Temporary Medical Condition Parking Permits
In an effort to assist students and employees who have a temporary condition that impairs their mobility, Eastern Washington University now offers Temporary Medical Condition (TMC) parking permits.
Permit Entitlements: TMC permits are not lot specific – permit holders may park in any EWU parking lot. TMC permit holders may park in standard parking stalls only – parking in ADA or reserved stalls is prohibited. If no standard parking stalls are open, permit holders may park at a meter. TMC permits must be displayed at all times.
Permit Dates: The expiration date of a TMC permit is determined based on the duration of the applicant’s need, rounded up to the nearest week, not to exceed 12 weeks. The duration of the applicant’s need shall be based exclusively on restrictions identified by their health care provider. Applicants may, however, purchase TMC permits for less than the duration of need.
- If a student or employee has a medical condition that is expected to impair their mobility for more than 12 weeks, they should request a Disabled Person license plate or placard from the Washington State Department of Licensing and then purchase an EWU disabled parking permit.
- If a person with a TMC permit reaches the 12 week limit but has still not regained sufficient mobility (as documented by their licensed health care provider), they should contact Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) for assistance.
Fees: TMC permit fees are $7/week for the first 2 weeks, $5/week for weeks 3 – 8, and $3/week for weeks 9 -12. Thus, a 2-week permit would cost $14, an 8-week permit would cost $44, and a 12-week permit would cost $56.
Eligibility and Application: TMC permits are available to EWU students and employees with a medical condition that impairs their mobility. Students shall request a TMC permit by contacting Disability Support Services (DSS). Employees shall request a TMC permit by contacting Human Resource Services (HR). Requestors shall complete an application and provide documentation from a licensed health care provider to support their request. At a minimum, documentation should clearly indicate any mobility restrictions and the duration of those restrictions.
Pre-Eligibility Application: If a student or employee has a scheduled medical treatment that is expected to impair their mobility, they are encouraged to apply for a TMC permit beforehand. In such cases, a TMC permit may be obtained in advance so that the person already has the permit when they return to campus.
Contact: For more information, please contact Disability Support Services (DSS) at 359-6871, Caren Lincoln (HR) at 359-2384, or Michelle Rasmussen (Eagle Services) at 359-6520.