Eastern Washington University is home to over 130 student organizations that provide members with opportunities to develop as leaders, network with campus and community resources, and develop a support system while at EWU.
Below is a list of some of the student groups on campus. For a full list of clubs and organizations check out EagleSync!
Associated Students of EWU (ASEWU)
We commit ourselves to the students of EWU to act as a resource for student activism, provide students with leadership opportunities, and to be an informed, unified student voice.

Asian Student Association (ASA)
The Asian Student Association focuses on creating programs, events, and initiatives to support, educate, and appreciate Asian and Asian American students and the EWU Community.

Black Student Union (BSU)
The Black Student Union (BSU) is a student organization working closely with Africana Studies to provide a variety of academic and socio-cultural events on the campus and in the wider Cheney/Spokane community.

Diversified Greek Council
The Diversified Greek Council is the governing body for culturally-based and multicultural sororities and fraternities at Eastern Washington University. The DGC Community is comprised of 6 sororities and 3 fraternities, united through their purpose to create strong individuals and communities. DGC member organizations are highly dedicated to serving the community and engaging in philanthropic work.
Eagle Pride
The Pride Center strives to be a welcoming and affirming place for all EWU community members, particularly those who identify as LGBTQ+ and allies.

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano/a de Aztlán (Chicano/a Student Movement of Aztlán) is a student created organization that began during the 1960’s civil rights and Chicano movement.

Native American Student Association (NASA)
NASA is comprised of over 50 active Native and non-Native American EWU students committed to supporting the Native American community.

Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Club (NHPI)
The Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Club strives to perpetuate Pacific cultures while supporting students to make academic progress and promote professional growth.

QTPOC (Queer & Trans People of Color) focuses on providing a social space for our LGBTQ+ students of color on campus and their allies, as well as campus activism for issues that impact these communities.