it create a conflict, or the appearance of a conflict, of interest or confer special privileges. The business entity shall have a prominent relationship with the University and/or the region, and have a positive image and demonstrated integrity. In the event of changed circumstances, the University reserves the right, on reasonable grounds, to revise or withdraw recognition. In the event there are any inconsistencies or ambiguities between this policy and other University Naming Rights policies, this policy shall take precedence.

1-5. Selection of Names 

a. Facilities may be given either general or functional names. General names are   appropriate when facilities have frequently changing or multiple functions making functional names inappropriate or misleading. Functional names may be used when they identify the principal use or purpose of the facility.

b. Facilities may be named in honor of or dedicated to specific individuals or families. In exceptional instances a university facility may be named to honor an individual whose accomplishments have distinguished the university. No facility will be named after or dedicated in honor of any person currently affiliated with the institution. Facilities will be named after or dedicated only to those individuals whose reputations have stood the test of time.


Appendix A – Procedures

A-1. Functional/General Names

a. Written proposals for assignment of or change in functional/general names, with an explanation of supporting reasons, may be submitted by any member of the university community to the President for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

b. The President may, to the extent it deems necessary and appropriate, solicit the views of members of the campus community such as:

  1. a Vice President, the Dean, Director, Supervisor or other officer exercising responsibility for the primary use of the facility; or
  2. any individual able to provide advice as to the historical background, architectural implications, cost estimates and any implementation problems relating to the proposal.

c. Final authority to recommend a functional/general name for a facility or to change its existing functional/general name resides with the President.

d. The President will submit his/her recommendation to the board of trustees for approval.

A-2. Facilities Named in Honor or Memory of Specific Individuals or Families

a. Proposals to name university facilities in honor of specific individuals or families may be initiated by any member of the university community or by a member of the Board of Trustees.

b. Each proposal, so far as feasible, shall be accompanied by:

  1. a description of the facility in question and the name proposed to be honored;
  2. a biographical summary of the person or families to be honored; and
  3. a statement of reasons for a belief that the individual’s contribution to the university satisfies the standard set out in this section.

c. The President may refer the proposal to the University Capital Planning Committee for review and advice. The President may, to the extent deemed necessary and appropriate, solicit the views of members of the campus community such as university administrators, faculty, staff, students or  any other person whose interests may be implicated  in the proposal or who may be able to provide special assistance in its evaluation.

d. Final authority to recommend the proposal to the Board of Trustees resides with the President.

e. The President will submit his/her recommendation to the Board of Trustees for action.

A-3. Confidentiality in Naming Facilities

In view of the sensitivity of the matters under consideration and their potential for creating misunderstandings, all stages of the proposal, review and recommendation process, as outlined in this policy/procedure, are required to be conducted in a confidential manner.

A-4. Implementation

If the proposal is approved by the Board of Trustees, the implementation of the designated name, including all notifications, announcements, ceremonies and the erection of suitable identifying signs or markers in connection therewith, shall be carried out under the direction of the president. Any new signs, plaques or markers shall conform with the university policy and design standards.

A-5. Records

An official list of all university facilities and their approved functional/general or honorary names with records of background data and proceedings leading to the assignment or change of name of any facility shall be maintained by the President’s Office.

A-6. Exceptions

Exceptions to these policies and or procedures can be made with the recommendation of a Vice President to the President and with the concurrence of the Board of Trustees.