EWU McNair Scholar Rachael Pentico Completes Summer Research Internship

Rachael Pentico Research 2020

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Rachael Pentico for completing her EWU McNair Summer Research Internship! Rachael did field research this summer on the Palouse Prairie under the mentorship of Dr. Rebecca Brown in the Department of Biology. Rachael presented her preliminary research from Spring 2020, A Review of Plant-Soil Feedbacks and Their Importance For Palouse Prairie Restoration and Management, at the 2020 EWU Virtual Symposium. More recently she presented her summer research Differences in Plant Soil Feedbacks with Respect to Slope Aspect at the virtual Baylor McNair Research Conference. Many thanks to Dr. Rebecca Brown for mentoring Rachael in all of these graduate school preparation processes. Read more about Rachael’s research on her EWU McNair webpage.


Rachael recently completed her application for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and is now hard at work applying to graduate schools around the country. Keep up the amazing work Rachael! EWU McNair is confident that you will succeed in graduate school and beyond.

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