Study Groups

The Program Leading to University Success (PLUS) offers a variety of FREE peer-led collaborative study groups for courses on the quarter and semester schedules. These include traditionally difficult 100 and 200 level courses and a few 300 level courses. Student attendees gain confidence in mastering content, asking questions of their peers and faculty, and applying new learning strategies.

Weekly sessions are led by study group leaders, also known as PALs (peer-assisted leaders), who received a high final course grade, a faculty recommendation, and attend weekly training sessions. PALs integrate content and learning strategies, including review of lecture notes, textbook readings, problem-solving exercises, and pair or team-based activities that promote active learning and collaboration.

On average, participants that attend 5+ sessions in a quarter receive a 0.50 higher course grade than their peers in the course who did not attend study group sessions.

How do study groups work?

  • Attendance is not mandatory and there is no sign-up required.
  • Assigned study group leaders are tasked to work hand-in-hand with the faculty leading the course to create lesson plans and collaborative learning activities to promote comprehension of the subject material.
  • Study groups provide supplemental learning for a specific course and section, open to all students enrolled in said course/section.
  • Study groups meet twice per week (50 minutes each) or once per week (~2 hour sessions) in the Learning Commons of JFK Library or in various locations on the Spokane campus.
  • Weekly session dates and times are determined by student polling in class the first week of the term or by email.

*2023 – 2024 Survey Results

What Do Students Like About PLUS Study Groups?*

Teacher teaching on a white board

“Very helpful, I got an A in my class and understood the concepts well thanks to my study group leader.”

“The study group leader really did make me feel like I understood the material and was a big help in presenting the material in a more clear way if it was confusing. Overall my experience with this group was great and I would recommend it to anyone asking about it.”

“It was a good resource to help yourself understand where you’re struggling and apply methods to help make it better.”

“All of the PLUS group leaders have been great and very resourceful and knowledgeable. They have all been amazing in helping me adjust to the OT Masters Program.”

For more information, please contact Anna Tadlock:
(509) 359-6415
EWU Learning Commons, JFK Library, M22