Residential Hall Permits

Spring Quarter Permit Sales – Delayed

Parking Services is in the midst of a software change and the completion of the project will be some time during spring break.   The date of purchase will likely open the last week of March or first week of April.  No citations will be issued for quarterly permits until the system is up and running.  Thank you. Updated: 3/3/2025.

Residential Hall Permits

Parking space near residence halls is limited. Your parking permit does not guarantee a space next to your residence hall. If all legal spaces in the lot next to your hall are full, you must park in another valid residential hall lot or overflow lot. Residence Hall (RH) – Dressler, Dryden, Louis Anderson, Morrison, Pearce, snyamncut, and Streeter Hall residents’ are issued a universal RH permit which is valid ONLY at P-13 and/or P-16, with annually approved overflow parking in P-12. Brewster Hall (DH) residents are issued a permit for the lot across from Brewster Hall on Second Street and/or the lot between First and Second on G Street. RH Permit and DH permits are not interchangeable.

P-12 overflow parking is subject to game-day and special event rules. All RH permit holders must remove their vehicles in P-12 and P-16 by 5:00 p.m. Friday night prior to all Saturday EWU home football games.

RH and DH permits may be purchased online once housing and admission paperwork has been processed. You can enter your Eagle ID number to purchase a permit online and if your paperwork has been processed you will be able to proceed.

Annual Parking Permit – $265.00

Quarterly Parking Permit – $105.00

Purchase A Parking Permit Here

You can purchase your residential hall parking permit here. If you are living in one of the on campus halls you want to choose the RH permit. If you are living at Brewster Hall you want the DH permit.

Campus Map Here

This map will assist you to find your parking lot near your residence hall.

Ewu campus path to a dorm

Eastern Washington University
Parking and Transportation Services
120 Tawanka Hall
Cheney WA 99004

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