Policies and Laws

Internal Affairs Log

Click HERE for the EWU Police Department’s 2023 Internal Affairs Log.

Click HERE for the EWU Police Department’s 2022 Internal Affairs Log.

Use of Force Policy – FAQs


“Chokeholds” and “strangleholds” are, by their very definition, designed to restrict airflow.  Because of the obvious danger, these types of holds were eliminated from our use of force policy years ago.

Additionally, we have recently updated our Use of Force policy prohibiting applications of force that restrict oxygen or blood flow to the head or neck.  Policy now specifically prohibits “chokeholds”, “strangleholds”, Lateral Vascular Neck Restraints® , and the carotid control hold, unless, in those rare circumstances deadly force is justified.


Our policy provides clear guidance to our officers to utilize de-escalation tactics when practical.

Policy section 300.3.g states “The use of force by officers of the Department will, whenever possible, be progressive in nature. Officers will remain alert to the possibility of the de-escalation of force and will invoke such procedures when appropriate.”

Policy section 300.4 (f) addresses verbal warnings with respect to all deadly force encounters – not just shootings:

“An officer may use deadly force to stop a fleeing subject when the officer has probable cause to believe that the person has committed, or intends to commit, a felony involving the infliction or significant threatened infliction of serious bodily injury or death, and the officer reasonably believes that there is an imminent risk of serious bodily injury or death to any other person if the subject is not immediately apprehended. Under such circumstances, a verbal warning should precede the use of deadly force, where feasible.

Our use of force policy is based on the concept that force, when applied by an officer, must be reasonable and necessary.  Our policy specifically states the ultimate objective of every law enforcement encounter is to avoid or minimize injury.

Policy section 300.3.2 addresses factors to consider when determining whether to apply force, including but not limited to:

  1. Immediacy and severity of the threat to officers or others.
  2. The conduct of the individual being confronted, as reasonably perceived by the officer at the time.
  3. Officer/subject factors (e.g., age, size, relative strength, skill level, injuries sustained, level of exhaustion or fatigue, the number of officers available vs. subjects).
  4. The effects of suspected drug or alcohol use.
  5. The individual’s mental state or capacity.
  6. The individual’s ability to understand and comply with officer commands.
  7. Proximity of weapons or dangerous improvised devices.
  8. The degree to which the individual has been effectively restrained and his/her ability to resist despite being restrained.
  9. The availability of other reasonable and feasible options and their possible effectiveness.
  10. Seriousness of the suspected offense or reason for contact with the individual.
  11. Training and experience of the officer.
  12. Potential for injury to officers, suspects, and others.
  13. Whether the individual appears to be resisting, attempting to evade arrest by flight, or is attacking the officer.
  14. The risk and reasonably foreseeable consequences of escape.
  15. The apparent need for immediate control of the individual or a prompt resolution of the situation.
  16. Whether the conduct of the individual being confronted no longer reasonably appears to pose an imminent threat to the officer or others.
  17. Prior contacts with the individual or awareness of any propensity for violence.
  18. Any other exigent circumstances.


Policy section 300.4.1 prohibits officers from discharging their firearms at or from a moving vehicle, unless the moving vehicle poses an imminent threat of serious physical harm to the officer or others from which there is no reasonable means of escape. This policy also prohibits officers from intentionally stepping in the path of an oncoming vehicle and attempting to disable the vehicle by discharging a firearm, or shooting at any part of a vehicle in an attempt to disable the vehicle.


Policy section 300.2.1 states, “Any officer present and observing another law enforcement officer or a member using force that is clearly beyond that which is objectively reasonable under the circumstances shall, when in a position to do so, intercede to prevent the use of unreasonable force.  Any officer who observes another law enforcement officer or a member use force that is potentially beyond that which is objectively reasonable under the circumstances should report these observations to a supervisor as soon as feasible.”

The specific term “use of force continuum” refers to an outdated use of force model.  Our use of force policy is grounded in the fundamental concepts of de-escalation and reasonableness.  If force is necessary, then the officer uses only that amount of force that is reasonable given the facts and circumstances at the time of the event – and only for a legitimate law enforcement purpose.  This is inline with current best practices in the policing profession.


To meet IACLEA accreditation criteria, agencies must ensure they meet a lengthy list of standards designed to ensure agencies are using best practices.  One of those standards involves the reporting of force used by officers and it states that any force capable of causing injury has to be reported. Any use of force is required to be documented promptly, completely and accurately in a Use of Force report, which includes:

  • A detailed description of the events leading to the necessity for the use of force;
  • The amount and type of force used detailing what specific actions were taken;
  • The nature and extent of injuries;
  • The treatment rendered to the officers and or subjects;
  • The identity of combatants, officers involved, witnesses and medical personnel involved;
  • Any other pertinent information.

The Deputy Chief will make a determination on whether the use of force was reasonable or not.  If the use of force is determined to be unreasonable, an internal investigation will be conducted.  When an incident merits further review, the Deputy Chief may request review of the incident by a Review Board.  The review of the incident will determine whether there are policies, training or equipment issues to be addressed.  The entities that review the incident will report their findings and/or recommendation to the Deputy Chiefi for further action.


The EWU Police Department initiated its body worn camera program Nov 1, 2020. The cameras promote professionalism, accountability and transparency by documenting officer performance and interactions with the public and serve as a useful too in collecting evidence. Body cameras prevent situations from escalating to levels where the police need to use force, and lead to a faster resolution of complaints against excessive use of force or officer misconduct. They also help identify training needs.

EWU Police Department is currently working toward IACLEA Accreditation (International Association of College Law Enforcement Administrators). Accreditation provides greater accountability and competency in daily operations. Officers and staff know what the policies and procedures are, how to perform them, and that they are accountable to them.

The IACLEA Accreditation Standards allow agencies to demonstrate compliance with state-of-the-art standards, while retaining policies and programs that are unique to the needs of their campus communities. On March 5, 2021, the IACLEA Accreditation Commission released nine standards (six new and three modified) that align with Standards for Certification on Safe Policing for Safe Communities, the executive order President Trump issued following the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer in May 2020.

EWU Police Department hopes to be fully accredited in 2024.

Drug and Alcohol Laws/Policies

For the most up to date information regarding the EWU Student Conduct Code please see the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities site at http://test-inside.ewu.edu/srr/.

EWU Policy 602-01 Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention dated December 13, 2016

Chapter 172-64 WAC, Alcohol Policy at Eastern Washington University Revised 3/4/2021

Note: WAC is an abbreviation of “Washington Administrative Code”

WAC 172-64-010  Policy.  Alcoholic beverages may be possessed, sold, served, and/or consumed on university owned or operated property and/or at university sponsored events and activities only as provided for in this chapter.

EWU prohibits the unlawful possession, use, consumption or distribution of alcohol by students, employees, or visitors on university property or during any university-sponsored program or activity, whether held on or off campus. Members of the university community are responsible for complying with these rules as well as all state laws regarding the use, possession and/or distribution of alcohol.

The university will respond to reported or suspected violations of these rules and take appropriate action, up to and including referral to law enforcement agencies for criminal prosecution.

University employees, students, and student organizations are subject to disciplinary action for violations of these rules and associated state laws, local ordinances, and university policies.

WAC 172-64-020  Alcohol use in university residence halls.

(1) Applicability. This section establishes rules for alcoholic beverages in residence halls that are owned or operated by Eastern Washington University.

(2) General policy. Persons, who are at least twenty-one years old, may possess and consume alcoholic beverages in the privacy of individual residence hall rooms subject to the requirements of this section.

(3) Restrictions.

(a) Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in any areas of residence halls outside of individual rooms including, but not limited to, hallways, entrances, corridors, lounges, and reception areas.

(b) Doors to individual residence hall rooms must remain closed while alcohol is being consumed.

(c) Kegs, common source containers, and nonalcoholic brews such as “near beer” are prohibited.

(d) Selling or providing alcohol to minors is prohibited.

(e) Alcohol is prohibited in any residence hall room where any student living in the room is under twenty-one years old, regardless of whether the under-age student is present or not.

(f) Alcohol may not be consumed in any room where any person present is under twenty-one years old.

(g) Alcohol may not be consumed in any area designated as alcohol-free housing.

(h) Residents in Brewster Hall or the apartments, who are at least twenty-one years old, may have alcohol in their individual room but not in their common room areas if any of their suitemates are under twenty-one except for approved family housing.

(i) Vendors may not deliver alcohol to residence halls or any other campus area except as provided for in WAC 172-64-090.

(j) Alcohol must not be visible to the public when carried into a residence hall.

(k) Alcohol containers may not be used as decorative pieces in residence halls.

(l) Students shall comply with reasonable requests by university staff to provide identification, proof of age, and/or show contents of a container when requested.

(m) Possession and consumption of alcohol in the privacy of individual residence hall rooms must not infringe on the privacy and peace of other individuals.

(n) Residence hall or housing funds may not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.

(4) Alcohol-free housing. Per RCW 28B.10.575, the university shall notify all students applying for student housing of the availability of housing where all alcoholic beverage use is prohibited. The university shall accommodate student requests for alcohol-free housing.

(5) Awareness. The university shall distribute to students in university residence halls the process for reporting violations and complaints of alcohol and illegal drug use, the policies and procedures for investigating such complaints, and sanctions that may be applied for violations of the institution’s alcohol and illegal drug use policies.

WAC 172-64-030  Alcohol use in private university residences.  Persons of legal age may possess, consume, and/or serve alcohol inside university-owned buildings other than residence halls or the apartments when the buildings are being used as private residence, such as the University House.

WAC 172-64-040  Alcohol use at on-campus events and events off-campus that are sponsored by the university.

(1) On University Property. This section establishes rules for possessing, consuming, selling, and/or serving alcoholic beverages on university-owned or operated property, regardless of whether an event is sponsored by the university and regardless of whether event sponsors are affiliated with the university.

(a) Sponsor requirements. Sponsors of an event where alcohol is to be possessed, sold, served and/or consumed, must comply with the following requirements:

(i) Obtain written permission from the appropriate official(s)in advance of the event:

(A) Student clubs and organizations must obtain permission from the student activities office;

(B) For all other requests, sponsors must obtain permission from the vice president for business and finance or designee;

(ii) Contact event planning to request a banquet permit or a special occasion license per WAC 172-64-070;

(iii) Comply with all Washington state laws, chapter 172-64 WAC, all other university rules and policies; and any additional instructions provided to the event/activity sponsor as a condition of approval;

(iv) Ensure Washington state alcohol serving requirements are enforced:

(A) Event sponsors must ensure that all persons designated to serve alcohol are at least twenty-one years old and have received alcohol server training.

(B) Event sponsors must ensure that servers check ID and do not serve alcohol to any person who is under twenty-one years old or who appears intoxicated;

(v) Prohibit serving alcohol during normal, university business hours unless an exception has been granted as part of the request under (a) of this subsection;

(vi) Prohibit persons from bringing alcoholic beverages into the event unless specifically authorized by the banquet permit or special occasion license;

(vii) Prohibit persons from taking alcoholic beverages outside of the approved alcohol use area, except for beer/wine in the original unopened container that is sold or auctioned for off-premises consumption as specifically authorized by a special occasion license;

(viii) Provide food or snacks and nonalcoholic beverages at the same place as alcoholic beverages and feature nonalcoholic beverages at least as prominently as alcoholic beverages;

(ix) Inform university police of the event and consult with the university police about appropriate security measures. The university police shall determine appropriate security measures to be taken for on-campus events where alcohol is to be possessed, consumed, sold, and/or served. University police shall coordinate with the event’s sponsor and appropriate university personnel to assist in compliance with state laws and university rules; and,

(x) Gifts, awards, and rewards. Alcoholic beverages may not be provided as gifts or awards to any person as part of any event conducted under a special occasion license.

(2) Publicity and advertising of events on campus and off campus. The following rules apply to any events on university-owned or operated property as well as university-sponsored events off campus.

(a) Events conducted under a banquet permit are by invitation only and may not be advertised to the public.

(b) All announcements and advertisements concerning an event including, but not limited to, flyers, notices, posters, banners, tee-shirts and newspaper and radio announcements, must:

(i) Note the availability of nonalcoholic beverages at least as prominently as the availability of alcoholic beverages;

(ii) State that proper identification is required in order to be served or sold alcoholic beverages; and

(iii) Not make reference to the amount of alcoholic beverages available at the event.

(c) All announcements and advertisements, as well as any promotions of specific alcoholic beverage brands at the event:

(i) Must not make reference to any form of drinking contest. Drinking contests and similar activities which encourage the rapid and/or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited;

(ii) Must not portray drinking as a solution to personal or academic problems or as necessary to social, sexual, or academic success; and

(iii) Must not encourage any form of alcohol abuse or place emphasis on quantity or frequency of consumption.

(3) University-sponsored events off campus.

(a) All university-sponsored events involving the consumption of alcohol must take place outside of normal university business hours unless permission is obtained in advance from the vice president for business and finance or designee.

(b) If a university sponsored event is hosted off campus at the site of a private vendor, individuals may purchase alcohol from the private vendor. The private vendor is responsible for complying with all relevant state and local laws.

(c) If a university sponsored event is hosted off campus at an employee’s private residence, university employees are prohibited from serving or providing alcohol to any university students.

WAC 172-64-050  Alcohol use during group trips.

(1) This section applies to the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages by university employees and/or students when participating in a university sponsored or supported group trip including, but not limited to, group attendance at conferences, conventions, seminars, training, field trips, etc.

(2) Unless an exception has been granted per subsection (3) of this section, during supervised periods of a group trip (e.g., when work, instruction, or official business is being conducted) employees and students shall not possess or consume alcohol.

(3) Exceptions may be granted if the trip involves attending a function where the consumption of alcohol is a cultural or social expectation. Examples of such functions include, but are not limited to, receptions, cultural exchanges, and professional gatherings. Requests for exceptions must be made to the appropriate vice president. For approved requests, participants must:

(a) Comply with all applicable local laws; and

(b) Comply with all additional requirements and/or instructions provided as a condition of the approval.

(4) Notwithstanding any other rules or exceptions under this policy, university employees and students shall not:

(a) Consume alcohol during any period of time when they are responsible for the care and/or transportation of other group members;

(b) Transport alcoholic beverages in any vehicle, including personal and rental vehicles, used in support of a group trip.

WAC 172-64-060  Sponsorship by alcohol manufacturers, distributors, and vendors.  University groups may accept donations of alcoholic beverages, funds, or other sponsorship from manufacturers, distributors, or vendors of alcoholic beverages, so long as such sponsorship is in compliance with state laws and regulations and has been approved by the vice president for business and finance.

WAC 172-64-070  Banquet permits and special occasion licenses.  A banquet permit or a special occasion license must be obtained in order to permit alcoholic beverages to be possessed, sold, served, and/or consumed on university owned or operated property and/or at university-sponsored events and activities.

Banquet permits and special occasion licenses have specific rules concerning alcohol serving, sales (including raffles and gifts), event advertising, and related issues as contained in chapters 314-05 and 314-18 WAC.

Event organizers must contact EWU event planning to initiate the process for obtaining a banquet permit or special occasion license. Banquet permits and special occasion licenses are issued by the Washington state liquor and cannabis board.

WAC 172-64-080  Application for a liquor license.  The board of trustees of Eastern Washington University approves the sale of alcohol on the premises of Eastern Washington University, and reserves the right to subsequently adopt rules and regulations governing the same.

The board of trustees delegates to the university president, or designee, the responsibility for investigating and establishing a program to implement the board’s policy of permitting alcohol to be sold on campus. Such program may only be implemented with board approval.

WAC 172-64-090  Alcohol sales and delivery on university owned or operated property.  Vendors may not sell and/or deliver alcohol on property owned or operated by the university except as is necessary to support a function that has obtained a banquet permit or a special occasion license, or for sales or deliveries to an on-campus entity or business holding a valid liquor license.

WAC 172-64-100  University enforcement of alcohol policy.  The university may take action under this chapter for any violations over which it has jurisdiction.

Violations of this chapter may also be violations of federal, state, or local laws. A person may face criminal and civil prosecution as well as university disciplinary action for violation of these regulations and/or related laws. University enforcement of this chapter may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following civil or criminal proceedings in the courts.

(1) Student violations. Violations of these rules by students and/or recognized student organizations will be reported to the dean of students for possible action under the Student conduct code, chapter 172-121 WAC.

(2) Employee violations. Violations by university employees may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, in accordance with applicable rules, collective bargaining agreements, and university policies.

(3) Guest violations. Guests who violate this chapter may be removed from campus or be given a notice against trespass.

Drug-Free Zone

As regulated at Title 21, USC, Section 860: distribution, possession with the intent of distribution, or manufacture of a controlled substance in, or within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising Eastern Washington University, is subject to additional penalties as defined in that code.

The following is a partial list of illicit drugs considered to be controlled substances by the State of Washington (RCW 69.50): Narcotics (opium and cocaine, and all drugs extracted, derived, or synthesized from opium and cocaine, including crack cocaine and heroin); methamphetamine; barbiturates; and hallucinogenic substances (LSD, peyote, mescaline, psilocybin, PCP, THC, MDA, STP).

A. State Penalties for Illegal Sale of Controlled Substances
The illegal sale of any controlled substance is punishable by up to 5 years in prison, $10,000 fine, or both.

B. State Penalties for Illegal Manufacture or Delivery of Controlled Substances
Narcotics: up to 10 years in prison, $25,000-$100,00 fine, or both. Non-narcotics: up to five years in prison, $10,000 fine, or both.

C. State Penalties for Possession of Controlled Substances
Possession of any controlled substance is punishable by up to five years in prison, a $10,000 fine, or both. More severe penalties are provided for persons convicted of providing controlled substances to minors and for repeat offenses.

Civil penalties of up to $10,000 may also be imposed for possession of small amounts of controlled substances, whether or not criminal prosecution is pursued.

Please note: Marijuana remains illegal under federal law and policies regarding marijuana at EWU remain unchanged. The University follows the federal Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (20 USC 1145g). It is illegal to produce, distribute or use marijuana on EWU property or during school sanctioned events.

Weapons on Campus

WAC 172-122-120


Violations of this section are subject to appropriate disciplinary or legal action.

(1) Possession, carrying, discharge or other use of any weapon is prohibited on property owned or controlled by Eastern Washington University, except as permitted in subsections (2) through (5) of this section. Examples of weapons under this section include, but are not limited to: Explosives, chemical weapons, shotguns, rifles, pistols, air guns, BB guns, pellet guns, longbows, hunting bows, throwing weapons, stun guns, electroshock weapons, and any item that can be used as an object of intimidation and/or threat, such as replica or look-a-like weapons.

(2) Commissioned law enforcement officers may carry weapons, which have been issued by their respective law enforcement agencies, while on campus or other university controlled property, including residence halls. Law enforcement officers must notify the university police of their presence on campus upon arrival.

(3) A person may possess a personal protection spray device, as authorized by RCW 9.91.160, while on property owned or controlled by Eastern Washington University.

(4) A person may bring a weapon onto campus for display or demonstration purposes directly related to a class or other educational activity, provided that they obtain prior authorization from the university police department. The university police department shall review any such request and may establish conditions to the authorization.

(5) Weapons that are owned by the institution for use in organized recreational activities or by special groups, such as EWU ROTC or university-sponsored clubs or teams, must be stored in a location approved by the university police department. These weapons must be checked out by the advisor or coach and are to be used only in organized recreational activities or by legitimate members of the club or team in the normal course of the club or team’s related activity.

[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12). WSR 14-24-040, § 172-122-120, filed 11/24/14, effective 12/25/14; WSR 92-22-001, § 172-122-120, filed 10/21/92, effective 11/21/92.]

Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)/Drones on Campus

Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)/Drones on Campus. Prior to any UAS operations on university property, the UAS Request Form must be completed and submitted to police@ewu.edu for review by the Director of Public Safety. The requestor must also read WAC 172-110, Drones and Model Aircraft.

Effective: December 24, 2015



These rules govern the use of drones and model aircraft:

(1) By university employees and students operating a drone or model aircraft in any location as part of their university employment or as part of university activities; and

(2) The operation by any person of a drone or model aircraft on or above Eastern Washington University property.


University approval required.

The operation of drones and model aircraft is regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and relevant state law. Eastern Washington University is committed to ensuring compliance with those legal standards and reducing risks to safety, security and privacy. The use of any drone or model aircraft either on or above university property or by a university employee or student during a university activity is prohibited, unless prior authorization for such use is obtained from the director of public safety in accordance with this chapter.



Throughout this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:

(1) “Eastern Washington University property” includes all buildings, grounds, and land that are owned, leased, occupied, and/or operated by Eastern Washington University.

(2) “Director” means the Eastern Washington University director of public safety or designee.

(3) “Drones” refers to all types of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and includes any aircraft that is operated without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft and associated elements.

(4) “Model aircraft refers to unmanned aircraft systems that are used solely for hobby and/or recreational purposes. A model aircraft is capable of sustained flight and must be flown within the visual line of sight of the person operating the aircraft.

(5) “Navigable airspace means the airspace of the United States above the minimum altitudes of flight prescribed by the regulations of the FAA, including airspace needed to ensure safety in the takeoff and landing of aircraft.

(6) “Commercial purpose” means the transportation of persons or property or other use of drones for compensation or hire.


University use of drones.

The university, in carrying out its educational, research, and service missions, may make use of drones when granted authorization to do so by the FAA.

A university employee or student who wishes to operate a drone as part of their university employment or an official university activity must contact the director. Any use must be approved in advance by the director. The director will ensure the use complies with FAA regulations and university policy. The director, in conjunction with the requestor, will submit any necessary requests for authorization to the FAA.

Any university employee, student, or unit purchasing a UAS (or the parts to assemble a UAS) with university funds or funds being disbursed through a university account, or grant funds, must contact the director to pursue needed approval(s).

Any use or work on UAS technology by university employees and students must comply with the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, Export Administration Regulations, and Office of Foreign Asset Control regulations.


Nonuniversity use of drones.

Anyone planning to use a drone on or above Eastern Washington University property for a nonuniversity purpose shall:

(1) Obtain approvalfrom the director; (2) Provide proof of FAA approval;

(3) Enter into a contract which holds the university harmless from any resultant claims or harm to individuals and damage to university property; and

(4) Provide proof of insurance as required by the director.


Use of model aircraft.

Use of model aircraft on or above Eastern Washington University property requires the advance approval of the director and is subject to the following restrictions:

(1) Model aircraft must be kept within visual sight line of the operator at all times;

(2) Model aircraft must weigh under fifty-five pounds unless certified by an aeromodeling community-based organization; and

(3) Model aircraft must be flown a sufficient distance from populated areas.

Use of a drone for university purposes, including research and instruction, does not fall within this section and must comply with WAC 172-110-040.


Prohibited locations for use of drones and model aircraft.

The use of drones and model aircraft is prohibited in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy in accordance with accepted social norms. These areas include, but are not limited to, restrooms, locker rooms, in and around residential buildings or facilities, individual residential rooms, changing or dressing rooms, health treatment rooms, campus daycare facilities, and university offices and work areas. Drones and model aircraft may not be used to monitor or record institutional or personal information which may be found, for example, on computer or other electronic displays.


Director of public safety.

(1) The director of public safety shall ensure that the use of drones and model aircraft subject to these rules Is in compliance with applicable federal and state laws.

(2) The director shall consider ethical issues related to a proposed use of drones or model aircraft prior to approving such use.

(3) The director shall keep the vice president for business and finance informed of any use of drones or model aircraft under these rules.

(4) In responding to a proposed use of a drone or model aircraft,the director may approve the use as proposed, may require modification of the proposal, or may deny the proposal.

(5) The director may deny any proposed use of a drone or model aircraft that he/she determines constitutes a commercial use or is otherwise not authorized under federal, state, or local laws or regulations.

(6) If the director denies a proposed use, the denial may be appealed, in writing, to the vice president for business and finance.

(7) The director shall provide ongoing review of approved drone and model aircraft use.

(8) With the approval of the vice president for business and finance, the director may develop procedures for implementing these rules.

(9) The director may suspend or terminate any use of drones or model aircraft deemed inconsistent with previously approved use, and/or the requirements of federal, state, or local regulations.



The university may trespass or pursue other legal action against persons who violate this chapter.

Damages resulting from the use of drones or model aircraft shall be the responsibility of the persons or units involved.