Seeking First-Gen Employees!

The CHST Peer Mentoring Program is seeking first-generation identified EWU employees who are willing to be professional mentors.

The Chicana/o/x Studies Program (CHST) is excited to present the second year of the Peer Mentoring Program. The Chicana/o/x Studies Program recognizes the need for first-generation first-years and transfer students to be mentored by their peers who’ve experienced the same college transition and understand the resources they will need to navigate this institution. Our Peer Mentoring Program holds two tiers, first tier: first year students partnered with upperclassman for mentorship. Second tier, upperclassmen are partnered with community mentors to receive professional development and career wisdom. A community mentor can consist of an alumni, faculty, staff, or community member. The purpose of this structure is to provide professional growth for students during their undergraduate and develop an easier pathway into the workforce with the skills obtained in mentorship and the program.

This is where you come in!
The CHST Peer Mentoring Program is seeking first-generation identified EWU employees who are willing to be professional mentors towards our juniors & seniors. The more professional mentors available, the more opportunities for connection and networking there are for our students.

Time Commitment
As a professional mentor, you will be meeting with your student at least 6 times a quarter, depending on your and your mentee’s schedules. The purpose of the meetings will be to share job wisdom, career advice, opportunities, and other avenues that will help your student be successful in the workforce.

To get started, head over to Eagle Career Network to fill out your profile completely and send us an email letting us know you are interested. We will be sending out instructions and details in mid-September of 2021. We look forward to having you in our program.

For More Information:

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