EWU McNair Scholar Rachael Pentico Accepted to SUNY PhD Program

Rachael Pentico Graduate School Acceptances 2021 SY

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Rachael Pentico! Rachael has been accepted by Syracuse University’s (SUNY) College of Environmental Science and Forestry for a PhD in Ecosystems: Land, Water, and Air. Rachael has also been accepted by the University of Idaho in their Masters of Natural Resources Program.


Rachael is majoring in Biology at Eastern Washington University. Her interests and research focus on ecology and how invasive species and anthropogenic climate change will affect different ecosystems. She is a research assistant in Dr. Rebecca Brown’s lab where they are focused on restoring a section of the Palouse Prairie. For her 2020 EWU McNair Summer Research Internship, with the continued mentorship of Dr. Rebecca Brown, Rachael completed her study Differences in Plant Soil Feedbacks with Respect to Slope Aspect and has presented her research at the EWU Symposium, the Baylor McNair Research Conference, and the Murdock College Science Research Conference. Rachael plans to attain her PhD and become a professor where she can mentor students.


1 thought on “EWU McNair Scholar Rachael Pentico Accepted to SUNY PhD Program”

  1. Congratulations! I went to Syracuse and have family in the area. Connect with me if you want to know about the area.


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