EWU 204-03: Access Control

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University Operations – Facilities and Support

EWU Policy 204-03 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees
Effective July 12, 2012 Proponent: Vice President for Business & Finance

Purpose:  This policy university standards and regulations relative to access to buildings and facilities.

History:  This policy was published on July 12, 2012 and supersedes UGS Policy 180-020-010, Access Control, which was originally adopted in September 2004 by the EWU Board of Trustees.  This policy includes reformatting and housekeeping changes only and does not constitute any material change in policy.

1 Introduction

This policy applies to all buildings and facilities owned or managed by Eastern Washington University. Access to university facilities and spaces are controlled by a security access system consisting of keys and/or electronic access cards. EWU Facilities Maintenance will maintain oversight and maintenance of all lock systems including electronic card access. Facilities Maintenance and the University Key shop will work with individual departments to create satisfactory Departmental Access Systems for their individual needs.

2. Definitions

a.  Access Card – Electronic access cards used to access electronic access systems

b.  Delinquent Keys – Keys/access cards that are not turned into the DAA or the Key Shop by their due date. Delinquent key fines are established by the Board of Trustees on an annual basis.

c.  Departmental Access System (DAS) – defined access system (group of keys/access cards) that is assigned to DAA for use by their department. This is the list of access devices that the DAA has under their authorization.

d.  Departmental Access System Report – Documentation from the Key Shop to the DAA documenting the keys/access cards under their authority.

e.  Departmental Authorizing Agent (DAA) – Deans, Chairs or vice president designees who are allowed to issue keys/access cards throughout their departmental areas.

f.  Irretrievable Keys – keys/access cards that are lost with no chance of being recovered. Irretrievable key fines are established by the Board of Trustees on an annual basis.

g.  Key – hard key to access doors, padlocks, cabinets etc.

h.  Key Audits – physical inventory of departmental keys/access cards completed on a periodic basis, by the department, and sent to the Key Shop to update the status of the DAS.

i.  Key Lock boxes – secure areas where departmental keys/access cards are kept when they are not in the possession of the individuals authorized to have the keys/access cards.

j.  Keyholder: – faculty, staff, students, contractors, vendors and service agents who are authorized to have a key.

3. Persons Authorized to Have Keys

The purpose of the university access system is to allow access to university facilities for those having a clearly defined need, as determined by the DAA. All University full or part-time faculty, staff and administrators are authorized to have keys/access cards. The actual need for keys/access cards is determined by the DAA. The need for students to have keys/access cards is also determined and authorized by the DAA. Students will not be issued master or sub-master keys on a permanent basis, but will be allowed to check out such keys/access cards on an eight hour or less basis as required by their employment. A log of check outs and a secure storage or key lock box will be maintained by the department for keys/access cards checked out on an eight hour or less basis. The DAA will authorize keys/access cards to contractors, vendors and/or service agents who perform duties within their respective areas. These agents will also be responsible for the return of the keys/access cards to the Key Shop as scheduled, or to pay the cost of recombination work necessary to retain building security and function as determined by the Director of Facilities Management.

4. Authorizing Keys

Keys and access cards are the property of the university. The responsibility of authorizing proper access belongs to the Departmental Authorizing Agent (DAA). The university assigns keys/access cards to the DAA so they can assign keys/access cards to those under their supervision who require access to do assigned tasks. Groups of keys/access cards will be issued to the DAA after the completion of the DAS forms transferring responsibility for the access devices. To obtain a key, recipients must complete, and the DAA must sign, a Key Authorization Card (or list) identifying each key issued to them. If additional keys/access cards are required for the individual at a later date, another Key Authorization Card (or list) will be required.

5. Lost or Irretrievable Key

Keyholders must report a lost or stolen key by contacting the DAA, who then notifies the university Key Shop. An irretrievable key form will be filled out by the Key Shop and sent to the DAA for signature. The irretrievable key form must be signed and returned to the Key Shop before another key will be issued to the DAA. If access to an area is required before a replacement key is issued you may request entrance from Public Safety and Police Services or Facilities Management Custodial Department.

6. Financial Responsibility for Irretrievable Keys

The DAA must report an irretrievable key by submitting an irretrievable key form to the Key Shop. The Director of Facilities Maintenance or the Associate Vice President of Facilities and Planning shall determine the need for re-coring in consultation with the EWU Key Shop and the DAA. The cost for replacing irretrievable keys/access cards and the charge for re-coring due to the loss of keys/access cards shall be born by the department authorizing said key(s) and not the employee.

7. Duplication and Transferring of Keys

Duplication or unauthorized use of University keys/access cards is illegal. Use of keys/access cards may be considered burglary and/or trespass under RCW 9A.52.030 and/or 9A.52.080. Transferring keys/access cards between individuals is prohibited. Loaning keys/access cards for access to university facilities is prohibited unless for performance of duties. Individuals who loan access devices will be held responsible should they be improperly used or lost. The DAA can transfer issued keys/access cards between departmental keyholders. The DAA is required to fill out a key return form and a new key authorization form and send them to the Key Shop to make the transfer and to update their DAS.

8. Padlocks and Safe Combinations

Padlocks keyed to the university lock system will be monitored by the university Key Shop in the same manner as building access. Key Shop personnel will not monitor department padlocks that are not keyed to the building lock system. Such locks and their use will be the sole responsibility of the department.