EWU 801-01: Advisory Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics NEW

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EWU Policy 801-01 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees
Effective: June 26, 2015 Proponent: University President

Purpose:  This policy establishes the President’s Advisory Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics and describes its purpose, composition, and responsibilities. History:  This policy revises the previous version dated June 26, 2008.  It was adopted by the EWU Board of Trustees (BOT) on June 26, 2015. Applicability:  This policy applies to the Intercollegiate Athletics Department and its programs at Eastern Washington University.   1.  General The President’s Advisory Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics (PACIA) advises the university president on policies and matters related to the intercollegiate athletic programs of the university.  The university president has ultimate responsibility and final authority for the conduct of the intercollegiate athletics program and the actions of the PACIA. 2.  Composition The Committee shall consist of 11 members as follows:

  • The committee chair will be a member of the faculty, nominated by the president of the faculty senate and appointed by the university president. The term of office is three years.
  • 3 faculty, in addition to the committee chair, appointed by faculty senate, staggered three year terms.
  • 1 student appointed by ASEWU (Athletic liaison preferably), annual term.
  • 1 Student-Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC) representative or a Student-Athlete appointed by SAAC, annual term.
  • 2 administrators appointed by the university president, annual terms.
  • A representative from the alumni or the community selected by the university president.
  • A representative of the classified staff, appointed by the classified union.
  • Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR)

3.  Athletic Committee Staff Staff to the committee includes, but is not limited to, the Athletic Director (AD) and the Senior Woman Administrator (SWA).  In addition, a financial advisor may be appointed by the Vice President for Business and Finance. 4.  General Responsibilities The general responsibilities of the committee include:

  • monitor, report on, and recommend policies regarding the intercollegiate athletic program, including:
    • student-athlete safety and welfare
    • academic standards and progress for athletes
    • gender equity
    • plans for improvement
  • monitor budgeting, funding, and financial activities within intercollegiate athletics and make recommendations relative to prioritization of fund expenditures
  • review implementation of athletic program policies

5.  Committee Actions a.  Authority: As an advisory body, actions of the PACIA are subject to approval by the university president. b. Quorum: The quorum for the committee is six members, the majority of whom must be faculty or administrators. 6.  Committee Chair Responsibilities Meetings:  The committee chair will develop, with the AD and FAR, a quarterly meeting schedule and topics for discussion.  The schedule will be forwarded to the university president, the president of the faculty senate, and the ASEWU president.