Transformation Through Sharing and Expressing Our Narratives – Change the World, Say Our Names, Tell Our Stories.
Nearly 60 years have passed since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his historic I Have a Dream speech at our nation’s capital. The intent of the speech was to awaken the consciousness of the nation to its failure to deliver on the promise of American liberalism that “we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.” Then, as now, white supremacy and racial segregation divided the nation along a color line, one that provided social and psychological advantages, and frequently economic advantages, to those who were white.
In light of rampant unemployment and poverty, restricted voting rights, and staggering police brutality, Dr. King claimed that it was time “to make real the promises of democracy” and that it was time for Negroes to cash the nation’s check to “make justice a reality for all God’s children.” So, in 2021 how are we doing?
EWU’s Africana Studies Senior Lecturer Angela Schwendiman addresses how far we’ve come and how far we need to go to achieve Dr. King’s dream in a segment of The Lisa Show.
See the list below for more Black History Month programming available. And for more resources and information, please visit the EWU Africana Studies website.
EWU Black History Month 2021
Transformation Through Sharing and Experiencing Our Narratives—Change the World, Say Our Names, Tell Our Stories
The Power of the Black Lives Matter Movement
Date: Thursday, Feb. 11
Time: 1-2 p.m.
Description: A panel discussion by the Africana Studies faculty on ‘How has the Black Lives Matter Movement transformed our lives personally and the consciousness of people globally?’
Cultural Conversations: What’s Love Got to Do With It
Date: Tuesday, Feb. 16
Time: 12-1:30 p.m.
Description: What’s love got to do…with relationships, commitment, marriage, and communication? Is love enough? Does love endure all? In this Cultural Conversation three interracial and multiracial couples will uncover: What’s love got to do with it?
Love in the Time of COVID-19 and #BLM, #M4BL
Date: Wednesday, Feb. 17
Time: 1-2 p.m.
Description: Dr. Rachel R. Chapman is a Black feminist activist anthropologist who uses alternative and native (alter/native) and anti-racist approaches to decolonizing anthropology for social transformation and racial justice. In this conversation, Dr. Chapman updates us on her recent work on African American reproductive health care issues in Seattle during the pandemic.
Limitations of Research in Promoting Social Justice
Date: Thursday, Feb. 18
Time: 12-1 p.m.
Description: Dr. Ed Byrnes will facilitate a discussion about social justice that begins with his research regarding policing and race in the City of Spokane.
Minding My Black-Owned Business
Date: Wednesday, Feb. 24
Time: 12-1:30 p.m.
Description: “Minding My Black Owned Business” invites Black professionals and business owners to showcase and celebrate their brilliance in art, food, design, music, and hair. The panel will share their experiences being Black business owners and the importance of community support. Join us to win FREE products (apparel, music, art, hair products, etc.) from each of the business owners represented!
BLM Roundtable Discussion
Date: Thursday, Feb. 25
Time: 6-7:30 p.m.
Description: Attend and discuss changes that have resulted from the Black Lives Matter movement, current events, and action we can take going forward.
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