WAC 172-168: Library Policies

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Effective: December 22, 2011


Eastern Washington University libraries

Eastern Washington University (EWU) libraries exist first and foremost to serve the needs of EWU students and faculty.  EWU libraries also serve the rest of the university community, the regional needs of Eastern Washington, and the general community.


Eligible library users

EWU libraries are open to the public.  However, children under twelve years of age must be accompanied by an adult or have prearranged permission from the senior staff member on duty.  Borrowing privileges and other library services are limited to the following users:

(1) Current students, faculty, staff and trustees;

(2) Eligible users through the Orbis Cascade Alliance or through other reciprocal agreements;

(3) Other libraries through interlibrary loans;

(4) Emeriti faculty;

(5) Spokane-area residents, not affiliated with EWU, who obtain a community member borrower’s card;

(6) Other individuals as determined by the dean of libraries;

(7) Children between twelve and seventeen years of age may be issued a borrower’s card provided the card is co-signed by the child’s parent or guardian.



Users of EWU libraries’ facilities shall maintain appropriate public behavior and comply with all library policies.  Violators of library policies may be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, assessment of fines, fees, or other service charges and revocation of library privileges.  Use of the library may be denied to anyone for abuse of library services or resources.



Briefcases, backpacks, and any other containers or items being carried out of library facilities may be inspected.  Inspections may be performed by employees or through the use of electronic equipment or other devices.