The MESA program at EWU has three main pillars: EWU student support, K-12 and community outreach, and STEM teacher development.

K-12 Summer Camps
EWU faculty, staff, and students in the college of STEM host two camps each summer to support future scientists. Both camps include activities from a variety of sciences so that students see some of the variety in what it means to be a scientist. All of the activities are student-centered, and many (e.g., making Chapstick) result in a product that campers can take home to remember their experience.
The Girls+ STEM Camp is for kids who will be in grades 3-5 in the upcoming school year. Here’s an article about the camp from its inaugural year. For more information or to register for the camp, go to https://test-inside.ewu.edu/girlsplusstemcamp/.
The Middle School MESA camp is for kids who have participated in a MESA program at their middle school, or who are just interested in learning more about science on a college campus. For more information or to register for the camp, go to https://test-inside.ewu.edu/middleschoolmesacamp/.
Women Elevate STEM (WE STEM+) Career Summer Academy
The WE STEM+ Career Summer Academy is designed for students who have participated in a MESA program and completed 10th grade. In this academy, students will up to four weeks touring facilities from some of EWU’s industry partners and learning about educational pathways that lead to work in those industries. Each industry tour day is followed by classroom days with activities related to that industry and connections with community leaders. For more information about this opportunity, please contact Melissa Graham at mgraham14@ewu.edu.