Chapter 172-118 WAC – Recreational Equipment

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These rules govern the use of recreational equipment on Eastern Washington University’s campus. The purpose of this chapter is to protect campus property from physical dam-age and unnecessary wear and to facilitate safety and access.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12). WSR 13-24-120, § 172-118-010, filed 12/4/13, effective 1/4/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120. WSR 92-22-028, § 172-118-010, filed 10/26/92, effective 11/26/92; Order 72-12, § 172-118-010, filed 9/20/72.]


For the purposes of this chapter, recreational equipment includes, but is not limited to, skateboards, longboards, roller skates, inline skates, skate shoes, foot scooters, hoverboards/self-balancing scooters and similar equipment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12), and 42.56.070. WSR 20-06-045, § 172-118-020, filed 2/28/20, effective 3/30/20. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12). WSR 13-24-120, § 172-118-020, filed 12/4/13, effective 1/4/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120. WSR 92-22-028, § 172-118-020, filed 10/26/92, effective 11/26/92; Order 72-12, § 172-118-020, filed 9/20/72.]

Use of recreational equipment.

Recreational equipment may only be used on asphalt or concrete campus walkways and sidewalks, and only in a way that does not interfere with pedestrian traffic or other campus activities.
(1) Recreational equipment is prohibited on grass, benches, stairways, steps, sculpture, art work, hand rails, inside buildings, plazas, walls, barriers, brick walkways, and any other campus property other than paved walkways and sidewalks.
(2) The storage or possession of hoverboards/self-balancing scooters in residence halls, university apartments, academic buildings, administrative buildings, recreational facilities, and all other structures on property owned or controlled by EWU is prohibited.
(3) Speeds in excess of five miles per hour are prohibited.
(4) Performing stunts or tricks is prohibited.
(5) Any use of recreational equipment that may cause property damage and/or endanger the user or others is prohibited.
(6) Recreational equipment users shall yield the right of way to pedestrians at all times.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12), and 42.56.070. WSR 20-06-045, § 172-118-040, filed 2/28/20, effective 3/30/20. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12). WSR 13-24-120, § 172-118-040, filed 12/4/13, effective 1/4/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120. WSR 92-22-028, § 172-118-040, filed 10/26/92, effective 11/26/92; Order 74-2, § 172-118-040, filed 1/24/74; Order 72-12, § 172-118-040, filed 9/20/72.]


(1) Any student who violates these regulations may be asked to refrain from using recreational equipment on campus. Any student who refuses to comply with such a request and/or repeatedly violates these regulations will be subject to disci-plinary action under the student conduct code, chapter 172-121 WAC.
(2) A user of recreational equipment, other than an Eastern Wash-ington University (EWU) student, who violates these regulations may be asked to leave the campus. A person who fails to comply with a request to leave campus may be charged with criminal trespass under the provi-sions of chapter 9A.52 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12). WSR 13-24-120, § 172-118-090, filed 12/4/13, effective 1/4/14. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120. WSR 92-22-028, § 172-118-090, filed 10/26/92, effective 11/26/92.]