EWU 104-02: EWU Commission on Gender Equity

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EWU Policy 104-02 Authority: Board of Trustees
Effective:  October 9, 2020  Proponent: University President

This policy establishes and describes the EWU Commission on Gender Equity for Eastern Washington University.

History:  This policy updates the previous version dated May 20, 2016.  It was adopted by the Board of Trustees on October 9, 2020.

The mission of the EWU Commission on Gender Equity is to improve the status and quality of life of people of all genders and promote gender equality in the EWU community.

The EWU Commission on Gender Equity recognizes the diverse experiences of people of all genders and the intersection of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, disabilities, nationalities and religion. In addition, the Commission advocates, recommends and monitors policies, initiatives, resources and other issues that are central to a safe, equitable and inclusive climate for all people regardless of gender identity or expression on campus. The Commission is an advisory committee to the president.

The mission is achieved through:

a. serving as a conduit for information between the administration and the EWU community by making recommendations directly to the President on gender equity issues, including, but not limited to campus safety, sexual harassment, gender violence, childcare, equity, access, retention, and advancement;

b. identifying and removing institutional barriers that limit equal opportunities and advancement;

c. reviewing and assessing the campus climate and current university programs and initiatives relative to gender equity and advancement of gender equity;

d. fostering an awareness, understanding and recognition of the potential, contributions, special challenges and many roles people of various genders play in the EWU community; and

e. recommending policies, strategies, programs, and activities that promote gender equity at EWU and facilitating the implementation of them.

The University President shall appoint the members of the Commission. The Commission shall consist of:
• The Director of Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, ADA Compliance;
• The Director of Women’s and Gender Studies Program
• Director of the Pride Center;
• Three faculty members, nominated by the faculty senate and/or United Faculty of Eastern;
• Three administrative exempt employees: two nominated by the President’s Executive Committee; one nominated by the PSE Union president;
• Three classified staff employees, nominated by the Classified Staff Union president
• ASEWU Student Health and Safety Services or ASEWU Outreach representative;
• Two students nominated by the ASEWU president.
Members are appointed by the President for 2-year staggered terms, except in the case of student members, who are appointed for 1-year terms.

The Chair is elected by the Commission members from among the appointed members for a one-year term (renewable for a second year). The Chair is responsible for:
a. Setting the meeting dates and scheduling rooms
b. Creating an agenda
c. Facilitating meetings
d. Following up on issues and ideas with members
e. Facilitating the nomination process and communication with the President about appointments

The Commission will meet at least twice per quarter as a group to conduct regular business. Members of the public