Lost and Found

Did you lose or find property on campus?

The EWU Police Department is a Lost and Found office.  We are located at 820 Washington Street (101 Red Barn).  Call 359-6498 to check if your item has been turned in, or submit a report online.

Please use the buttons below to submit a lost or found property report.

EWU Policy 603-08: Lost and Found

Claiming Found Property

Any finder of property who fails to discharge the duties imposed under RCW 63.21.040 shall forfeit all right to the property and shall be liable for the full value of the property to its owner.

  • Lost and Found Office: Any person who finds property on university grounds should bring the property to a designated Lost and Found Office.
  • University Police: The University Police Department (UPD) does not normally accept found property unless the property is valuable or sensitive, including:
    • Valuables: cash or items valued at $50 or more; and items of obvious value, e.g. jewelry.
    • Sensitive documents such as driver’s licenses, passports.
    • Weapons.
    • Illegal items or items that are commonly used for illegal activities.
    • A person who finds valuable or sensitive property may turn in the property to either a Lost and Found Office or to the University Police Department.
  • Claim of Found Property by Finder: A person who finds property and who wishes to claim the property must follow the provisions of Chapter 3 of EWU Policy 603-08.

Additional Lost and Found Locations on Campus by Building

BuildingLocationPhone #
ArtART 140(509) 359-2494
Cadet HallCAD 202 (Department Office)(509) 359-2386
Catalyst Building - SpokaneWelcome Desk(509) 828-1228
Cheney HallNo lost and found
Communications BuildingCMC 108(509) 359-2313
Hargreaves HallHAR 102H & HAR 217(509) 359-2822
Huston HallHUS 102(509) 359-4721
JFK LibraryCirculation Desk - 1st Floor(509) 359-7888
Kingston HallKGS 316 (Dept of Math Reception)(509) 359-4315
Martin HallMAR 135 (main office)(509) 359-6227
Monroe HallMON 305(509) 359-2345
Music BuildingMUS 121(509) 359-2241
Patterson HallPAT 133 O(509) 359-2481
PE Activity BuildingFront Desk (509) 359-6357
PE Classroom BuildingPEC 204(509) 359-6382
PUBPUB Welcome Desk (509) 359-7918
RTV BuildlingRTV 104(509) 359-6390
Science BuildingSCI 140 (509) 359-2286
Senior HallSNR 121(509) 359-6081
Showalter HallSHW 114 Office for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion(509) 359-4769
Sutton HallFront Desk - 1st Floor(509) 359-3915
Tawanka CommonsTAW 120 Eagle Services(509) 359-6184
Theatre BuildingTHE 210(509) 359-2459
University Recreation CenterURC Skate Desk (downstairs by arena)(509) 359-4019
Williamson HallShared w/ Martin; MAR 135 (509) 359-2478