EWU 204-02: Postings & Flags

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University Operations – Facilities and Support

EWU Policy 204-02 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees
Effective: December 9, 2022 Proponent: Vice President for Business & Finance; Vice President for Student Affairs

Purpose: This policy prescribes university standards and regulations for the display of postings in or on buildings or property owned or controlled by Eastern Washington University on the Cheney campus. It also applies to the display of content on digital signs owned or controlled by EWU.

History: This policy revises and supersedes the previous version dated October 22, 2021. It was approved by the Board of Trustees on December 9, 2022.

Applicability: This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, student clubs and organizations, visitors, and vendors.


1-1. Process for Obtaining General Approval for Posting

a. The Pence Union Building (PUB) Information Office is the approval authority for materials, other than Associated Students of EWU (ASEWU) election posters, that are posted on the Cheney campus. For the purposes of this policy, Cheney campus refers to all university owned or controlled facilities and property within Cheney, WA, including the main campus and facilities located off-campus but within the Cheney city limits.

b. Persons desiring to post an item on the Cheney campus must obtain prior approval from the PUB Information Office. The PUB Information Office will review posting requests on weekdays (Monday-Friday) between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., except for holidays. Requests may be submitted by email or in person, as follows:

Option 1: Email a digital version to pubadmin@ewu.edu. Once approved, the poster will receive a digital stamp and the PUB Information Office will email the posting back to the requestor.
Option 2: Bring a hard copy to the PUB Information Office to receive posting approval.

c. The PUB Information Office shall e-stamp approved posters accordingly. Postings will be approved for a limited period of time and must be removed at the end of the approved period.

The ASEWU director of elections is the approval authority for ASEWU election posters. ASEWU election posters must comply with ASEWU rules for placement and must be approved by the ASEWU director of elections prior to placement.

1-2. Required Posting Content

In order to comply with EWU posting requirements and receive an approval stamp, all event postings must include the following elements:

On-campus Events:

  • Event date, time, and location
  • The following ADA accessibility statement in a minimum of 12 point font: “People needing accommodation should contact [insert name of individual or office coordinating event] at [insert telephone number or email address] by [insert deadline- typically 5-7 days prior to scheduled event].”

Off-campus Events:

  • Event, date, time, and location

EWU encourages sponsors of postings to include contact information in case there is a question regarding the program or event.

1-3. Permissible Posting Locations and Requesting Approval for Posting in Certain Locations

Approved postings may only be placed in approved posting locations. The PUB Information Office may maintain a list of approved posting locations. Postings are not permitted in non-designated posting locations, including, but not limited to, wall surfaces, floors, ceilings, doors, elevators, lampposts, trees, benches, sculptures, etc.

After receiving approval from the PUB information Office, individuals must contact the respective posting location manager in order to receive permission to post in a particular designated posting location. Each designated posting location will identify a posting location manager who is responsible for monitoring that location. Posting location managers may establish additional parameters for posting (such as deadlines for review, length of posting time, etc.), except they may not refuse to permit display of a posting that has been approved by the PUB Information Office because of its content.

The PUB Information Office shall publish guidelines governing posting placement on the Cheney campus. The guidelines may vary between buildings and campus locations. Guidelines will typically include rules for posting size, location, number limits, removal requirements, and similar information. Guidelines for poster placement within or on the Pence Union Building will conform to standards established by the PUB Board.

1-4. Posting in University Housing

  1. Students who reside in university housing may request approval to place postings in their housing community under specific circumstances (such as hall elections). In these instances, the Residential Life Coordinator may provide approval.
  2. Non-residents who wish to post in one or more of the university housing communities must submit the posting through the standard process (first to the PUB Information Office for posting requirements review and then to the Housing Office.

1-5. Commercial Activity

Postings that involve commercial activity or solicitation must comply with WAC 172-139.

1-6.  Removal of Postings

  1. Posting location managers shall routinely remove unauthorized and/or expired postings from the facilities and bulletin boards under their control, in compliance with this policy and the posting guidelines established for their specific posting location.
  2. The Associate Vice President for Facilities or designee has the authority to remove postings that are displayed without approval or that are damaged due to weather, vandalism, neglect or a similar matter.


Digital signage is available on several campuses of EWU. This signage is reserved exclusively for postings of university messages and university-sponsored events. EWU digital signage may not be used to post non-university messages or to advertise non-university-sponsored events.

Anyone seeking to post electronic signage content must submit a request through the digital signage management system. Content submissions will first be assessed by the Office of Information Technology to assure the request meets the technical requirements for a digital posting. After the technical requirements are met, the request will be routed to the content administrator for the requested display location.

Content administrators must review the proposed posting to make sure it includes the information required by Chapter 1, section 2 of this policy and is either a university message or an advertisement of a university-sponsored event. If the request meets these requirements and upon approval of the content administrator, the content will be posted for a specific and limited period of time. Each content administrator may set parameters for the timing and frequency of approved postings.


The following protocols apply to the flagpole located outside of the southeast entrance of the PUB.

3-1. Authorized Flags

The flagpole is not intended to serve as a forum for free expression by the public. Rather, the flagpole is intended to convey university messages that promote student engagement and awareness. The flagpole is reserved exclusively for university-approved flags that are consistent with the university’s mission and commitment to diversity and inclusion. Therefore, only the following flags may be flown as an expression of the university’s official messages:

• EWU Eagles flags;
• Flags commemorating officially-recognized months; and,
• Other flags communicating university messages, as approved by the PUB Flag Committee.

Requests to fly the United States and state flags will be not be approved for this location. The flagpole outside of Showalter Hall is EWU’s official flag location consistent with RCW 1.20.015 and is the appropriate location for displaying the United States and State of Washington flags. Additionally, flags promoting a political party or political candidate are not allowed and any flag that violates university policy will not be permitted.

3-2. Flag Schedule

The schedule for the flying of flags will be determined by the university PUB Flag Committee. The committee may request student groups to fly a particular flag and sponsor the flag. Flags will be scheduled to be flown based on the university’s schedule, which may be modified at any time. An EWU flag will be flown when another flag is not displayed on the flagpole.

3-3. Eligible Sponsoring Groups

The following groups are eligible to request the opportunity to sponsor a flag from the approved list of flags listed in section 3.1:

• Organizations recognized by ASEWU; or,
• EWU departments.

3-4. Flag Requirements

The sponsoring group must provide, at its own cost, the flag to be flown. In addition, the flag must meet the following requirements:

• The flag must be a commercially-produced flag that has been outfitted to fly on a flagpole (i.e., grommets and reinforced);
• The dimensions of the flag must be 3’ x 5’;
• The flag must have grommets so it can be flown properly;
• The flag will remain up night and day, including in inclement weather. Sponsors acknowledge that this may cause wear and tear to the flag; and,
• Only one flag may be flown on a flagpole at a time.

3-5. PUB Flag Committee

The PUB Flag Committee will be appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs and should consist of representatives from ASEWU and Student Affairs professional staff.