Arie Gurin

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Arie Gurin graduated from EWU in 2018 with a major in Mathematics Education. His research interest is in exploring a deeper understanding of how students conceptualize mathematical ideas. His research with the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI) program at Arizona State University was focused on the development of mathematical models in biology and other subjects at a graduate level in mathematics. His future goal is to construct a curriculum in mathematics that would raise the national level in mathematical achievement in K-12 schools. In 2018 Arie was accepted into the University of Georgia’s MA in Math as well as the University of Florida’s MA in Math Education.

2017 McNair Faculty Research Mentor: Dr. Carlos Castillo – Mathematics

Arie has been accepted into University of Florida!

Arie Gurin has been accepted into University of Florida. Go Arie! Great work!

Arie Gurin accepted into University of Georgia

Arie Gurin, who has worked with Dr. Carlos Castillo this year, has been accepted into the Masters in Math program at University of Georgia! So great! Keep Up the hard work!  

Arie has completed his summer research

This summer, Arie Gurin completed an internship at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute at Arizona State University. What a great opportunity! Keep up the good work Arie!

Arie Gurin presenting research at SACNAS

  Arie Gurin will be traveling to Salt Lake City, Utah to present their research at the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), the largest diversity in STEM conference in the country. What an incredible opportunity! Congratulations!

Arie has been accepted into a summer research program!

Arie Gurin has been accepted into the Math and Biology Institute Summer Research Experience for 2017. Arie will have the opportunity to collaborate with fellow participants, graduate students, postdoctoral students, and create a group research project at Arizona State University!

New Scholars 2017

PLEASE WELCOME OUR NEW SCHOLARS: Josiah Van Egdom, Monica Villegas, Jaimie Kenney, Arie Gurin, Felix Beltran, Sandra Espinosa, Mario Aguilar, Laurisa Ankley, Ereisa G. Morales-López, Kimberly Jones, Kim Jones, Christina Ramelow, Travis Stephens, Michelle Abunaja, Loni Taber, Elvin Cabrera, Shawn Stratte. Ewu Trio McNair Scholar  

Ariel McMillan – National Conference on Race&Ethnicity In American Higher Education

This June Ariel McMillan presented her research, “Perceptions of Oppression White Students of Eastern Washington University,” at the National Conference on Race & Ethnicity In American Higher Education in San Francisco, California. Ariel attended the conference as a student scholarship recipient and says that the conference experience “was beyond productive and insightful!”  

NCUR 2016

This week the National Conference on Undergraduate Research is being held at the University of North Carolina-Asheville campus. Our EWU McNair Scholars Diana Ocampo, Jose Razo, Anna Kravtsova and Ariel McMillan will be presenting their research there! Check out their research abstracts below! Attitudes and Motivations of First-Generation Spanish Heritage Speakers by Diana Ocampo Motivations for Academic Achievement … Read more

Ariel McMillan – Diversity Week

Meet Ariel McMillan, a new McNair scholar for the 2015-2016 year, who was recently a student speaker during EWU’s Diversity Week in May. Below is an interview with Ariel her involvement in Diversity Week.   Tell us about how you got involved in Diversity Week: I was introduced to presenting at Diversity Week because of … Read more