The EWU Office for Diversity and Inclusion is pleased to announce its next offering in its Diversity Essentials series: How (Not) to Talk to Your Colleagues About Race: Acknowledging Identity with Respect and Humility on Monday, Dec. 14, 2020, from noon-1:30 p.m., presented by Kim Davis.
This workshop is available to all faculty, staff, students and administrators. It will be facilitated through Zoom.
Join us for a frank, searching discussion about:
- How to talk about race in a way that centers the concerns of the most affected
- Identity and representation in the workplace
- Particular issues relating to representation in higher education staffing
- How to create a workplace culture that is affirming of the whole person
Please RSVP attendance to Kim Davis at kdavis2@ewu.edu or call 509.359.6874. You will receive the Zoom link and password upon registering.