EWU 202-04: University Fee Approval

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University Operations – Financial Activities

EWU Policy 202-04 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees
Effective June 26, 2015 Proponent: Vice President – Business and Finance

  This policy revises and supersedes the previous version dated May 11, 2007.  It was adopted by the EWU Board of Trustees on June 26, 2015.

I. Overview

Eastern Washington University, in carrying out its mission, receives funds from many sources and levies a number of fees or charges to a wide range of users.  Fees are generally charged to recover costs, either partially or fully, or to control the demand for services.  Fees are charged to students, to programs, and to the general public.  The purpose of this document is to present the policies and procedures which govern the review and approval of fees and charges at Eastern Washington University.  It does not encompass internal recharges from one program or department to another.

The Board of Trustees has the authority to assess the following types of fees:

  • Tuition and Fees
  • Services and Activities Fees
  • Mandatory Fees
  • Other fees as determined

Considerations of policy, shared authority, and political sensitivity suggest that for certain fees, final review and approval should remain the sole responsibility of the Board of Trustees.  The review and approval of other fees are appropriately delegated to the President who, in turn, may delegate such review and approval to others.

II. Fees Approved by the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees retains final authority to review and approve all fees and policies governing fees charged to students for degree credit instruction, or where considerations of policy, shared authority, and political sensitivity warrant trustee approval.  The following user fees are included in this category:

a.  Tuition and Fees

Academic year tuition and fees, including student services and activities fees.

b.  Summer Quarter Tuition and Fees

Summer Quarter tuition and fees, including student services and activities fees.

c.  Mandatory Fees

Mandatory fees include the comprehensive health fee, technology fee, recreation center fee, and transportation fee.  The board of trustees may establish additional mandatory fees, as necessary, to support institutional needs.

d.  Housing and Dining Services Rates, and Parking Rates

Residence hall and apartment housing rates, dining plan rates, and parking fees.

The President shall present recommendations to establish or modify such fees or fee policies to the Board of Trustees.

The review and approval of all other fees is delegated by the Board of Trustees to the President who, in turn, delegates such review and approval as prescribed in the following sections.

III. Fees Approved by the President

The President, acting upon recommendations from the Vice President for Business and Finance, may impose University-wide fees and charges to recover costs fully or partially, or to ration services.

IV. Fees Approved by the Provost

The President delegates to the Provost the review and approval of fees for degree credit programs not within the state-funded enrollment scope which are expected, as a matter of policy, to recover their full or direct costs, provided that such review includes consultation with the President.

V. Fees Approved by the Provost and Vice Presidents

The President delegates the review and approval of those fees and charges not covered in Sections II thru IV above to the provost and vice presidents as set forth below, provided that such review includes consultation with the president and other appropriate parties.

a.  Instruction and Related Fees Charged to Students

All instruction and related fees charged to students and not covered in Sections II thru IV above. Income from such fees must be used as intended and recorded in departmental income accounts. Included herein are course fees to recover the costs of supplies and materials which are provided for convenience and economies to students, such as art supplies and materials.

Laboratory and other degree/credit course-related fees which are intended to cover, in whole or in part, instructional costs. Included are course fees intended to recover the costs of supplies and materials which are provided for convenience and economies to students.

b.  All Fees and Charges Intended to Safeguard Availability of Services and Resources

All fees, fines, and charges which are intended to safeguard the availability of services and resources or to compel compliance with regulations, the scope of which affects only those programs and students within their designated areas of responsibility. Examples of such fees include charges for library book replacement or a late return fee for chemistry supplies.

c.  All Fees and Charges Necessary to Recover in Full or in Part the Costs of Continuing Education

All fees and charges necessary to recover in full or in part the costs of continuing education, performing arts, auxiliary educational activities, and other auxiliary enterprises and self-sustaining programs which provide services to students, other campus programs, or the general public.

VI. Implementation Guidelines

The User Fee Approval Policy requires that fees for which approval was delegated to vice presidents conform to Budget Office guidelines. The following guidelines apply:

a.  Fees Charged to Other University Departments

Fees charged to other University departments must be set to recover not more than the cost of the goods or services provided, including applicable departmental overhead costs. Fees charged by University recharge centers must be approved by the Office of Business and Finance before being implemented or changed.

b.  Fees Charged to University Employees and Students

Fees charged to University employees and students must be set to recover not more than the cost of the goods or services provided, including applicable departmental and University-wide overhead costs.

c.  Fees Charged to Outside Users

Fees charged to outside users must be set to recover at least the cost of the goods or services provided, including applicable departmental and University-wide overhead costs. Any University subsidy of operations which sells goods or services to outside users must be approved by the Vice President for Business and Finance.

d.  Self-Sustaining Accounts

The fees discussed in Section V must be deposited in self-sustaining budgets specifically designated for that purpose.  All expenditures associated with providing the goods or services applicable to the fee may be charged to the self-sustaining account.

e.  Increases in Fees

When determined appropriate, all fees will be increased annually by the fiscal growth factor rate as set by the Office of Financial Management.

f.  The Budget Office Will Maintain a Database

The Budget Office will maintain a database of all approved fees. New fees or changes in existing fees of the type included in the database must be reported to the Budget Office. Annually, an inventory of these fees will be distributed to Provost and Vice Presidents during the budget cycle for update or revision.

VII. Policy Administration and Interpretation

The President designates the Vice President for Business and Finance to administer and interpret these policies and procedures and to recommend, any revisions and modifications thereto.

VIII. Report to Board of Trustees

The Office of Business and Finance will provide an annual report of fees to the Board of Trustees in June of each fiscal year which are to be in the ensuing fiscal year.