Why did we remove the coin parking meters?
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Set up account here

Mobile pay stalls will accept payments with a credit/debit card via the mobile app. Those without smartphones or who prefer not to download the app may call a toll-free number and use their credit/debit card.
Need the PayByPhone Parking App? Get it right here!
Parking Meter and Disability Permits
State issued disability license plate and placard holders may park free at City of Cheney parking meters. Meters on Washington, Elm and Fifth streets are under City of Cheney jurisdiction. A valid disability license plate or placard must be posted and visible.
When parking in a campus parking lot a EWU disability parking permit is required. Parking Meters within EWU parking lots must be paid even with an ADA placard.
Eastern Washington University
Parking and Transportation Services
120 Tawanka Hall
Cheney WA 99004